Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  1-12-14 through 1-25-14

5 OF CUPS:  Although you may experience a disappointment or you think things are not going your way, remember that it is best to get out of a negative space and focus on the positive.  Be grateful for all that you have.  This will allow you to move through the negative more easily.  (See Blog #8 on the Law of Rhythm for more information on this.)

5 OF SWORDS:  You have had challenges in the past, but the good thing is that you survived them by persevering and moving forward.  Set your intention that you can learn from each difficulty and end up being stronger and wiser.

THE WORLD:  Look for good things to happen during this two-week period.  You have accomplished much, and now is the time to allow things to unfold and experience all the success that you deserve.

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