Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading: 11-30-14 through 12-13-14
Blog #31: The Amazing Dolphins
4 OF COINS: Be frugal with your finances and resources for the next two weeks. Spend for what you need, not for what you want. This will bring a feeling of security and stability, and it will allow you to have the freedom to enjoy other aspects of life other than just what money can buy. The message is to focus more on the spiritual rather than the material.
4 OF SWORDS: Do not allow the hectic nature of this time of year to wear you down. It is important for you to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep and rest, by eating foods that nurture your body rather than deplete it, and by getting at least a little exercise. We cannot take care of others, and we cannot experience joy and happiness, unless we take care of ourselves.
KNIGHT OF SWORDS: A time for communicating clearly with others so that you get your points across easily. Use the Swords energy to cut through all the excess words that only distort your message. The Knight energy will help you move forward in this area, by expressing your truth in a straightforward manner.
BI-MONTHLY THEME: Spend wisely during the upcoming weeks, being grateful for what you have. It is good to share with others by giving gifts, but there are other presents that can be given that are not of the material world. A small gift given with love and kindness will go a long way. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Be kind to yourself first, and this will allow you to spread unconditional love to all those you meet. Be aware of the importance of communicating positive, clear messages that focus on your truth and are uplifting in some way.
Blog #31: The Amazing Dolphins
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There seems to be a natural attraction between dolphins and
humans that has been going on for a long time, as far back as ancient
Greece. Other civilizations with myths
and folklore related to dolphins include India, ancient Sumeria, the Dogon
tribe from West Africa, and many Native American cultures.
Some dolphin physical traits
Perhaps this is why there are spiritual qualities associated with dolphins—not just through the stories and myths in which dolphins figure prominently, but also because of their unique physical attributes. Here are just a few of the wonderful characteristics of dolphins:
Ø Dolphins are marine mammals who in their natural environment often impart to humans a sense of calmness, peace, and acceptance. Marine biologists have found that “there is something about the vibrational energy of a dolphin and its sonar that has an effect on our biomolecular structure. . Dolphins can break up negative energy. Even just listening to them can help boost your relaxation response and endorphin levels.” (
Ø Community and social interaction are very important to dolphins. If one is injured or hurt, others will come to its aid by circling around him and protecting him. During the birth process, pod (group) members will protect the mother and baby calf by shielding them from predators. They will even help those who are sick or injured by lifting them up to the surface so they can breathe.
Ø Dolphins are good at communicating with one another. They speak by moving their bodies in certain ways and by emitting sounds such as clicks and whistles. Each dolphin has its own unique characteristic signal or whistle.
Ø Dolphins are very playful and curious, and they live in total harmony with their environment and one another. Their countenance seems quite happy to us, because of their “built-in smile”. They live in large groups (called pods) of up to 100.
ØDolphins have large brains and are very intelligent, and have even been observed teaching their young how to use tools, such as covering their snouts with sponges for protection while looking for food. (
Ø Their blowhole is used for both breathing and sound production. They breathe about every 30 seconds but can stay underwater for up to eight minutes. They must stay conscious at all times, so they don’t sleep like we do. They rest by letting half of their brain go to sleep while the other half stays alert and takes care of breathing.
Ø Although they do not have a sense of smell, they do have a highly developed sense of hearing, capable of hearing a wide range of frequencies. Underwater, they use echolocation or biosonar to find food by emitting bursts of high frequency sounds that bounce off objects and return to them as echoes.
Some dolphin spiritual messages
Because of their unique characteristics, dolphins are considered to be very spiritual animals that bring us many messages. Here are just a few:
Ø Peace and harmony: Dolphins live peacefully with each other and other species, including humans. They like to swim and play around boats and people swimming.
Ø Protection: There have been cases of dolphins saving people from drowning and chasing sharks away from people in the ocean. There is even an incident in which a pod of dolphins herded back out to sea a group of whales who had beached themselves in New Zealand. (
Ø Sense of humor and playfulness: Dolphins with their “smiles” and playfulness remind us to not take ourselves so seriously.
Ø Resurrection: The ancient Greeks believed that dolphins carried the souls of the dead to the afterlife, so people who have an affinity for dolphins may be in the midst of their own rebirth or awakening.
Ø The power of breath and emotional release: As author Ina Woolcott states:
“When we learn to breathe
deeply we can learn to feel deeply, in turn letting go of stifled
feelings. One way of doing this is to
copy the dolphin’s pattern of breathing, a superb tension reliever! Dolphin breathes deeply, holds his breath
underwater, then breathes out forcefully.” (
Ø Nurturing and healing: The previous examples of how dolphins have been known to protect each other, members of other species, and humans all demonstrate that these gentle animals are truly supportive and caring animals.
Ø Communication: Just as each dolphin creates its own unique sound or signature click, so too can we learn from them the importance of speaking our own truth, expressing our own individuality.
conclusion, If you have a strong affection for dolphins, it could be that the
dolphin is one of your animal totems or guides. But even if they are not
connected to us in this way, we can still learn so much from these wonderful,
amazing marine mammals.