Monday, July 3, 2017


Legacy of the Divine Tarot

KNIGHT OF WANDS:  If you have been feeling stagnant or not able to move forward, this month should bring some relief from that.  The Knight of Wands represents a double-action energy, because there is the Knight who can’t sit still, coupled with the Wands energy that is constantly on the move.   So look at new opportunities that come your way, or create your own. You will have the initiative and drive to propel yourself ahead in some way.  Perhaps it is only a small step at first, but as you get into the “swing of things” you will find yourself becoming more and more action-oriented.

THE EMPRESS:  July also brings the Divine Feminine energy into play. Recognize your nurturing, kind and loving side while using your creativity to bring forward and birth ideas that perhaps have been lying dormant for some time.  The fertility of ideas and a desire to create something, combined with the Knight of Wands, will make for a wonderful month of abundance in some area of your life.  You will have more than enough, and may feel a pull to be outdoors more.  A connection to the Earth can help bring vitality and love of life to you now.

THE MAGICIAN: Get ready to bring into the physical world that which you would like to create.  It is as if you have a magic wand and have the ability to use the Law of Attraction to full advantage, if you so choose. Once again, the cards are encouraging you to recognize your own power and bring forth something that in the past may have been out of reach, or even what you perceived as impossible.  Anything can happen this month, and the Magician encourages you to believe in yourself, set the intention, and take action to bring into your life something that you have been thinking about but have not put forth much effort to bring about. You are strong and powerful, so get started now!

JUSTICE:  Start off the month by realizing the importance of being fair to yourself. This will help bring things more into balance.  For example, if you have been putting the needs of others before yourself, then take time to do something special for yourself to acknowledge that you are just as important as those you care for.  It is wonderful to help others, but the energy of this card encourages you to think also of you and what you want. If you are seeking more harmony in your life, this is a good place to start. This may also be a sign that now is the time to accept responsibility for past actions, being kind to yourself when remembering any mistakes made.  Do what is right in all situations, acting on ethical principles.

TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  There will be a lot of positive action in store during the month, for what an energetic, action-oriented month it has the potential to be! The interesting thing is that three of the four cards are Major Arcana, which means that their energy will be with you a bit longer, and they are more significant for you during the month.  Spirit is telling you to pay attention to these messages, for they are important for you to know.  Therefore, take heed that July can be a month of wonderful creativity with a steady flow of ideas. Recognize your power to create the kind of world you would like to surround yourself with, realizing the importance of thinking and taking care of yourself.  Key ideas are kindness and support, loving yourself, seeing the possibility of miracles and magic, and focusing on balance.  What a wonderful month it can be, so look forward to an action-packed time where things really start to get off the ground.


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Vibration is our own unique personal energy frequency.  It is the result of the accumulation of all our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in our internal world; as well as experiences and interactions in our external world. 

Our energy field (and vibration) can be in or out of balance.  If it is out of balance, dis-ease can result. To raise our vibration, we focus on thoughts, words, and deeds of joy and love.  Fear and anger lower our vibration.  A higher vibration gives us a feeling of well-being; we feel lighter and more in tune with ourselves and our external world.

Like attracts like (the Law of Attraction), so if we want to have positive experiences, we need to keep our vibration at a high level.  We can surround ourselves by people who match our higher vibrational level, and these people and opportunities are drawn to us because of this.

So what can we do to raise our vibration? Here are 10 suggestions:

1.  Diet, Hydration, Sleep:  What we eat is extremely important for our health.  Organic foods have a naturally higher vibration than sugary or fried foods, or those containing preservatives.  Drink clean purified or filtered water before you start feeling thirsty, and adhere to a sleep routine that keeps you in balance.
2.  Movement:  When we move our bodies, we are moving our energy and feel better overall.  Find what works for you, such as dance, yoga, tai chi, Qigong, swimming, walking, jogging, hiking.
3.  “Feel Good” Activities:  Anything that brings us joy and love automatically raises our vibration, so engage in what makes you feel good—laughing, singing, gardening, getting a massage, spending time with friends, playing with pets, expressing gratitude, forgiving those who have hurt you.

4.  Be Authentic:  Being honest with ourselves and expressing emotions rather than suppressing them goes a long way to increasing our vibration.
5.  Self-Love:  Love and nurture yourself by doing what raises your energy level rather than depleting it, such as associating only with people who match our vibration; watching, listening, and paying attention to information from the media that is uplifting rather than fear-inducing.

6.  Change the Stories We Tell:  If we retell and focus on experiences that involve a lot of judging or blaming, we will stay in a lower vibration.  We should tell stories that help our growth and evolution.
7.  Switch to Positive Thoughts:  If you think of something negative, rather than dwelling on it change it to a more positive thought by thinking of something you are grateful for.

8.  Meditation:  Meditation can refer to not only sitting in a quiet place and focusing on your breath; it can also include repetitive activities (such as doing a household chore), doing something you really enjoy, appreciating a beautiful nature scene such as a sunset, or watching waves on the ocean.
9.  Energy Healing:  Reiki, sound therapy, crystal therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and herbal remedies all help to open energy channels and transmute lower frequencies into higher vibrations.
10. Grounding; Aura and Chakra Cleansing:  An easy way to do this is to visualize a white light entering your crown and cleansing everything as it travels down your body.  Anything negative will be released into the ground.


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