Saturday, December 31, 2016

Tarot Reading for January 2017
Blog #64: How to Determine If You Have High
Vibrational Energy
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

8 OF SWORDS:  The start of the New Year could find you feeling unsure, unsettled, indecisive; it may even seem that you are paralyzed to a certain extent.  Many things happened near the end of 2016 that caused feelings such as these to surface.  But that is in the past, and now is the time to realize that you are in control of your own choices and feelings.  You do not have to believe that you are bound strictly by what has happened or your perception of what has transpired. You have the power to remove the shackles of whatever is surrounded by negativity. Release yourself from your own prison, and see how much happier you will be.

2 OF WANDS: See January as a decision time for you. You can use the fire energy of the Wands to allow yourself to progress forward, or you can hesitate and not take action even though you know it will be helpful for you. The key to determining which path you will take rests with you and you alone. No one can make this decision for you; so plot a path for yourself at the start of the month to give you an idea of where you want to go, and how you can bring more positive energy and inspiration into your life.

DEATH:  January will truly be a time of transformation and real change for many of us. It is time to let the old ways of thinking and doing just fall by the wayside, for they belong to the past, and the past is dead. Focus instead on the new energy that is coming onto the Earth during the month, and be amazed at how much better you can feel simply by letting go of the past. Remember that anything is possible, and this month could see more changes that were not expected. Stay in an energy field of knowing that whatever happens is for our highest and best good, and all will be well. This year promises to be one of hope, new ideas, new beginnings, and release.

QUEEN OF SWORDS: It will be important this month to be honest with yourself, perhaps making some changes that might be painful. Are you ready to let go of what is standing in your way from being the true, authentic person you can be? This may mean that it is time to let go of friends with whom you no longer have much in common, to look at job alternatives if you are unhappy in your job, or to start following a budget or other plan that will make you feel more financially secure. Whatever you are holding on to because it keeps you in your comfort zone is not helping you; now is the time to let it go and move on. The Queen of Swords will help you recognize what changes will be most beneficial for you.

TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  Happenings this month may cause you to feel all shaken up as you recognize the need to make changes in your life. Some changes are coming regardless of what you feel, so it would be better to accept that change is inevitable and go with the flow. You may have to make some hard decisions to get yourself in a better place, but the Swords energy will be with you as you understand that the true value of being an authentic person is to stand in your own power and independence. Believe in yourself, do what is in your best interests, and look forward to all the promise that the New Year can bring.
Blog #64:  How to Determine If You Have High Vibrational Energy
A very short ( 2:24 minutes) but informative video on the topic of determining the level of your vibrational energy can be accessed at
Here is a transcript (not exactly word-for-word) of the video that will help you gauge your energy level right now and what to do if it could be a little higher.
We are all made of energy—energy that sometimes moves very fast, and sometimes that moves very slowly.  Moving energy in the metaphysical world is often referred to as vibrational energy.  Having high vibrational energy is imperative for us to have a life that is happy, fulfilling and successful, according to your definition, through the Law of Attraction.
Would you like to know if you have high vibrational energy?
Here are six signs that indicate your energy, right now, is very high.
1.            Having good health and being free from illness and injury.
2.            Feeling energized and full of life.
3.            Having good luck and having things just “go your way” throughout the day.
4.            Experiencing harmony in your personal relationships.
5.            Feeling safe and secure.
6.            Experiencing synchronicities or a high number of unexplained coincidences in your life.
If you are experiencing most of these signs, then you can be pretty sure that you are functioning at a high vibrational level and are in the process of creating positive results in your life right now.   If not, don’t worry.  Energy is constantly moving, so if you are experiencing low energy in one moment you can change this to high energy in the next moment by doing your best to monitor the quality of your thoughts, and try to stay as optimistic and peaceful as you can moment to moment. 
Source: (Andrea Schulman)
Relevant Quotes:
“The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you.  The Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting.”  Abraham-Hicks
 “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Nikola Tesla


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tarot Reading for December 2016
 Blog #63: What Is a "Superfood"?
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
6 OF COINS:  We often think of December as a month for giving to others, but equally important is to remember and cherish ourselves.  Giving and giving to others without taking care of ourselves can be detrimental to our health.  So while you have your friends and family foremost in your mind this month, also take time to think of you—what could you do to bring more harmony, love, and peace into your life through kind actions that you do for yourself? Take a break from the hectic activities, take a walk, go to a movie, or meet friends for dinner.
KNIGHT OF COINS:  This month should find you doing action-oriented tasks or work that brings a sense of accomplishment.  With the strong energetic Knight energy accompanying the Coins, you are in a unique position to  keep yourself going by focusing on what needs to be done—tying up loose ends—that will prepare you for the new year. Anything left hanging by the end of the month can carry over into January, but give yourself the gift of satisfaction by completing maybe one or two goals that you have been working on.
7 OF SWORDS:  Use discernment when reading or listening to news about what is going on in the world today. Think about it carefully—does it make sense? Are you able to see a pattern related to past events? Does it sound like this news is for your highest and best good? Accept what rings true for you, and discard the rest. There is no need to be filled with fear, worry, and anxiety as this year comes to a close. Replace this negativity with a more positive and optimistic outlook, and you will feel so much better.
5 OF COINS:  December is the perfect time to remind yourself of all the things in your life that you have to be grateful for.  If you are feeling down or “in a funk”, you may be able to raise your spirits by helping others in just a few small ways--giving your full attention to others when conversing, showing appreciation for the small things, giving compliments, or sharing a smile with someone who looks sad. If the materialism of the season bothers you, then don’t get drawn into it. Rather than giving physical gifts, you can give spiritually by volunteering, spreading kindness and unconditional love wherever you go, or donating to a worthy cause in the name of a gift recipient.
TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  As this year comes to a close, do your best to think at least a little bit of yourself as well as others, remembering the importance of leading a balanced life.  Show will power and determination as you finish uncompleted projects or tasks, concentrating on one or two that are most significant. Use your intuition and discernment to make sense of any mainstream media news that is negative or brings you down. It may not even be the truth, so if it seems a little “off”, forget about it and move on. The holidays can be stressful, so if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, live just one day at a time, expressing gratitude for what you have.  Enjoy the company of friends or loved ones who can bring you joy by just being in their presence. This is more than any material presents can bring you.
Blog #63:  “Superfoods” That Can Keep You Healthy
Retrieved from 
With all the unhealthy foods that are available today, as well as the chemicals found in processed foods, it is becoming    increasingly important to be aware of some of the best foods we can eat to keep us healthy.
What exactly is a “superfood”?   It is a food with many nutrients considered to be very beneficial for health and well-being.
Foods that have been elevated to superfood status in recent years include those rich in antioxidants (such as beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E, flavonoids and selenium) and omega-3 fatty acids.  Antioxidants are chemicals thought to protect against the harmful effects of free radicals, which are chemicals naturally produced in every living cell and known to cause cell damage.
Another definition from a different angle:  Superfood is a term used in marketing to describe foods with supposed health benefits. Dietitians and nutrition scientists do not generally use the term, many of whom dispute that certain foods have the health benefits often claimed by advocates of particular superfoods.
Dietitians avoid the term "superfood" and prefer to talk of "super diets", where the emphasis is on a healthy, balanced diet, rich in fruit and vegetables and whole grain foods.
And another viewpoint:  Though there is no legal or medical definition, superfoods are nutrient powerhouses that have large doses of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals. Eating them may reduce the risk of chronic disease, and prolong life, and people who eat more of them are healthier and thinner than those who don't.
Some dieticians have stated that variety in diet is important, and focusing on just foods called “superfoods” can be unhealthy.
So although there is no firm agreement on what constitutes a superfood and there are different lists of what should be included as a superfood, here is one list that is a good start. For more information about why these were chosen, refer to the first source listed below.
1.             Greek yogurt
2.             Quinoa
3.             Blueberries
4.             Kale
5.             Chia
6.             Oatmeal
7.             Green tea
8.             Broccoli
9.             Strawberries
10.          Salmon
11.          Watermelon
12.          Spinach
13.          Pistachios
14.          Almonds
15.          Ginger
16.          Beets
17.          Beans
18.          Pumpkin
19.          Apple
20.          Cranberries
21.          Garlic
22.          Cauliflower
23.          Leeks

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

 Tarot Reading for November 2016

 Blog #62: A Few Wise Words from Eckhart Tolle
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

 KING OF WANDS:  A lot will be happening this month and things are on the move.  Focus on what you need to accomplish, because the combination of the powerful King energy and the Fire energy will help you move forward and stay on your path.  Let go of any worries about what is happening in the world and our country, concentrating instead on your own sphere of influence and what you can do to make your world a better place.  You are “on fire” this month as you get into a change mode and make a difference in your own life, so don’t let this opportunity go by.
KNIGHT OF CUPS:  You will see positive movement in relationships, with the wonderful Knight energy encouraging you to seek out ways you can bring current friendships and partnerships to a higher level, enjoying aspects of them that perhaps you never noticed before. Spread unconditional love where you see there is none.  Focus on remembering that we are all connected rather than allowing divisiveness and rhetoric to consume you. Now more than ever is a time when we need to realize the importance of interconnectedness, recognizing our similarities rather than differences.
4 OF WANDS:  Things have been murky and unclear for some time, but as hard as it may seem to believe now, things are on an upswing.  Anything is possible, and miracles do happen. The state of our country now is not set in stone, and what appears to be on the horizon may not be so. Just take it a day at a time, visualize a country where we all learn to get along, and remember to inwardly stay peaceful and calm. That is the best way to have peace in your own life, regardless of the chaos that may be swarming around you.
9 OF SWORDS:  Anxiety, worry, and doubt may be in the air, but you have the power to not let it bother you by not concentrating on what appears to be. We have tremendous power within ourselves that can affect those around us, so once again stay positive, release the fear, and focus on a better world that is our future. We must continue to be inspired with all the good we see around us, and have hope and optimism that we are ready to move on, having learned the lessons we needed during the previous tumultuous months.  Fear and worry do not have to be a part of your life, so avert it by setting an intention that you will see good coming out of the craziness.

TRENDS FOR THE MONTH: An exciting and unpredictable month is ahead, so use to best advantage the Knight and Fire forces prevalent to carry you along on a positive trajectory. Focus on yourself and what you can control, what you are responsible for, and what you as an individual can do to make this a better place. Relationships will prosper and bring joy, so have fun with others, enjoying one another’s company. The murkiness that has been clouding our vision and interfering with feelings of calm will give way to more hope and optimism, regardless of the way things may look at the start of the month and as they unfold. Remember that anything is possible. Stay in a hopeful, optimistic state of mind rather than in one of anxiety and worry. Do not let fear prevent you from accomplishing all that is possible for you this month.

Blog # 62:   A Few Wise Words from Eckhart Tolle
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Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher best known for his books The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Divine Purpose.  His writings contain much wisdom and deep insights—truly words to live by.   As with other authors, Tolle sees the spiritual awakening that is emerging as the next step in our evolution.   Given below are a few of his truisms that are good reminders.
Ø  “People don’t realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind.”
Ø  “Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now.”
Ø  “Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences.”
Ø  “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
Ø  “Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.”
Ø  “People tend to dwell more on negative things than on good things. So the mind then becomes obsessed with negative things, with judgments, guilt and anxiety produced by thoughts about the future and so on.”
Ø  “Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”
Ø  “Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”
Ø  “A genuine relationship is one that is not dominated by the ego with its image-making and self-seeking. In a genuine relationship, there is an outward flow of open, alert attention toward the other person in which there is no wanting whatsoever.”
Ø  “Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you.”


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Tarot Reading for October 2016
 Blog #61: Why We Are More Powerful Than Our Genetics
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
3 OF COINS:  Take time during the month to do something that you enjoy, something that you can lose yourself in.  There may be many distractions coming up, so the best thing to do is to focus on an enjoyable activity, hobby, or work that gives you pleasure.  This will be far better than paying attention to fear-mongering news programs or newspapers.  It is ok to follow the news, because we do need to be aware of what is going on in the world, but do not allow it to put you into a fear-based state that you carry around with you.  Stay in a calm, peaceful state, and this will be projected outward.  You can spread positive energy just by keeping yourself grounded and focused on peace.
THE EMPRESS:  As we continue the transformation from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, we will see more and more the impact of the Divine Feminine energy, which was suppressed for so long.  We are entering a time where the patriarchal and feminine energies will balance each other.  The kind, nurturing, and supportive feelings will start coming to the forefront as we move along our paths.  Feel this beautiful sense of helping others, providing aid when needed, and spreading unconditional love as you go about your day. We are on the brink of something wonderful, despite all the negative events that are occurring. Let the Empress energy fill you, bringing you love, support, and guidance.
2 OF SWORDS:   Blinders continue to be removed as we learn more about what is truly happening in our world. Seek out the truth, being careful to use discernment when exposed to new ideas and information.  Do not be afraid of what you might learn; sometimes the truth is hard to accept.  You may have a choice to make—blindly following what is being told through the mainstream media, or striking out on your own, researching other sources of information.  Buddha said: “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”   We are at a point where this is truer than ever, so we need to keep our eyes and ears open, and be willing to not believe all that is broadcast. 
 QUEEN OF WANDS:   With all the changes that we are being confronted with, it is important for us to be self-confident and self-assured as we deal with whatever comes our way.  Do not let anything stand in your way of seeking out the truth, of following your own path, and staying true to your inner self.  Let your authentic self come forth and trust that you will be given the courage and fortitude to handle any difficulty or issue that arises.  We all have the Queen of Wands energy somewhere within us; we just need to believe in ourselves and have faith that we can overcome any obstacle that lies in our path.
 TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  As change, uncertainty, and a bit of chaos continue to exist in our world, we need to take care of ourselves so we do not get caught up in this whirlwind of negativity.  Refrain from getting too immersed in the mainstream media, choosing instead to focus on something that you enjoy. This is a far better distraction than getting caught up in information that may be questionable.  Let the Empress energy surround and engulf you, so you can freely give love, kindness, and support to those who need it, as well as to yourself.  Pursue the truth, remembering that all will come out eventually.  Draw on your own inner strength, letting your confident self shine through.  Now it is more important than ever to trust and believe in ourselves, knowing that we can make a difference in the world.

Blog # 61:  Why We Are More Powerful Than Our Genetics

Retrieved from:
Dr.  Bruce Lipton, the author of Biology of Belief and other books, explains quite clearly the true role that genetics plays in our health.  We have been led to believe that our genes control our bodies and our health, rather than we ourselves being in charge of our bodies, and therefore must just accept our "genetic fate" that we have inherited from our parents.

Here are just a few highlights from his article “The Wisdom of Your Cells”.
Ø  In his cell culturing experiments with muscle stem cells, he found that although all the muscle cells were genetically the same, the outcome of their growth was determined by the environment he put them in.

Ø  Our body is actually a community of 50 trillion living cells; health occurs when all the cells are getting along and working cooperatively together; dis-ease happens when something disrupts the relationships of the cells in the community.

Ø  Every one of the body systems and functions (digestive, respiratory, reproductive, nervous, etc.) exists in each and every cell of our bodies.
Ø  Researchers at first thought that genes in a DNA strand controlled only the physical body, but more study showed that genes also influenced behavior and emotion.

Ø  When it was discovered that DNA copies itself and it controls the protein, the first conclusion reached was that basically our lives are controlled by DNA, and we end up being “victims” of heredity.

Ø  Dr. Lipton discovered that the brain of the cell (the “controller”) is its skin or membrane—the interface of the cell and the environment.  It is this functional element that controls life, leading to a most significant conclusion—we are not victims of our genes.

Ø  His remarkable insight:  “When we understand that genes are just respondents to the environment from the perceptions handled by the cell membrane, then we can realize that if life isn’t going well, what we have to do is not change our genes but change our perceptions” (i.e., our thoughts about what is happening around us).

Ø  We can never be separated completely from our environment.  “Quantum physics says the invisible energy is 100 times more efficient in conveying information than are material signals (e.g., drugs).  What we are beginning to recognize is that there is an invisible world that we have not dealt with in regard to understanding the nature of our health.”

Ø  This is why it is important for modern medicine to take a more holistic approach to health, recognizing that energy, though invisible, is very real.  Albert Einstein said that the field, the invisible source, is the sole governing agency of the physical reality.



Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tarot Reading for September 2016
 Blog #60: The Mind-Body Connection:
 Effects of Negative Emotions on the Body
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
3 OF SWORDS:  There will continue to be fear and anxiety in the world as we get into September.  All the unsettling news of the summer will have an impact on how the world is viewed and the perception that things are still going awfully awry.  Although we can do little to impact the behavior of others who cause chaos, we do have the ability to alter the way we look at all that is happening.  Despite the bad news, we can continue to envision the world bathed in pure white light, surrounded by St. Germain’s violet light of transmutation.  We can send love and healing energy to those who are adversely affected by any negativity.  We can stop watching mainstream news, which just encourages the fear instilled through all the negative events to continue on and on.  We also must believe that things will get better, but they may get worse before we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
2 OF SWORDS:  It is time to remove the blinders of what is truly going on in the world. Rather than trusting the news shown on mainstream TV stations, why not choose to explore alternative news sites on the internet to get a different perspective? The truth is being hidden from us, and as more people awaken to this fact, change can happen, starting at the grassroots level.  The sadness created in the last few months is a wake-up call for those who have been sleeping and have been oblivious to what has been occurring in our world.  We must continue to educate ourselves and dig for more information, then use discernment to decide for ourselves what to believe.
ACE OF SWORDS:  By looking for other sources of information, we provide to ourselves new mental energy and new ideas.  Let all the Swords energy of this month help you cut away the lies, deceit, and disinformation so you can free yourself from fear and worry.  It is up to us to seek answers to what is going on under the surface.  We may not get to the whole truth, but we will learn the importance of trusting ourselves, our own intuition, and our heart.
7 OF SWORDS:  This card is a summary of what we have been dealing with for quite a while in our world. Deception, disinformation, double talk, distortion of information—this is what we have been exposed to, but the truth is starting to come out.  Do not get discouraged by all the negative news, and do positive things for yourself that will help you cope whenever you hear of another tragedy. Pray for those that have been hurt, send them love and healing energy, surround yourself with white light, and then let it go. It does no good to dwell on the bad state of affairs and what an awful world we live in now.  Yes, there is a lot of chaos and pain, but we can rise above it if we so choose. Do not wallow in fear, for this does nothing but makes things worse. Stay in a positive frame of mind as best you can.
TRENDS FOR THE MONTH: September is a Swords month, which means that there will be a lot of cutting away of whatever is not in our best interest or not for our highest good.  More and more people are awakening to the truths that are beginning to be exposed and changing their beliefs about many things. It may be a time of discomfort and cognitive dissonance, but we will move through this as we remember that it is always darkest before dawn. We have free will, so we can choose to be influenced by all the negativity around us, or we can choose to turn off the fear-mongering TV news and focus on sending out unconditional love to everyone. Visualize an Earth where we are all living in peace, with no more war and strife. It starts with us—we must change ourselves from within to see positive change manifesting outwardly.
Blog #60:  The Mind-Body Connection: Effects of Negative Emotions on the Body

After experiencing a challenging situation or a difficult problem, have you noticed that you begin developing aches and pains in your body that were not there before? 

Did you know that when we have strong emotions, they do not just go away?  Since emotions are basically energy, they are stored in the cellular memory of our bodies, as well as specific parts of the body.  That is why health conditions are attached to our feelings and how we react to what happens to us.   Louise Hay, a metaphysical author and teacher, has written a best-selling book describing various mental causes for a host of physical illnesses—Heal Your Body.  It is a good reference book to help you determine the root cause of an illness or condition; it helps you begin healing the cause, not the symptoms.  The medical field focuses mostly on the symptoms, which is why often a condition is treated continually with medication, rather than being eliminated.

For example, Louise says that cancer is caused by “Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self.  Carrying hatreds. (Asking) ‘What is the use?’ “ (Heal Your Body, p. 22.) Another example--Knee problems:  “Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Fear. Inflexibility. Won’t give in.” (p. 46).

A negative attitude leads to negative emotions, which are eventually expressed physically in the body, if we allow them to.  That is why it is so important to stay positive, which raises our vibration, thus helping us to develop a good immune system.

Our emotions cause our body to release different hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin if we are happy and in a good frame of mind.  If we are stressed, the body releases cortisol, which hinders our immune system from working properly since we are in survival mode.  Continued elevated cortisol levels lead to inflammation, where most if not all illnesses begin.

So how can we improve our emotional health?

Ø  Try to recognize emotions and why we are having them.

Ø  Express feelings in appropriate ways.
Ø  Live a balanced life—deal with negative emotions but focus on the positive in your life.

Ø  Develop resilience—learn how to cope with stress in a healthy way.

Ø  Calm the mind and body—relaxation methods, meditation, music, guided imagery, yoga, tai Chi.

Ø  Take care of yourself—have a regular routine for eating nutritious meals, getting enough rest and exercise.

Some positive emotions that can help include:

Ø  Forgiveness

Ø  Gratitude

Ø  Emotional resilience—bouncing back from a negative experience rather than staying in a negative state of mind

It is also important to let go of anger.  Some of the illnesses that Louise Hay attributed to anger include: sore throat (holding in angry words), pink eye (anger and frustration), liver problems (seat of anger),  injuries (anger at the self), carpal tunnel syndrome (anger and frustration at life’s seeming injustices).

Ways to overcome anger:

Ø  Acknowledge the anger—be mindful of what you are feeling

Ø  Realize where your anger is coming from—ask yourself why you are angry

Ø  Take a step back—take some deep breaths, go for a walk, distract yourself until you feel calmer

Ø  Deal with the issue—just ignoring it will not make it go away

Ø  Talk to someone about what is bothering you

Ø  Let go of unhealthy thoughts that lead to a negative mindset—appreciate what is good in your life rather than looking for problems or thinking the worst

And finally, remember that perception is so important in how a negative situation affects us.  Our reaction to a problem is more crucial than the problem itself.


Hay, Louise L. Heal your body: The mental causes of physical illness and the metaphysical way to overcome them. Hay House: Carlsbad, California, 1988.

