Sunday, July 31, 2016

Tarot Reading for August 2016
 Blog #59: What's So Great About Yoga?
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

THE FOOL:  A new path and a fresh start await those who are adventurous and willing to embrace change.   Now is a good time to strike out on a new course of action, perhaps doing something that you have considered but put on the back burner because you thought you weren’t ready.  Now you are, and now is the time.  Maybe you have always wanted to travel to a special place, but put it off because you told yourself you were too busy, you didn’t have enough money, or you had other more important obligations.  Maybe you have wanted to try a new hobby or project, but procrastinated for similar reasons.  Procrastinate no longer! The energy of change is in the air, and there is no better time than this month to take advantage of this spark that could ignite wondrous things in your life.
3 OF COINS:  Is there something in your life that brings you such bliss that when you are working or engaged in it you feel as if time stands still?  If so, you are very fortunate to have found this, so take time now to engage in this work, play, or activity that brings such joy.  If you have nothing in your life that matches this description, then use this month as the jumping off point for you to find something that fits the bill.  It could be something as small as going to a nearby park to spend time in nature, going back to an abandoned hobby that you truly enjoyed, or spending more time with good friends.  Whatever it is, you will feel more energetic and revitalized if you take time to meet your own needs by doing something that brings you joy.
JUSTICE:  August is the month where truth shall continue to prevail.  More and more people are awakening to the fact that there is something quite amiss in our world.  Things are not what they seem, and fear is rampant in some areas.  Rather than giving in to fear of the future or fear of where our country and the world are headed, focus instead on all that you have to be grateful for.  It does you nor anyone else any good to wallow in the bad news that seems to surround us.  Keep yourself in a space of unconditional love for yourself and others who are going through a rough time or just need support.  We can change the world through love, and this is a good month to continue along this path.  Remember, it is always darkest before dawn, and we are on the precipice of a new age.
3 OF SWORDS:  If sadness, disappointment, loneliness, anxiety, worry, or fear come your way, the best thing to do is to allow yourself to experience these feelings in your body and heart, and then let them go.  Don’t try to suppress them, for this may just make the hurt and pain feel worse.  This is not always easy to do, but if you give yourself a certain amount of time to feel sorry for yourself and then distract yourself by doing something different, you may find that you are able to move forward.  Pain will happen, but how long we allow ourselves to suffer with the pain is up to us.  Choose to help yourself heal by releasing the pain or fear, or get the help of someone else who is equipped to assist you.
TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  Much opportunity awaits those this month who are willing to help themselves in a variety of ways.  Doing something different, getting out of your routine, accepting rather than fighting change—these are all ways of taking advantage of the August energy. Take time to do things that bring you pleasure, and if faced with worries or fears, remember that “This too shall pass”, and you can get through it.  Don’t let the fear-mongering going on in the world now affect you, and recognize that many truths are being brought into the light.  Have faith that things are getting better, for they are.
Blog #59:  What’s So Great About Yoga?

Retrieved from
Have you ever thought about taking a yoga class to see what it was all about? And do you wonder why more people are practicing yoga?
In this short article, a history of yoga will be given, as well as some types/styles and the numerous benefits of yoga. You will find that there is a lot that is great about yoga!

History of Yoga

The origin of yoga goes back more than 5,000 years to India, designed as a practice to unite the mind and the body.   This helps with a more positive outlook and experiencing more serenity and peace. 
The word “yoga” means union, especially “union with the divine”, although today the spiritual aspect may not be emphasized as much.  The physical aspects of yoga consist of a series of stretches and poses combined with proper breathing techniques.  It is a wonderful way to bring more balance into your life by stretching and strengthening your body, focusing your mind, and relaxing yet rejuvenating your spirit.

There are many types of yoga to choose from, depending on what your goal is. Here is a partial list.

Ø  Hatha yoga—is the most popular in the U.S.  It emphasizes physical postures (called asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama).

Ø  Iyengar yoga—focuses on alignment and uses various props to help hold various postures. Its movements are fluid and dance-like.

Ø  Ashtanga yoga—is intense and fast-paced, and sometimes called power yoga. It helps build endurance and strength; postures are linked to breathing patterns.

Ø  Bikram yoga—is practiced in a very hot room.  It consists of 26 postures done twice per session.

Ø  Restorative yoga—is not as active as those above, focusing instead on relaxation.

Some benefits of yoga

Ø  It is a wonderful workout for your body. You can adapt the postures to your own speed and comfort, whether in a class or practicing using a video.

Ø  It helps you get more in touch with your body.  As you move your body to increase strength and durability, you are able to notice when a part of your body does not seem to be working properly.

Ø  It helps you focus on your breathing.  Many people nowadays breathe too shallowly or not often enough. Yoga helps you pay attention to breathing, emphasizing deep breathing, which is good for your lungs and whole body. Proper breathing is also a good stress reducer.

Ø  It helps you improve your posture by teaching you proper body alignment, such as pulling the shoulders back, positioning the head over ears, and sitting/standing with a straight back. You will find yourself walking taller and more confidently.  A wonderful side effect of good posture is a reduction in back pain, because pain is an inflammation caused by the body being out of alignment.  Yoga helps strengthen back muscles while teaching proper alignment.

Ø  It helps your balance and stability.  Balancing poses require core strength and focus; the more you practice yoga, the better will be your balance.

Ø  It can develop your physical and mental strength.  A combination of lunges, stretches, twists, and other postures requires that you use most of your muscles, and while doing so, it is important to focus on the moment.  It gives you a clear mind because your intense focus does not allow your mind to wander.  In fact, one of the most important benefits of yoga is the quieting of the mind and learning to pay attention.

Ø  It helps quiet your mind for meditation. Yoga is a form of meditation, because it requires intention and focus.  Poses done without concentration and thought are just that—poses, not yoga.  If you meditate, you may find that a regular yoga practice helps you meditate more easily.

Ø  Yoga therapy is on the rise.  Yoga therapy includes any yoga technique that systematically helps alleviate physical injury or pain, or mental and emotional stress or trauma.  Research is showing that yoga can help with back pain, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.  It can also help to lessen the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
If you want to age gracefully and have functional strength for your whole life, then you may want to see if there are any yoga classes that you can attend, just to try out.  If you stick with it, you will be amazed at not only the physical effects on your body but the sense of well-being, clarity of thought, and serenity you experience as well.



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