Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  9-21-14 through 10-4-14
Blog #26:  Why Whales Are Special
3 OF COINS:  Find something you enjoy doing and put all of your effort into it. This will bring a sense of peace and satisfaction, because you will be immersed in an activity that makes you feel as if time has stood still. When we do something that is fulfilling, it is a sign that we have found a part of our divine purpose.
THE CHARIOT: You will be moving forward, traveling at a pace that allows you to just relax and go with the flow. If there are competing forces that require more effort, realize that you are on your path and this is part of the learning process.
THE STAR: The next two weeks will be a time of hope and inspiration. You will be infused with a sense of purpose, and this will bring optimism and joy. Trust your intuition during this time, and follow what your inner compass is telling you.
BI-WEEKLY THEME:  During the upcoming weeks it will be helpful if you can find something--a hobby, a fun activity, or just being outdoors--that will bring you a sense of fulfillment and contentment. Being in this frame of mind will help you move forward and get things accomplished. You will be traveling, whether figuratively or actually. This is also a time of inspiration, so take to heart whatever ideas or innovative thoughts come to you. Allow your intuition to move you in the right direction, and you will feel a sense of contentment.
Blog #26—Why Whales Are Special

Retrieved from:
Physical Aspects
Whales are the largest mammals on earth and some of the most intelligent.  They are part of the cetacean species, which includes dolphins and porpoises.  New insights into whale intelligence have allowed us to understand some amazing and important facts about these special marine beings:

Ø  Whales have a complex and advanced social structure.  Some are known to spend the majority of their lives together in the same pod.  They hunt together and protect one another from harm.

Ø  They display a high level of intelligence.  For example, “The detection of spindle cells found in several species of whale. . .indicate the possibility of high intelligence.  Previously these cells were only found in humans, elephants and apes which are all considered highly intelligent animals.” (  They also show a self-recognition, a characteristic found only in a few animal species.

Ø  Whales have an advanced communication system.  Whales communicate with one another either through echolocation (sounds that are reflected from and echoed back from objects) or through production of a series of sounds called songs. (  So their sounds play a crucial role in hunting and navigating. They can also connect and coordinate their actions with other whales over thousands of miles of ocean.

Ø  Whales help maintain balance in the ecosystem by ensuring that other species (such as krill) do not overpopulate and destroy the delicate equilibrium.

Ø  Whale excrement even helps maintain a cleaner and healthier atmosphere because it contains a nutrient that helps stimulate the growth of phytoplankton (organisms that remove carbon from the air).

Ø  Whale watching has become more popular as people realize a special connection with whales, fueling a desire to see them in their natural habitats. This has had a positive economic effect for some countries.

Spiritual Aspects
Whales are special also because they seem to have a spiritual quality for many people.  One author who was able to get a close-up underwater view of a humpback mother and her baby said,  “It was almost impossible to describe the pure, raw joy, the other-worldliness of being eye to eye with a 50-foot mother whale and her baby in their water home.  The trust and love emanating from them was palpable.” (

As a spirit animal or totem, the whale teaches us about paying attention to our inner voice, understanding the impact emotions play in our lives, and following our own truth.

Other meanings associated with whales are:

Ø  Physical and emotional healing and rebirth

Ø  Importance of family and community

Ø  Communication—effectively expressing emotional experiences

Ø  Importance of balance

Ø  Deeper awareness

Ø  Creative imagination



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