Saturday, October 19, 2013

BI-WEEKLY TAROT READING: 10-20-13 through 11-2-13


PAGE OF COINS: Be playful like a child and have the confidence that you can accomplish whatever you want. Don't take things so seriously; live in the present; be curious.

4 OF CUPS: Get out of your routine and start doing some things differently. Daydream about what you want, and then put your dreams into action.

THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Trust your intuition as you navigate the changes that are coming your way. Believe in yourself, knowing that your inner self has the answers you seek.

ACE OF WANDS: You are getting fired up with the Wands energy that is giving you a forward momentum. You feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle a new project or task.

THE SUN: A time of hope, optimism, joy, and success.  Let yourself enjoy the fruits of your labors as you bask in the light and happiness of this time.

THEME FOR THE 2 WEEKS: Be childlike in your approach to life, try some new things and begin a new endeavor, believe in yourself, and then enjoy the feelings of satisfaction and joy that you have earned.

BLOG #2: The Universal Laws—An Overview

What are they?

Everything in the universe is governed by the Universal Laws that keep things in balance.  These laws have been known for over 4,000 years, but it is with the advent of the New Age era that they are coming into the awareness of more and more of us.

Some sources say there are 7 Universal Laws, while others say there are 12.  This blog will focus on 12, as listed below: 

1.       The Law of Oneness

2.       The Law of Energy or Vibration

3.       The Law of Action

4.       The Law of Correspondence

5.       The Law of Cause and Effect

6.       The Law of Compensation

7.       The Law of Attraction

8.       The Law of Transmutation of Energy

9.       The Law of Relativity

10.   The Law of Polarity

11.   The Law of Rhythm

12.   The Law of Gender

Where did the Laws come from?

The Laws are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, an ancient Egyptian sage master who is also thought to have introduced subjects in areas such as the hieroglyphic alphabet, the 365-day calendar, astronomy, alchemy, astrology, medicine, botany, surveying, geometry, esoteric thoughts embodied in religions, and theology.  He was also known as: Egyptian god Thoth, Pythagoras, Balthazar (one of three Magi), St. Francis of Assisi, and Ascended Master Kuthumi. The Laws were originally given in the ancient text called the Kybalion.

Why are they important?

We are not taught these Laws in school, and this causes us to endure more challenges and hardships than are necessary in the physical plane, because knowledge of the Laws allows us to better control our lives and create the reality we want.  We can see transformation in our lives when we start applying them.  Once we have an understanding of them, we can use this awareness to help them work for us.

The Laws are important because they are guidelines for how we are to act and what influences our lives. They provide us with structure; otherwise, we would live in a chaotic world where much makes no sense.  Some significant points about the Laws are:
  • They are truth.
  • They apply to everyone because they govern our physical and spiritual lives.
  • They are divinely decreed and therefore perfect.  They are our keys to leading lives of peace and harmony.
  • They bring order and predictability to our lives.
  • They help us avoid negative outcomes by giving us insights into following a positive path.
  • When following the Laws, we help ourselves and others.

How do they work?

These Laws simply tell us how the universe works.  Since we are part of this universe, they apply to us as well as all of nature.  Everything, including us, is energy that moves in a circular way. This includes star systems revolving in galaxies, our solar system with the planets circling the sun, Earth’s magnetic and energetic fields, as well as atoms revolving around the nucleus at the microscopic level.

We are energy, and energy moves in a circular pattern.  Our four types of energy are thoughts, feelings, words, and actions; this energy is moved by our consciousness, which is impacted by the messages we send out.  The circular motion of our energy explains why the statement “What goes around comes around” is true.  Everything we send out comes back to us in some form, like an “energy boomerang”.  This concept will become clearer as we discuss each Law.

How do we get them to work for us?

Understanding them is the first step.  To make sure you grasp the meaning of each, only two will be presented every other week.


Angelheart, Anne E. (2011).  Twelve Universal Laws.  Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press.

Milanovich, Dr. Norma & McCune, Dr. Shirley.  (1996). The Light Shall Set You Free. 

Albuquerque, NM: Athena Publishing.



Monday, October 7, 2013

BLOG #1: Introduction to Tarot and Truths

This blog, Tarot and Truths, will be posted bi-weekly each Sunday and will include two parts:

(1)    A group bi-weekly tarot reading, which will give you an idea of what your week may be like. You can access daily group readings posted on my Facebook page at

(2)    Several paragraphs that describe a truth that is something enlightening for you to know. 
Retrieved from

The world is changing rapidly now, and one way to stay centered is to learn of truths that will help you navigate through this world of transformation.  Each weekly blog will include 1-2 truths for you to think about during the week.

Some general topics that will be included in the upcoming months are:
  • Universal Laws
  • The spiritual world
  • Emotions and feelings
  • The mental/physical interaction
  • Science and the spiritual world
  • Energy
  • Mother Earth and nature