Sunday, November 2, 2014


Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  11-2-14 through 11-15-14
Blog #29:  Are GMOs Harmful?
5 OF COINS: When we feel sorry for ourselves or refuse to ask for help, we are allowing a negative state of mind to continue. The best thing to do is to be aware of what you are thinking and then change these thoughts to more positive ones. You can replace the worry with a positive affirmation, or simply think of something enjoyable you would like to do.
8 OF CUPS: Change is happening all the time, and change within ourselves is no exception. Recognize the changes you are feeling--such as realizing that what you believed in the past is no longer serving you--and accept them.  Be grateful for your growth, and remember that when we change our inner selves, changes occur in our outer world as well.
THE CHARIOT: This is a time for moving forward on your path, because you are making progress. If you encounter forces pulling you in opposite directions, you will have the strength to deal with them.  Go with the flow, and ask for divine inspiration.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: Do not allow a negative state of mind to continue.  Rather, monitor your thoughts, and when you recognize any negativity, immediately replace it with something uplifting and inspirational. Recognize the transformations occurring within you.  Give yourself credit for moving forward, and appreciate the progress you are making.  Just let things unfold the way they are intended, rather than trying to control the outcome.

Blog #29—Are GMOs Harmful?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been in the news a lot lately because they are so controversial.   Why? Because they are hidden in many foods, despite a lack of research showing their long-term effects on our bodies. 

GMOs were introduced in 1996, and in just three years the percentage of Americans with three or more chronic illnesses (food allergies, autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems) increased from 7% to 13%.  Because of the scarcity of research, there is not conclusive proof that these ailments are due to GMOs, but more and more people are deciding not to ingest them.

What is a GMO?  “GMOs are created when a gene from one species is transferred to another, creating something that would not be found in nature.” (  These plants have been physically altered in laboratories to improve desired traits, such as resistance to pesticides/herbicides, or better nutritional content.

GMOs were created so more pesticides and herbicides could be used on crops without killing them. The crops are resistant to diseases, but the problem is that as more pesticides are used, the crops become more and more resistant, so more chemicals have to be used. Because of this, genetically modified foods have a higher contamination of toxic herbicides (

Many domestic crops (90% of soybeans, for example) have DNA that has been tampered with in a lab.  Other foods that may contain GMOs include rice, sugar beets, papaya, bananas, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, and honey.  One of the main culprits, corn, is found in at least 60-70% of processed foods.  For example:

“Many food products such as many breakfast cereals, infant formula, salad dressing, bread, cereal, hamburgers, mayonnaise, veggie burgers, meat substitutes, soy cheese, tomato sauce, crackers, cookies, chocolate, candy, fried food, protein powder, baking powder, alcohol, vanilla, powdered sugar, peanut butter, ice cream, frozen yogurt, tofu, tamari, soy sauce, enriched flour and pasta have high levels of GMO corn. GMO corns have been related to infertility, tumors, and increase in food allergies.” (

It is not surprising that many people have never even heard of GMOs.  One survey found that only 52% of Americans knew that GMO foods are available in grocery stores; only 26% thought they had eaten GMO food.  The prevalence of GMOs in our food supply and the lack of knowledge about them is astounding, especially considering these numbers.  (

The U.S. government’s position is that GMOs are safe, they are better at resisting disease, and they produce more food.  Therefore, according to this reasoning, it is not even necessary to label food products so consumers know which ones contain GMOs. In fact, several states have tried to require labeling, but have been not been successful.  Some companies, such as Ben & Jerry’s, support labeling and do not use GMO ingredients.

The question, then, is: Why can’t foods be labeled? What is the harm in letting us know what we are eating? The European Union has banned GMOs altogether, as has Australia, Japan, the UK, and other countries that are concerned about the lack of long-term studies on the safety of GMOs.

One author states that:

"Most of the health and environmental risks of GMOs are ignored by governments' superficial regulations and safety assessments. The reason for this tragedy is largely political. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for example, doesn't require a single safety study, does not mandate labeling of GMOs, and allows companies to put their GM foods onto the market without even notifying the agency.” (

So what can we do to protect ourselves?  For now, the best we can do is to be aware of which foods contain GMOs and avoid them.  To download a list of non-GMO products go to

When shopping, you can also look for these symbols:                       




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