Sunday, January 12, 2014


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Universal Law 11:  The Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm says that there is an ebb and flow to all things in the universe.  Everything is in motion, and there is a pattern in the movements.  It is a cycle that repeats over and over, such as the seasons.  Think of a pendulum moving back and forth—this is the Law of Rhythm in action.

To understand the Law is to understand life and be able to go with the flow, knowing that the pendulum will swing back eventually.  If you allow the swinging to happen and don’t fight it, then you will be letting the Law work for you rather than against you.  If you resist rather than just going with it, you may encounter problems because you are fighting against a natural Law.  If there is a downturn in your life, it is better to accept this, knowing that things will eventually change—they have to.

It is important to trust that things will swing the other way instead of focusing on the negative when you are on the downswing.  Attention on negativity causes this negative energy to hang around longer, so being conscious of this Law helps you get back into a positive state because you know that things will improve.  How long this takes is up to you, because attention is intention.

The best rule of thumb is to stop resisting when a challenge comes into your life.  Get in the flow, allow it to happen, and then let it go.  It will move much faster through your life if you do this.  Hanging on to feelings of sadness or feeling sorry for yourself will only prolong the good coming to you.

Be aware of your thoughts during difficult times so you are able to recognize when you are in a negative space.  Immediately choose to change your thoughts to positive so the pendulum can more quickly swing to where you are in a better place.  It sounds simple and can be, if you are conscious of your thoughts.

We cannot change the natural flow of rhythm, but we can choose how we ride out the current of difficulty.  We can focus on the positive that will be happening or we can resist the current by continuing to think how bad things are.

If we take time to figure out what lesson we need to learn as a result of a difficult situation, we will see the experience differently—more positively—so we can more easily move through it.  See the whole thing as a chance to learn something rather than an obstacle to get over.  We can stay positive to lessen or eliminate the effects of the negative. 

The Law of Rhythm expands the Laws of Vibration and Polarity.  We have already learned that everything vibrates and moves, and has two poles or opposites.  Now we add to that the knowledge that everything vibrates at or responds to a certain rhythm.  As Milanovich and McCune (1996) state:

“This rhythm establishes seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns—all of these reflect the regularity of God’s universe.  It may also be viewed over long periods of time as the continual creation of the universe, the rise and fall of nations, and our own birth, death, and rebirth.” (p. 234).

If we are able to control our emotions, then they do not swing too far to the opposite sides.  Once we do this, we will see our lives getting better and better.  For every high there is a low.  We cannot control this Law, but we can learn to master it through control of our emotions.

Universal Law 12:  The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender has two main parts:  (1) All things have masculine and feminine aspects; and (2) our thoughts can be seen as spiritual seeds that need to be nurtured and given time to grow so they can manifest in the physical plane.

Regarding the first part, gender relates to a division of labor that is required for everything that is created.  Both masculine and feminine energies are necessary.  The masculine energy is the spark that gets things going; it is action, movement, initiation of the creative process.  The feminine energy actually does the creative work—bringing things to fruition.  It is important for both males and females to use masculine and feminine energies, because that is what brings about balance.  When we are fully developed spiritually, we are easily able to use both energies.

El Morya succinctly describes this Law:

“The Law of Gender is the expression of yin and yang, otherwise termed feminine and masculine.  The law states that these two principles reside within all things and it is through these principles that humanity is able to create.” (Milanovich & Mccune, p. 243).

The second part of the Law is helpful when we are ready to use the Law of Attraction to manifest what we desire.

Angelheart gives six points that are important for us to know and practice if we want our “thought seeds” to be nurtured and grow.  They are:

             “1.  Know that all your thoughts are spiritual seeds.

                2.  All seeds grow and manifest in exact correct timing.

                3.  Dreams always come true as long as you have faith, hope, and trust.

4.  All seeds need attention, love and nurturing to manifest; if you switch focus off of them, they stop growing.

5.  Patience in your dreams keeps the growth happening; checking on them and digging them up will stunt their growth or kill them.

6.  Don’t just believe they will manifest.  KNOW they will manifest as well as you know the water will flow from your faucet.” (p. 79)

This concludes our discussion of 12 Universal Laws.  There are more than 12, but these are the main ones that form the basis for others, which can be considered offshoots of the main 12.

The next blog, to be posted in two weeks, will give a summary of the 12 so that you can have an easy reference guide.  Use them to make your life easier, happier, and more productive.


Angelheart, Anne E. (2011).  Twelve Universal Laws.  Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press.

Milanovich, Dr. Norma & McCune, Dr. Shirley.  (1996). The Light Shall Set You Free. 

Albuquerque, NM: Athena Publishing.



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