Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Tarot Reading for March 2017


Blog #66: The Benefits of an Alkaline Body

Legacy of the Divine Tarot


3 OF WANDS:  This month it will behoove you to be calm as you look around and see what has transpired in the world and the changes that have been taking place.  Patience is called for as we ride the crest of the wave, unsure where it will take us.  Stay positive and upbeat, visualizing a future that is in the best interests of us all.  Don’t be so much in a hurry to see more change, or more differences in how you feel about what is happening.  We are all “waiting for our ship to come in”, and in the meantime the best thing we can do is go about our business, keeping a level head and a positive attitude.

5 OF CUPS: Things may be happening that make you uncomfortable, distressed, sad, upset, or anxious. The best thing to do is to go ahead and feel these emotions, allowing yourself to really experience them viscerally, and then just let them go. Longing for what is not in our reality will not necessarily make it so; however, we can visualize a better world where events are unfolding that bring the promise of hope and betterment for all of humanity. Look around and think of all the things you can be grateful for.  It is better to focus on these rather than what you perceive to be wrong with the world.  We are all connected, so the longer we hold on to negative feelings the more we might influence those around us with negativity. Showing gratitude can go a long way towards improving your outer world.

THE SUN:  There will be many bright spots occurring this month that will make us happy and bring smiles to our faces.  When these moments appear, drink in all that they have to offer by way of joy, contentment, satisfaction, fulfillment, rewards, and success.  Everything is not doom and gloom this month, as you will see when you start recognizing that good things are indeed happening.  Let the light of these good moments and events continue to shine for you, so that in moments of feeling down you can brighten your mood by remembering the sunshine times.

8 OF SWORDS:  Despite how hard you try, you may still feel confined, out of control, hindered, or stuck. That is ok, because you can do something about it. You do not have to wallow in self-pity or sadness; you still have free will, and you have the ability to get yourself out of whatever boundaries you have surrounded yourself with.  You have the wherewithal to break free, as the Sun energy will be present the entire month.  Your prison is of your own making, so don’t let it engulf you to the point where you go around all month feeling sorry for yourself. Now is the time to break free.  You can do it.

TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  March promises to be a month with mixed blessings, as was February.  On one hand, it will be important to exercise patience, remembering that all good things come according to divine timing, not ours.  Don’t get caught up in negative feelings that bring you down, for you may also be affecting those around you.  On the other hand, remember that the Sun energy is also with us all month, so look for bright spots where you at first see none, look for light where things seem dark, and look for happiness and joy where sadness lurks. You have the power to control your own thoughts, so prepare now to let this be a fantastic month where you are in control of what happens to you.  Decide right now that March will be a most phenomenal month that holds many opportunities and possibilities.


Blog #66:  The Benefits of an Alkaline Body

Retrieved from www.kriscarr.com
The importance of having an alkaline body is coming more to the public’s awareness as research continues to show its benefits.

So what does it mean if your body is alkaline? It means that the pH (potential of hydrogen), which is measured on a 0-14 scale, is more alkaline than acid in your body’s fluids and tissues, .  The more acid there is in your body, the lower the pH; the more alkaline, the higher it is.  A pH of 7.4 is considered optimal for the human body, which is slightly alkaline.

One explanation of what alkaline means is as follows:

“Water is the most abundant compound in the human body, comprising 70% of the body. The body has an acid-alkaline (or acid-base) ratio called the pH which is a balance between positively charged ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The body continually strives to balance pH.  When this balance is compromised many problems can occur.” (http://hellodollface.com/2013/08/whats-does-alkaline-mean-and-why-should-we-care/)

The way we keep our bodies balanced and in an alkaline state depends a lot on our diet.  If we recognize what foods are alkaline and which are acidic, we can eat more of those that are alkaline.

Why is it important for us to have an alkaline body?  Because too much acid can cause health issues, such as fatigue, a skin breakout, a slight case of irritable bowel syndrome, or a runny nose.  These are just minor, but they could be the first signs that your body is too acidic and needs to be more in balance and closer to an alkaline state.

Too much acid in your body can promote the growth of bad bacteria, yeast, and fungi.  Because the amount of good bacteria in your body is out of balance, you could be more prone to getting infections.

A major benefit of keeping your body alkaline is that you could reduce the chances of getting cancer. When the body has too much acid, oxygen levels are lowered and cellular metabolism ceases.  This could lead to the growth of cancer cells.

Some other benefits of an alkaline body are:  deeper, more restful sleep; more physical energy; fewer colds, headaches or flu; good digestion; and increased mental alertness.

Some foods and drinks that promote an alkaline body are green juice, lemon juice (just mix some warm water with lemon juice first thing in the morning), leafy greens, cucumbers, melons, and chia seeds.  Also good are avocados, figs, almonds, pumpkin seeds, green tea, and tomatoes.

Foods that create more acid in the body are processed sugar, dairy, conventional meat, and coffee.  Some others that form acid in the body are peanut butter, cranberries, corn oil, potatoes, and butter.

It is not necessary to eat only an alkaline diet, but it is important to be aware of what foods are acidic and try to stay away from them as much as possible.
