Sunday, January 11, 2015


Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  1-11-15 through 1-24-15


 Blog #34:  What Are the Benefits of Lemon Juice?

4 OF WANDS:   During this biweekly you will find yourself coming out of an unclear, murky area into a space of clarity and more optimism.  Things are starting to look up, so use any advantages that come your way to move yourself forward.  Be upbeat and positive, for good things are indeed on the way.
THE DEVIL: Do not let fear, anxiety, worry, doubt, guilt, or any other negative emotion prevent you from achieving what you desire. You have the power to do and create whatever you want.  Often the only thing holding us back is our fear of failure or worry about the outcome. Now is the time to remove these blocks and tell yourself that anything is possible.
KING OF CUPS: Use the next two weeks to spread unconditional love wherever you go. Smile at others, do random acts of kindness, and pay it forward in situations that allow this. You will be amazed at the wonderful results of being kind and considerate to others.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: You are leaving a time of uncertainty and moving into one of more hope and optimism. Look forward to better times and stay in a positive frame of mind. Prevent fear from blocking your progress by not allowing it to fester and grow. You have the ability to "nip in the bud" any negative thoughts, so carefully monitor what you are thinking. This can be a wonderful time of loving and kindness by spreading good ill wherever you go.
Blog #34:  What Are the Benefits of Lemon Juice?

Retrieved from

Did you know that there is something simple you can do to enhance your health and sense of well-being? 

It is this:  In the morning, drink the juice of one or one-half of a lemon mixed with warm water.  That’s it.  It is easy, tastes refreshing, and does wonderful things for your body.

Why is this so? Here is a partial list of why lemons are so good for us:

Ø  Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, which helps our body with immune system deficiencies.

Ø  They contain pectin, a type of fiber that is good for the colon and has antibacterial properties.

Ø  They balance the body’s pH levels, which maintains a more alkaline than acidic environment, which is where disease occurs.

Ø  They are a good source of citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus,  bioflavonoids, limonene, and magnesium—all elements that are important for a healthy body.  For example, potassium helps nourish brain and nerve cells.

Some benefits


Ø  Aid digestion by encouraging the production of bile.

Ø  Boost our immune system through vitamin C, which is especially helpful in times of stress.

Ø  Contain potassium, which enhances the heart, brain, and nerves.

Ø  Flush toxins from the body as an aid to digestion; help relieve indigestion and boosts the function of the liver.

Ø  Fight bacteria in the mouth for fresher breath.

Ø  Freshen skin, due to the vitamin C that helps with collagen production.

Ø  Help with hunger cravings, thanks to the pectin fiber; this may aid weight loss, in addition to being a digestive aid and liver cleanser.

Ø  Help fight viral infections and sore throats.

Although there are many benefits of drinking warm lemon juice and water, there are some sources that say the benefits may be overstated.  For more information on this, see:

Also, some authors suggest that you rinse your mouth out with plain water after drinking lemon juice because the acid could damage tooth enamel.

Nevertheless, many people agree that the benefits outweigh the risks, and that is why this practice has become so popular.  So if you are looking for a healthy change to start off the new year, you may want to consider adding this easy method to your morning routine.

In summary, warm lemon water contributes to strong antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting properties, in addition to the other benefits listed above.



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