Friday, December 4, 2015

Tarot Reading for December 2015 
 Blog #51: What Is Shamanic Healing?
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
STRENGTH:  Let your inner courage shine this month by stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different or a little challenging.  It could be going somewhere you have never been before, doing something on your own by yourself (especially when you feel more comfortable when with someone else), or taking a class that may require you to stretch and really think.  Whatever it might be, consider taking a risk and see where it leads.
7 OF COINS:  With the new year approaching, now is a good time to just start thinking about what you would like the year to be for you. It is not necessary to set formal goals or get really serious now, but just start thinking of one or two things you would like to accomplish. Perhaps you set goals last year that you did not achieve, or you find yourself going in a new direction and realize brand-new activities are called for.  Some of your future goals may take time and patience, so get ready to make a difference in your life by thinking of them now and preparing to act on them later.
8 OF SWORDS: If you have been feeling trapped or indecisive, tell yourself that you are no longer going to put up with this. Ask for help to get out of whatever bind you find yourself in, if that is what your intuition is telling you.  Asking for help is different from expecting to be rescued, so remember that you have all that you need within. It is just a matter of tapping into your own resources and having belief in yourself.  Stop doubting yourself and your ability to make things happen.  Our negative thoughts can hold us back if we let them take hold, and it then becomes more difficult to get out of the self-imposed prison. Now is the time for action.
6 OF WANDS: You will find success this month, so stay in a positive frame of mind and wait for your achievements to bear fruit. If you have worked hard and done your best, then know that your efforts will be paying off. Look for any kind of success—large or small—during the month, and give yourself a pat on the back for any progress that you have made. You are on the right track so keep going. Let the year end with joyous thanks for all that you have accomplished, and remember that you deserve to be proud of yourself for any hurdles you have succeeded in mastering.
MONTHLY TRENDS: This month will be promising in many ways, so start feeling the energy of becoming stronger and more courageous. You are stepping into your own power in many ways, and you are on the threshold of numerous wonderful things that may be taking shape in the new year. You will find ways to clear away doubt, confusion, or indecision by being willing to take risks, and you may even scare and amaze yourself by doing something you thought you would never have the courage to do.  There is a great possibility that you will be successful in these endeavors, so start the month by knowing that the rewards you so rightly deserve are right around the corner. 
Blog #51:  What Is Shamanic Healing?

                                               Retrieved from

Shamanism, which is the basis for shamanic healing, is an ancient form of spiritual, energetic, and holistic healing which goes back 30,000-40,000 years.  It is a spiritual practice (not a religion) consisting of activities and experiences shared by shamans from all parts of the world.  The shaman journeys into the spiritual world to retrieve information that will be helpful in the healing process.

The term shaman refers to “a healer who moves into an altered state of consciousness to access a hidden reality in the spirit world for purposes of bringing back healing, power, and information.” (  The root of the word is Siberian and means “one who sees in the dark”; it  includes healers in various cultures called a variety of names, such as medicine women/men, healers, or seers.

Shamans believe that spiritual imbalance in the physical, emotional, spiritual, and/or mental bodies is the cause of problems.  Therefore, a key component to the shamanic healing process involves the shaman restoring balance and wholeness to the patient by identifying and addressing the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.

Another important aspect of this healing is that the shaman works with spiritual guides who provide information about what is needed to restore the patient to health.  One shaman expresses his work like this: “. . . I tell clients this is not my work, but rather Spirit working through me.  My goal is always to be a clear and open channel for God’s healing, wisdom, and love to flow through me for the healing of the client.” (  

Just as in ancient times, people in our society seek out the help of shamans for solutions to a wide array of problems, such as illness, challenges related to work or home life, or even resolving issues that may have an ancestral root cause.  Shamans may be consulted after a person is not seeing satisfactory results from conventional medical approaches.

How does a shaman work?

Shamans must first get permission from the client before starting the healing process and do not guarantee the outcome, because it is the spirits healing the person, not the shamans by themselves.

They work in the spiritual realm, recognizing that the physical reality is not the only one that exists—there are other invisible realms to which shamans travel to get information.

Shamans “journey” into this spiritual world by going into a meditative state accompanied by the sounds of drumming or shaking rattles.  They then ask for the help of spirits in these other realities to heal clients by restoring the wholeness of the client’s spiritual energy.  They see physical illness as a “disruption of spiritual energy” and help heal various types of spiritual illness (such as loss of a part of the soul due to trauma or addiction; this healing is called soul retrieval). 

Shamans typically start the session by asking their healing spirits what the person needs, and then do what they are directed to do.  One shaman says, “I’m not doing the healing; I’m the connection.”  (

There is more to health and healing than just dealing with the physical body.  As one author so aptly puts it: “Our modern medical practices focus on the physical, our culture is obsessed with the mental, and psychotherapy addresses the emotional, but the fourth of these aspects, the spiritual, is mostly ignored if not invalidated all together.” (

One shaman explains the process clearly:

“My job, as a shamanic practitioner, is to go into non-ordinary reality by means of the journey trance.  What is that? Simply put, a journey trance is a form of meditation using repetitive sound (drumming or rattling) to help the practitioner enter an altered state of consciousness whereby he or she can access the unconscious of another.  . . . This access allows us to find where the person had disconnected from himself or his power and by drawing attention and understanding to it enables him to reconnect.” (

Here is how another shaman describes his work:

“. . . the shaman enters a shamanic state of consciousness through listening to rhythmic percussion. He or she then journeys to the world of spirits and connects with spirit allies for healing work.  These spirits are available to help everyone, and the shaman’s role is often to reconnnect clients with their helping spirits, restoring their personal power.” (

The second part of the healing process includes instructions for further healing.  For example, the shaman may tell the client to use certain herbal essences, make changes to his/her diet, or seek out massage therapy, aromatherapy, or energy healing such as reiki.

If you feel that shamanic healing may be helpful for you and would possibly be a different route for you to try in your healing process, get referrals or seek out information on shamans in your area.



Sunday, November 1, 2015

Tarot Reading for November 2015 
 Blog #50: How to Enhance Your Telepathy
Legacy of the Divine Tarot


THE WORLD:  This month holds promise for you to succeed at what you have been working on for the past several months or longer.  Your efforts are paying off in some way, so look forward to seeing goals met, a sense of satisfaction pervading your whole being, and an overall good feeling that all is well. Focus on the positive things occurring, and let them be the guide for you to concentrate more on what is going right in your life now.  Be grateful for the end of a journey that can be the start of even better things to come.

5 OF SWORDS:  Past difficulties or challenges may have been discouraging, but the good news is that you are still standing on your own two feet.  You have persevered and are now able to look forward to a more promising future. Give yourself credit for how far you have come, recognizing that the price you may have paid to get this far has been worth it.  Let go of what has happened in the past and how hard it was; live in the present, focusing on the future and what it can hold for you.

9 OF SWORDS: Fear and anxieties may plague you, but do not allow them to hold any power over you. It is ok to really feel the fear, and then release it. For example, when you are concerned or upset about something, give yourself a limited amount of time to feel bad, anxious, or sad.  When you are done, tell yourself that you have no more time to devote to an activity that is not serving any useful purpose, but making things worse.  Then distract yourself by doing something else, such as planning for an event or trip you are looking forward to, reading a good book, watching an enjoyable movie or TV show, or taking a walk.  You may be amazed by how better you feel.

THE HERMIT: Take some time this month to do some inner work--look for greater understanding about a spiritual topic that interests you, think about what is really important in your life right now, and ask yourself if you are doing all that you can to find the answers you seek.  This can be a “personal quest” month where you spend some time in reflection and self-renewal, concentrating more on the inner world. Meditate in whatever way you like—it doesn’t have to be sitting for a long time in a quiet place if that is not your style. Take a walk out in nature and let your mind wander. Attend a spiritual class, listen to a guided meditation, or ponder a question in your own way. Seeking guidance from within is important this month, so rely more on yourself.

TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  This month has some opposing forces at play, but you can stay in a positive frame of mind.  Be involved in activities that bring a sense of satisfaction, such as sharing with others, showing gratitude for all that you have achieved, enjoying every moment, and realizing your ability to make your visions become reality. You have come a long way and learned some important lessons.  It may have been a hard road, but you have tackled successfully some of the burdens that showed up. The residue from what you have experienced may be reflected in anxiety, worry, fear, loneliness, or disappointment. You can make a conscious effort to not wallow in this negativity by doing something that brings calmness, peace, and contentment. One way to do this is to take time for yourself, in whatever form that you prefer. A time of reflection is at hand as this year comes to a close.

Blog #50:  How to Enhance Your Telepathy

Telepathy is a gift that we all are born with, but many of us rarely use it consciously.  We do use it at times, such as when we are thinking of a person and know before the phone rings who will be calling us.  So is there a way that we can develop this ability so that it will be helpful in our everyday lives?  Yes, there is.

Some people are afraid of telepathy because they think that it is actually reading another’s mind.  But that is not what it is at all.  It is communicating with another person through thought, without use of the five senses.  According to one author, the word “telepathy” comes from “tele”, meaning distance, and “pathy”, which means feeling.

Another author notes that there are many documented cases of telepathy, and some are with well-known people, such as Mark Twain.

Some scientists who have called for more research into telepathy (implying that they believe it exists) include Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung.

Telepathy requires two willing participants—a sender and a receiver—and a true desire to want to attempt the connection.

If you decide that it might be fun to try your hand at telepathy, there are some exercises that you can practice with a partner; be sure this person believes that telepathy is real.  Also, it would be preferable if he/she is someone you already know and have a connection with.

Some important things to keep in mind before starting an exercise are:

Ø  Believing in telepathic ability and being open to the possibility that you can demonstrate it.

Ø  Not listening to nay-sayers or doubters who do not believe it is real.

Ø  Acknowledging that patience is necessary to develop your skill—like any other skill, it takes time to practice and develop it.

Ø  Recognizing that good health is necessary—if you or your partner is not feeling well, then your energy will be diverted to what is happening with your body, and the results may not be as effective as you would like them to be.

Ø  Recognizing that physical relaxation is important for effective results.

Ø  Having a clear mind, free of distracting thoughts.

Ø  Understanding the importance of visualization—for example, it will be easier if you can see your partner in your mind’s eye as standing right before you.  You can also visualize a silver tube connecting the minds of you and your partner.  See it being full of energy, knowing in your heart that it will help you do a good job.

Ø  Keeping your practice short—not more than 15 minutes max.

One simple exercise to start with is given below.
           (1)        Sit at a table with a partner.  Have seven different colored pencils laid out between
(2)       Decide who will be the sender and who will be the receiver.
(3)       The sender chooses a color in his/her mind and then sends this color to the receiver, in any way that is most effective for him/her.  For example, the silver tube described earlier could be used, or the sender can visualize the color seeping into the receiver’s mind.
(4)        After sending, the sender says “start”.  The receiver then looks into the sender’s mind to see what color is being sent.  Again, he/she can do this in whatever way is most effective for him/her.
(5)        The receiver calls out a color.  If the color is correct, the sender says “yes”, and chooses another color.  He/she says “start” and sends again.
(6)        If the receiver did not get the correct color, he/she tries again until the correct color is identified.
(7)        Do this for 5-10 minutes, take a break, and then switch roles—the sender becomes the receiver, and the receiver is now the sender.
You may find that one person is better at sending, while another may be a better receiver.
After you and your partner master this exercise, you can make it more difficult by trying
it with someone else, using more colors, trying numbers or objects in the room instead of
colors, doing it with a door between you, or even over the phone.
There are many ways you can play with it to keep it fun and interesting, plus the more
practice you have, the better you will be at it.
You may also want to try the exercise with children, and may be surprised at how good
they are at it.
The main thing is to have fun, and at the same time develop a skill that can be quite useful
for those you have a connection with.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Tarot Reading for October 2015 
 Blog #49: Tips for Getting Through Changes
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

5 OF COINS:  Because there will be much going on during October related to changes, it is important for you to seek out and ask for help if you need it.  Sometimes we are reluctant to do so, because we think we may look weak to others. But we are all connected, so when someone helps us or when we help someone else, we are helping ourselves, too.  During the month, feelings of insecurity, doubt, worry, and anxiety may overpower you if you let them, so do your best to stay in a positive frame of mind. Also remember to look at all the good things happening in your life, and focus on these rather than the stressful, worrisome events that may be going on around you.  Show gratitude for all that you have.
THE MOON: Things will be a bit unclear and uncertain during the month, so don’t expect to get specific answers to all of your questions.  You may feel bewildered, confused, disoriented, or easily distracted.  It is ok to feel this way, and others are in the same boat.  Instead of letting these feelings bog you down, trust your intuition to guide you as you go about your day. Listen to what your inner voice is telling you, and go with hunches or instincts rather than relying only on your analytical and reasoning mind.
QUEEN OF SWORDS:  You are a force to be reckoned with this month, as you seek out the truth and attempt to find out what is really going on in world events, on a personal level, or as related to the state of the nation. Whatever your target, you will be able to cut through all the unnecessary and deceitful “facts” that are clouding the truth.  Others may find it hard to trick or fool you, and they will see that you have an uncanny ability to quickly size up a situation. The truth is out there, and it is time to step up to the plate and find it. 
THE FOOL:  The changes that occurred last month are still having an effect, and one result is that you feel as if you are starting on a new path in your life.  A brand-new cycle is starting, and you are excited about it but also a bit apprehensive.  However, if you just take it a day at a time and go with the currents of change rather than fighting them, you will see how things start falling into place. Be aware of any risks that you may encounter, and be prepared to deal with them by keeping your eyes open and your senses sharp. This can be a magical, exciting time if you let it.  You may surprise yourself at how more spontaneous you are, doing unexpected things that you would never have thought of doing even just a few months ago.  Let feelings of being free and uninhibited flow from you so you can get as much out of this month as possible. 
TRENDS FOR THE MONTH: During October we will see a continuation of the effects of the changes that took place in September.  You may be still reeling from all that occurred, so seek the support and encouragement of friends, relatives, or a professional to see you through a rough time. And, you may have others come to you for solace, so give generously of your time, showing gratitude for these opportunities as well as all the good things going right in your life.   It will be important to let go of the need to have answers for all of your questions; instead, just allow to come to you whatever shows up.  You will be a truth-seeker, wanting to find out more about what is really going on in the world and what you can do to improve the things that are within your sphere of control.  Explore and research whatever information does not ring true, and be flexible if you find some of your long-held beliefs changing.
Blog #49:  Tips for Getting Through Changes

Have you ever heard the expression “The only constant is change?”  Change is part of a universal law, so things can never stand still.  And by just noticing what is happening in the world today, it is obvious that change is with us and will continue to be a part of our lives.

On the global level, there is not a whole lot that we can do personally to help those in another country who are going through traumatic change. We can pray for them and send them healing energy, but most of us are not able to physically travel to where the unrest is happening and do something tangible to help, nor would we want to in dangerous circumstances.

On the personal level, we each are experiencing change in our own ways. It could be something minor, such as having to deal with a break in our routine, or travel to a different part of the country or the world that opens our eyes to many experiences and opportunities that we have not had before.  Change can also be traumatic, such as losing a loved one or the ending of an important relationship.

Whatever happens to us, change is inevitable, and at times can be extremely challenging.

The two major types of changes are: (1)  those that occur unexpectedly, as if coming out of the blue, and (2) those that we have decided to make and have planned for—the ones where we may be scared to death to take a risk but are “going for it”.

So what can we do to accept the changes in our lives and lessen their disruptive impact on us?  Given below are several tips that you may find useful.

Ø  Take it one day at a time.  Change is a process, like other life experiences, so once you realize that, you can accept things as they come without getting so bent out of shape, you can relax a little. Don’t focus so much on the results, worrying that you may not reach your goal. Remember that you can change your mind, and you can change your goal if things are not to your liking. Give yourself credit for moving forward and doing something different.

Ø  Be optimistic and focus on the future. Realize that all events have a beginning, a middle, and an end.  You will not be stuck in any one phase of moving ahead or healing unless you purposely decide to do so.  Have trust that things will get better—that there is an end in sight, that there are unlimited possibilities, and that all things go in cycles. We will all have ups and downs in our lives, so accept this as being just a part of life. If you are feeling like you are in a downward spiral, know that eventually you will start coming out of it and things will improve. 

Ø  Be kind to yourself. Don’t tell yourself that you need to “get over” your emotions or feelings immediately.  Acknowledge how you are feeling, and if you find yourself in a negative space (feeling sad, bummed out, exhausted, stressed, frustrated), give yourself a certain amount of time to feel this way. And then take steps to move forward once again.  Be patient with yourself as you adjust to the changing circumstances, and don’t beat yourself up if you are not feeling completely happy when you told yourself you would.

Ø  Find support.  If you are going through a loss, people around you may not know how to react. They may want to help, but don’t know how to go about it.  You can reach out to friends and family rather than expecting them to figure out what you need or want. There is no shame in asking for help when it is needed.

Ø  Do familiar things. Change can cause a disruption in our routines or other things that we are used to.   As soon as you are ready, start getting back into doing what makes you feel comfortable, such as exercising, meditating, retreating outdoors for a breath of fresh air, or talking with good friends. Whatever makes you feel at home and more secure can be very beneficial.

Ø  Don’t worry about why this change has happened.  We don’t need to always know why something has happened, and saying that “everything happens for a reason” may not always be helpful, especially if it doesn’t allow you to move forward.

If the change is what you have chosen (rather than happening unexpectedly), here are some additional tips that may help you adjust to your new situation.

Ø  You will never have all the information you think you need.  You need to do research and gather as much information as possible, but don’t let this need to overanalyze the situation paralyze you to the point where you stay stuck where you are. Nothing is certain in life, and you have free will—if you find out down the road that you made a mistake, you can correct it.

Ø  Trust yourself.  If there is something you really want to do (such as finding another job or moving to a different location), it is easy to come up with excuses that will prevent you from taking a risk and moving forward. Listen to your intuition and gut instinct—if you get the feeling that this is the right move for you, then go ahead and take a chance.  You will find a way to make it work.

Ø  Consider the worst case scenario.  Ask yourself what is the worst thing that could happen as a result of your decision.  We create most of our fears in our own head, so recognize this and realize that the worst thing is not really all that bad.

Ø  There are unlimited opportunities.  If you have a big decision to make and don’t know what to do, don’t think that you have only one option. Just because you take one course of action does not mean that there are no more opportunities available to you. The good news is that often new pursuits lead to more opportunities—ones that would not have been there had you not taken that risk in the first place.

So, whether change has entered your life because of something unexpected happening that was out of your control, or you purposely decided to take a risk and explore a new path for yourself, there are a number of things you can do to transition to this new phase of your life.  Your success in this pursuit depends on your overall approach and desire to let the change work for you.


Sunday, August 30, 2015


Tarot Reading for September 2015 
 Blog #48: The Many Benefits of Turmeric
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

KING OF CUPS: With the changes that are possibly coming for September, it will be important to stay calm and composed despite what may be going on around you.  You will be able to help others by having a soothing, peaceful effect on them. If friends or family seem to be agitated or worried, use your King energy to encourage a sense of feeling centered and grounded.  Use your diplomatic skills to bring more harmony to those who are tense or anxious.
 THE STAR: Not only will serenity be important this month, but also significant will be feelings of hopefulness coupled with light-filled expectations. You will have peace of mind, knowing that being divinely inspired will see you through any challenges. Spend time relaxing, and this will help you spread calmness and inner strength as you go about your day. Stay focused and untroubled, and tranquility will be yours.
THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Use your intuitive ability to see past the obvious, because things are rarely what they appear to be at first glance. Allow yourself to be open to the mystery and uncertainty of what is going on in the world, and to see the possibilities that are unfolding right before your eyes.  Your inner knowing is more important now than ever before, so have faith in what you are feeling, and let it lead you. Believe in your own guidance and intuition before seeking direction from others, because you have the skill to do this if you will just trust.
THE WORLD:  You are in a good space during the month, so savor the feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that your actions have brought you here.  This is an important time to stay connected and to contribute to the overall good of others and the community. You will find contentment in feeling involved and actively pursuing your goals, seeing if you can expand them to encompass more than yourself.  Be grateful for all that you have as you see some of your dreams come true; you are helping to create a more beautiful, giving, and bountiful world.
 TRENDS FOR THE MONTH: The major trend for September will be to stay calm and focused, allowing your energy to flow freely so that you have a peaceful effect on those around you. Change can invoke stress and anxiety, but you will have the capacity to rise above fear as you generate serenity, hopefulness, and inspiration. Your intuition can play a major role if you will allow it to come forth and if you trust what your inner voice is telling you.  You can feel as if everything is right with the world, despite world events and discord, if you will recognize what you can do within your sphere of influence to create balance and harmony. This is also a month of accomplishment as you reflect on the goals you have achieved and where you want to go from here. The world is your oyster!
Blog #48:  The Many Health Benefits of Turmeric

 Retrieved from

Many of us are familiar with turmeric because it is a flavorful spice used in curry and even gives the yellow color to mustards, butters, and cheeses.  We may think of it as a spice, but it is actually the root stalk of a tropical plant that belongs to the ginger family.

A surprising thing about turmeric is that it has a wide array of health benefits, some of which go back to ancient times.  The main substance of turmeric that is responsible for its healing properties is curcumin.

Fresh turmeric is available at Chinese and Indian supermarkets. A more convenient form is powder, found in ordinary grocery stores.  However, to enjoy its many health benefits it also comes as a supplement in tablets and capsules available in health food stores.  There is even turmeric tea for those who prefer it this way.

Why is turmeric so healthy for us? Its main ingredient, curcumin, is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties which form the basis for a variety of healing purposes.  The Journal of the American Chemical Society says that turmeric has not just antioxidant characteristics but also is antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anticarcinogenic, and antimutagenic.

Turmeric also contains good nutrients such as protein; dietary fiber; niacin; vitamins C, E, and K; potassium; calcium; copper; iron; magnesium; and zinc.

So it is no wonder that turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine for conditions such as heartburn, diarrhea, stomach bloating, colds, fibromyalgia, and even depression.

Some of the health benefits

Much research has focused on the health benefits of turmeric (and its important ingredient curcumin), and here is a partial list of these.  However, authors caution that more research needs to be done, and patients should always consult their medical professionals when considering turmeric for serious illnesses.

Ø  Turmeric may help with heartburn, upset stomach, diarrhea, and digestive disorders.  One study found that turmeric supplements were more effective for heartburn and indigestion than a placebo.  Its ability to help with upset stomachs has been known for generations, and only recently have studies shown this to be true.  One author states that turmeric helps the gut get rid of harmful bacteria, and people in countries who use a lot of turmeric in their cooking have lower cases of digestive problems. Because turmeric helps the liver function better is one reason why it helps with digestion overall.

Ø  Turmeric may help with heart health.  It helps break up artery-clogging cholesterol, thus possibly preventing strokes and heart attacks.  One study found that it could reduce the chance of heart attacks among bypass patients.

Ø  Turmeric may delay the onset of diabetes.  A 2012 study found that it delayed the onset of type 2 diabetes due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers, as well as its ability to reduce insulin resistance.

Ø  Turmeric may help fight cancer.  One researcher found over 200 studies related to turmeric and cancer, but notes that these were animal studies and that human research is in the early stages.   However, one author states that current research is showing much promise in helping with pancreatic cancer, one of the most difficult to treat.

Ø  Turmeric may protect the brain.  At least 50 studies have shown positive effects related to Alzheimer’s disease, because turmeric blocks the formation of the substance that generates the growth of plaque in the brain.

Ø  Turmeric may help joint pain, tendonitis, and both types of arthritis—osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The curcumin in turmeric has more than 24 anti-inflammatory compounds which lessen this type of pain.

Ø  Turmeric may be considered a natural antiseptic, has anti-bacterial properties, and may help with skin damage.  It has been used for centuries as a method of cleaning wounds and destroying microbes that cause infection. Sprinkling turmeric powder on a cut or burn may speed up the healing.  It also may reduce skin redness and perhaps even fight signs of aging.

Ø  Turmeric may strengthen the immune system.  It contains a substance (lipopolysaccharide) that enhances the immune system, in addition to its properties as an antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal agent.

Ø  Other health benefits cited at least once in the sources given at the end of this article include:

--Turmeric may be a natural fat burner.

--It may be useful in treating depression.

--It may help to lower cholesterol.

--It may be considered a remedy for headaches.

--It may lower cortisol levels, thus reducing effects of stress (such as sleep problems) and blood sugar levels.


Although there is much evidence that backs up the health benefits of turmeric, it is always best to do your own research, talk with your medical professionals, and come to a decision that is right for you.
