Sunday, February 8, 2015

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  2-8-15 through 2-21-15
 Blog #36:  Houseplants That Purify the Air

 8 OF COINS: Preparation and contemplation of what direction you want to go in are still important, so don't lose sight of the value of planning.  You can achieve much this year, so focus on at least one goal that you would like to accomplish and spend time discovering the best way to go about this.
THE CHARIOT: Believe in yourself, being assured that you are exactly where you were meant to be. You are traveling on the path you have chosen for yourself.  If it is not to your liking, you can change direction and will be able to deal with any opposing forces that you meet. Remember to go with the flow and let things unfold in their own time, according to divine plan.
THE HIGH PRIESTESS:  During the next two weeks, it will be important for you to trust your intuition and go with your inner truth. Listen to your feelings and believe that your gut instincts will show you what you need to know. It is all about faith and belief in yourself, for you already have all the answers; you just need to recognize this.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: Continue to lay plans and a firm foundation for the year. Set at least one achievable goal that you can accomplish and give yourself a deadline.  Then follow your plan, knowing that this is part of your journey forward. Let the Chariot energy move you ahead as you trust and believe in yourself and your intuition. This can be a powerful time for you if you allow it to be so.
Blog #36:  Houseplants That Purify the Air

 Retrieved from
If you are a plant-lover, chances are that you have a home filled with beautiful green plants.   They are not only pleasant to look at, but research has shown that they can help relieve tension and reduce stress levels.  But did you know that, in addition to these benefits, there are certain plants that do a really good job of cleansing the air in your home?

In fact, NASA has conducted an official study on air-purifying plants and even assigned a score to each on how well they can eliminate chemical vapors and how easy they are to maintain. The study recommended that for optimal air cleaning, a house or apartment should have at least 15-18 plants for an 1800-square foot dwelling.  However, if you don’t want to care for that many, you can choose any number you want, knowing that the plants listed below will provide you with a cleaner home atmosphere.

Here are some of the top recommendations for air-cleansing houseplants that are not only beautiful but provide you with some wonderful health benefits.

Ø  English ivy—This plant has amazing abilities to filter air, such as helping to remove harmful chemicals like formaldehyde.  It is on NASA’s list and was given a rating of 7.8 on 10-point scale.  It is easy to grow, very adaptable, can be grown in a hanging pot or one on the floor, and does well in small spaces with moderate to little sunlight.

Ø  Peace lily—This is one of the few flowering plants that helps purify the air of toxins.  It is not only beautiful, but is also low maintenance (requires only weekly watering).  It is very forgiving, and lets you know when you have forgotten to water it, because it gets droopy.  It helps rid the air of VOC (volatile organic compounds) benzene, a carcinogen found in paints, furniture wax, and polishes.  It also helps eliminate acetone given off by electronic devices, adhesives, and some cleaners.  However, it should be kept out of the reach of pets, as it is harmful to them.  Its NASA purifying rating is 7.5.

Ø  Spider plant (also called airplane plants)—This plant is good for beginners, because it reproduces quickly and can recuperate easily from a lack of attention.  It has long, green and white striped leaves that can grow 12-18 inches long.  A mature plant has many plantlets on long stems.  It helps get rid of formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, and benzene.

Ø  Golden pothos—This beautiful plant grows best in cool temperatures and low sunlight levels.  It is fast-growing and very flexible. It has dark green leaves with golden streaks and marbling, and is good for clearing the air of formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene.  If you keep one near an entryway by your garage, it will help with clearing your home of the toxicity from car exhaust fumes that may get into the house.

Ø  Red-edged dracaena—This plant grows slowly, but can reach up to 15 feet eventually, so it is good for decorating and placing in corners.   The red color looks beautiful in the midst of other green plants.  It does best in moderate sunlight and will help clear the air of xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde, which get into the air through lacquers, varnishes, and sealers.  NASA purifying score is 7.8.

Ø  Aloe plant—This plant can do double-duty, for it is mostly known for the ability of its gel to soothe sunburns, stings, or cuts.  It also helps clear the air of toxins found in chemical cleaning products.  In fact, a unique quality is that its leaves will turn brown if there are too many harmful chemicals in the air.  It prefers bright sunlight.

Ø  Rubber tree—This is one of the easiest to grow, so if you have a “black thumb” but want to purify the air in your home, you may want to consider this one.  They thrive even in dim lighting but prefer brighter light that isn’t too hot.  They are good for removing formaldehyde and other toxins from the air.  But if you have pets, be sure to keep this plant out of reach.

Ø  Snake plant—This plant can grow without much light or water and absorbs carbon dioxide.  An interesting fact is that it releases oxygen during the night, so it’s possible that keeping one in the bedroom may help give a slight oxygen burst that could result in better sleep. Most plants release oxygen during the day.

Ø  Philodendron—This one is popular because it is easy to care for and can grow lovely vines. As with other plants mentioned, they are good at absorbing formaldehyde.  They can last for many years with proper care, preferring moderate water and some sunlight.

This is only a partial list of some of the best air-cleaning plants.  You can visit the websites given below for more information.



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