Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  5-31-15 through 6-13-15
Blog #44: How to Improve Your Intuition 
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
7 OF CUPS:  You may be feeling a little overwhelmed with all that is going on right now, and having difficulty setting priorities.  You may have many opportunities and choices to be made, realizing that some are more promising than others. Perhaps you have much that you think needs to be done right now. Remove the confusion by looking at the big picture and sort through what is most important for you at this time. Everything is not equally necessary timewise, or needs your immediate attention. Decide what two or three items are the most significant in terms of deadlines, the order in which they should be done, or their importance to you.  Then start with the first one and move on from there.
4 OF COINS:  Recognize your ability to provide for yourself. If you are having financial difficulties, have faith that you will have the resources you need by putting forth effort to achieve goals. If you have enough, be grateful for your assets and show generosity when you can. This is a reminder that the universe provides as long as we do the required work.
THE EMPRESS: The Empress represents the abundance we receive from Mother Earth, and the beauty of nature that is all around us. Take time to be outdoors a little bit so you can soak in the riches that are there. She also represents new growth, fertility, and creativity. It is a good time to nurture yourself in ways that will stimulate your imagination and joy.
BI-MONTHLY THEME: Remove confusion created through overwhelming choices by taking an analytical approach and seeing the whole picture. Then set priorities according to your needs. Be grateful for the abundance that you have, and share with others if you are able. The universe does provide for us as long as we do our work and have faith that things will work out. Take pleasure in appreciating the wonders and beauty of nature. Give yourself the gifts of self-nurturing and igniting your creativity in some way.
Blog #44:  How to Improve Your Intuition

We all have intuition, but not all of us use it for a variety of reasons.  Maybe we don’t believe that we have it, maybe we never really thought about it, or perhaps some think that it belongs in the “woo-woo” realm of unexplainable spiritual things.

The fact is that using our intuition for help and guidance is something that everyone can practice, and you may be surprised at how much better you are able to maneuver in the world once you start trusting your inner voice more.

What exactly is intuition? Intuition is a gut feeling or instinct that helps us know or sense something without knowing why we know it.  This feeling tells us to do something or not do something and is a natural process.  Psychologists say that it is very fast “pattern recognition” that happens below our conscious level.  Actually, only a small portion of our brain is concerned with conscious behavior like reasoning and making decisions.  The majority of the time our unconscious brain is seeing patterns and associations that we are not aware of.

The main point is that we do not always have the luxury of taking time to think things through or consciously analyze every decision that we make.  Sometimes we have to take a risk or a leap of faith and just go with what a strong feeling is telling us.   Two studies published in the British Journal of Psychology give excellent examples of the advantages of using intuition.  (See

Ways to improve your intuition:

Ø  Our intuition is most reliable and strongest when it relates to something we are knowledgeable about or have a lot of experience with.  So, the more experience we have with a situation, the more confidence we should have in following our intuition.

Ø  Intuition is often associated with physical changes in our bodies, such as skin tingling, goosebumps, a feeling in the pit of the stomach, or changes in heartbeat or breathing.  Therefore, body awareness is very important in increasing our ability to tap into our intuition. Practices that help us tune into our bodies such as meditation, conscious breathing, or yoga are all ways that may help improve intuition.

Ø  Like any skill, we need to practice using our intuition if we want to get better at it.  Here are some ways to do this:

n  Believe that you really are intuitive and have a desire to want to improve your intuition. Doubting has no place here, for it will just put up a block and make the process difficult when it doesn’t have to be.

n  Become more aware of yourself and your surroundings, as noted above when talking about body awareness.

n  Start guessing about small inconsequential things, such as the temperature outdoors, who is calling when the phone rings, or anticipating what a friend is going to say before anything is said.

n  Automatic writing is a good way to access the unconscious and is easy to do—just get in a quiet space, perhaps ask a question, or just start writing whatever comes to mind without analyzing or editing it. This is a good way to get ourselves outside the boxes of logic and reason (left-brain) and switch over to right-brain thinking.

n  Spend some alone time outside in nature, or indoors in a quiet place.  Ask a question about an issue you are dealing with.  Focus on it, and then let it go.  If outside, continue walking as you start to notice and observe what you see around you. For example, what animals or colors do you see?  Later you can do an online search to find out what they mean.  You can even pick up an object that you see (leaf, stone, rock, feather) and ask your intuition to give you some insights as you look at the object.

n  When you have a decision to make, start to actually use your intuition by going with your first decision rather than looking a pros and cons or changing your mind over and over.

n  Keep a dream journal so you can remember your dreams. Often insights come to us during dreams, so you may see patterns or realize that the same dream keeps occurring over and over.

n  Think about someone you know and focus on this person. Then see how long it takes for you to hear from him/her and document it.

n  As you go through your day, start observing what you see or hear—numbers, signs, billboards, a song on the radio. If you have been grappling with finding an answer to a problem, once you open your eyes to the messages around you, answers may start coming, but only if you are paying attention.

n  Pick a book at random and open it to a random page. Read what is on the page, and see if it relates to something you have been thinking about. You may get valuable insights by doing this.

n  Act on hunches you get rather than ignoring them. The hunch is your intuition speaking directly to you, so consider it to be an important piece of information.

Some guidelines

Ø  Use your intuition to ask questions about yourself, not others.

Ø  Do not give intuitive information to others unless they specifically ask for your help.

Ø  Use common sense.  Ask yourself if an intuitive answer is best in a given situation, or should you evaluate it more thoroughly.

Ø  Remember that intuition does not command us to follow what it is telling us; rather, it is one of several possibilities and perspectives.

Ø  See intuition as a gift that can help you deal with life in wondrous ways by focusing on intention and attention. 

n  State the intention to develop your intuition and then just continue with your daily life.

n  Use your attention by staying alert to what you are noticing around you.

There are many resources available that provide numerous practice exercises that will help you develop more confidence in your intuitive abilities, such as Laura Day’s Practical Intuition.  Once you make up your mind that you want to be more intuitive, you are already half way to achieving this goal.

The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

"I believe in intuitions and inspirations...I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am."

--Albert Einstein


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  5-17-15 through 5-30-15
Blog #43: Is Sun Exposure Really Important for Vitamin D? 
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

KNIGHT OF CUPS:  This is a good time to be sociable, enjoying the company and companionship of others.  You can be a shining light for those who are having difficulties because of the loving energy that emanates from you.  You can also be an inspiration by staying in a positive frame of mind and helping others see the good in situations and other people.

THE EMPEROR: A powerful bi-weekly in which you will feel self-confident and in control. Use this energy to best advantage by tackling something that previously you may have perceived as a challenge, and be amazed at what you can accomplish. Anything is possible, and now is the time to put into motion ideas that can help move you forward.

8 OF WANDS: If something has been bothering you, and you have done all that you can from your standpoint, then it is time to let it go. Remember that we cannot control the words or actions of others, but we can control our reaction to them. This is not giving up--it is just recognizing that our realm of control extends only out as far as ourselves. We are in control of what we think, do, and say, so maintain loving positive energy around yourself, and it may inspire others to do the same.

BI-WEEKLY THEME: This is a great time to be out amongst others, spreading goodwill and positive energy. Be loving and kind to all you come in contact with, and watch how this will be returned to you. A powerful time is in store, so take a risk and do something that may have been daunting before. Let yourself be wondrously surprised at what you can achieve. If something has seemed to be an insurmountable obstacle and you have done what you can to change the situation, recognize that you can only do so much. And a big part of that is to stay in a positive frame of mind and then release it by turning it over to the universe.
Blog #43: Is Sun Exposure Really Important for Vitamin D?

Retrieved from

We have heard in the past how bad the sun is for our skin and how it causes skin cancer.  This is true if we spend too much time outdoors unprotected.  But now more evidence is being brought forth that shows that not only is a little sun on our bare skin good for us, it is actually necessary for us to get a good dose of vitamin D (the “sunshine vitamin”) in a natural way by exposing our skin to the sun.  In fact, one author notes that more deaths are caused by diseases due to a lack of sunlight than those caused by too much. (See
The main two ways to get vitamin D are sun exposure and supplements (vitamin D3 is best).  Even if we eat right, we will not be able to get sufficient amounts from food alone.

The ultraviolet B rays from the sun are what helps our bodies produce vitamin D, and a little goes a long way. We only need to expose our skin for about half the time it takes for it to turn pink or a shade darker and begin to burn.  

So how much time should we spend in the sun for maximum effectiveness?  Several variables dictate the optimal amount of time:

Ø  The time of day—our skin produces more vitamin D if exposed during the middle of the day.

Ø  Where we live geographically—the closer to the equator, the easier it is for our bodies to produce vitamin D all year round.

Ø  The color of our skin—pale skin makes vitamin D quicker than darker skin.

Ø  The amount of skin exposed—the more skin that the sun hits directly, the more vitamin D produced.

Ø  Age—the elderly produce less vitamin D.
Ø   Use of sunscreen—it is not absolutely necessary to use sunscreen if you are out for only a short period of time. But if it must be used, be sure to get one that has no chemicals in it.  Read the label carefully, and choose one that is made of natural ingredients only. (See
What are some foods that have vitamin D? Few foods contain vitamin D naturally, but there are some that have vitamin D added; the label on these says “fortified”:

Ø  Salmon

Ø  Sardines

Ø  Egg yolk

Ø  Shrimp

Ø  Milk (fortified)

Ø  Cereal (fortified)

Ø  Yogurt (fortified)

Ø  Orange juice (fortified)
What happens if we don’t get enough vitamin D? Some of the effects of lack of sufficient vitamin D include:

Ø  Increased risk of deadly cancers

Ø  Cardiovascular disease

Ø  Multiple sclerosis

Ø  Rheumatoid arthritis

Ø  Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Ø  Rickets

Ø  Osteoporosis that can get worse
How much vitamin D is needed?

Recent research shows that we need more than was originally thought.  The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences suggests:

Ø  Children and teens:  600 IU

Ø  Adults up to age 70: 600 IU

Ø  Adults over age 70: 800 IU

Ø  Pregnant or breastfeeding women:  600 IU
Action steps to take:

Ø  Get sufficient sunshine at least several times a week considering the variables listed at the beginning of this article.  A good rule of thumb: stay out in the sun only half the amount of time it takes for your skin to turn pink or a shade darker. So, for example, if this happens for you after 30 minutes, then limit your time to 15 minutes.

Ø  If you are out in the sun for a long amount of time:

n  Wear a natural sunscreen.

n  Cover up with light clothing.

Ø  Eat a diet high in anti-oxidants to protect your skin.

Ø  To alleviate a sunburn, use a mixture of aloe, coconut oil, and vitamin E.








Sunday, May 3, 2015

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  5-3-15 through 5-16-15
Blog #42: The Dangers of Microwaves 
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
ACE OF COINS:  Wonderful opportunities await for those who are willing to make something new and exciting happen in their lives.  Aces mean new beginnings, and this card represents something new coming into your life in an area related to the physical material world--job/career, finances, health, home, sense of stability and security.  So if you have been thinking of making some changes, now is the time to get started because this energy will give you a great boost.
DEATH:  Now is indeed a good time to let go of the old ways of doing things to make way for something new. Transformation is already occurring for many, and this bi-weekly will bring more changes that will help you move forward.  Embrace whatever changes unfold, and just go along for the ride. You may be amazed at what happens.
6 OF CUPS:  The past is impacting the present somehow. Rather than thinking about how wonderful things were in the past, focus instead on what you want to accomplish now. Realize how your successes of the past are having an effect on what you do now, so use this energy to best advantage by staying in a positive mindset. Create the future you want by learning from the past, giving yourself recognition for previous successes, and let this advance you now towards a beautiful future.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: Something new and exciting is headed your way, so use every opportunity to make great things happen. Major changes and true transformation can be yours if you just allow yourself to see how you can bring new things into your life. Learn from past experiences, take actions now to create a wonderful future, and let the next two weeks be a time of revelation and joy.
Blog #42:  The Dangers of Microwaves

Retrieved from

There is no doubt that microwaves, which have been around for over 30 years, are very convenient.  However, it is important to be aware that there are some dangers associated with them, even though some authors want us to believe that there is really nothing serious to be worried about.

Before listing some of the concerns related to microwaves, you may be wondering how do they work to heat up food?

Microwaves are a form of radiation and heat food by causing water molecules in the food to vibrate violently at very high frequencies. This causes the water to eventually turn into steam, and it is the steam that produces the heat.  But that is not all that happens—this process results in a change to the food’s chemical structure.  When this occurs, the molecular structure is changed--the water molecules are torn apart and actually deformed--and therein lies one problem.  This process damages the nutrients and vitamins that were originally in raw foods such as vegetables.

Given below is a summary of some of some important points:

Ø  Microwave ovens do not heat up food evenly. The part that is overcooked is subject to changes in molecular structure, which can result in the formation of dangerous carcinogenic substances. The undercooked parts could lead to food poisoning, such as meat that is not cooked properly.

Ø  The nutrient loss in vegetables can be a problem when cooked in a microwave oven, as is the case with boiling, frying, or roasting food, so the best option is to steam vegetables or sautéing and baking them at low temperatures.  Research has been done on broccoli, asparagus, garlic, and milk—see  However, not everyone agrees with this assessment—see; this author downplays the dangers.

Ø  Microwavable foods that are processed and packaged contain various harmful chemicals when ingested.  Even some of the containers are made from known carcinogens (like dioxins) that can be absorbed into the food during the microwave process.

Ø  The quality of fresh food has declined over the past 100 years due to soil depletion, unsustainable farm practices, crop overproduction, and use of pesticides and herbicides. Even if you eat only organic products, there is no guarantee that you are getting all the nutrients and minerals you need.  And if you include use of microwaves in this mix, it is easy to see the additional harm that is produced by microwaves.

Ø  The door or hinges of an oven that are not properly sealed can result in microwave leaks that are dangerous.  Even when the oven is operating correctly, it is best to stay at least 20 inches away from it when in use.

Ø  There is some research to show that microwaves can be harmful to health, such as affecting the heart rate, and in some susceptible individuals the microwaves caused spikes in blood sugar. (See There is also something called “microwave sickness” that can occur in people who have been exposed to high levels of microwave radiation.

Ø  The Russians conducted 20 years of research on microwaves, and as a result banned microwave ovens from 1976-1987.  This research showed that concerns about microwave cooking have some validity.

Ø  On the molecular level, there is a real difference between microwave cooking and conventional cooking, as previously mentioned. 

Ø  An experiment conducted for a high school science fair clearly demonstrated that microwaved filtered water (that was cooled) given to a plant caused the plant to die within days. But another identical plant given filtered water that was boiled on a regular stove (and cooled) grew normally during the same amount of time. (

The bottom line is to use microwaves with discernment, and try to limit their use.  Here are some ways this can be done:
Ø  Use discernment when using microwaves, and try to limit their use.

Ø  Plan ahead by taking frozen food out of the freezer, giving it enough time to defrost.

Ø  Make soups and stews in large quantities that can be frozen in smaller freezer bags and then defrosted in water until it can be reheated more quickly on a stove.

Ø  Use a toaster oven in place of a microwave.

Ø  Try eating more organic raw foods that don’t need to be cooked.
