Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading: 12-28-14 through 1-10-15
Blog #33: Some Unique Qualities of Elephants
ACE OF COINS: The New Year starts out with wonderful opportunities for growth and prosperity in the areas of job/career, finances, health, home, and sense of security/stability. Look for chances to expand in these parts of your life, and if you take advantage of them, you will be well-rewarded.
KNIGHT OF COINS: You have the motivation and strength to move forward in the physical world, in all the areas mentioned above. Use the power and forward movement of the Knight energy to help you, and you won't be disappointed. It is as if you have a new lease on life at the start of the year, so let this propel you ahead.
QUEEN OF COINS: The powerful Queen energy will also be with you during the next two weeks. Use your intuition to sort out what would be the best avenues for you to pursue as you start this time of abundance. Anything is possible, and with the help of this beautiful energy you will be greatly pleased by the progress you are making.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: Coins are predominant, so use this time wisely to keep your eyes open for new opportunities that may not have been there before. The excitement and chances for a new start are what these two weeks are all about, so be optimistic and hopeful, for things get off to a great start in this new year.
Blog #33—Some Unique Qualities of Elephants
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Elephants are among the most intelligent creatures on Earth,
and they are also quite similar to humans in several ways. For example, they have emotions like we do. Research has shown them to display jealousy, rage,
envy, and a high level of competitiveness.
They have been shown to grieve when one of their herd dies, and they will even go to the spot where the death occurred and mourn. Baby elephants are taken care of by their mothers or other females until
they reach adulthood at about age 20, and their lifespan closely parallels that
of humans (average of 70 years).
However, there is much we can learn from elephants. Their family groups are very cohesive, and
group members protect one another. They
show us that by supporting their fellow elephants, they are able to better
thrive in their environment. As mentioned above, the females of the herd
(not just the mother) join in the raising and nurturing of the young. It is
truly a community endeavor, as when the females teach the babies how to use
their trunks. Experienced mothers also
show new mothers how to nurture their offspring.
Elephants communicate telepathically with the other
elephants within and outside their herd.
They have poor eyesight, which is made up for by a keen sense of
sophisticated hearing, smell, touch, and taste.
They are also noted for their good memories, which are better than
ours. Despite their large size, they are
able to walk in a quiet, graceful, and rhythmic way.
Studies have even been done on several personality styles
exhibited by elephants. As one author
individual in a group has a very different personality type,” said Professor
Phyllis Lee, a behavioral psychologist at the University of Stirling and chair
of the scientific advisory committee for the Amboseli Trust for Elephants. “These
personalities have a key role in how successful the family is and how they cope
with threats and adversity like starvation or drought.“ (
The strongest personalities were demonstrated by leaders of the herds, which is established not by dominance but by their ability to show intelligence and solve problems. This is unusual in animals, says Professor Lee.
Some spiritual qualities embodied in elephants include:
gentleness, commitment, communication in relationships, protecting others,
telepathic communication, strength, patience, and compassion. The organization of the herd is matriarchal,
since the males often leave the herds to form their own bachelor herds or to
seek out mates from other herds.
The Hindu god of luck is Ganesh,
the elephant-headed god who is the master of wisdom and learning. He also helps remove obstacles that prevent
obtaining abundance. One author
notes: “He is unquestionably the most
lovable and mischievous of the deities with his grandfatherly presence, his
protuberant belly, and the twinkle in his eyes.”
We can learn much from elephants,
as researchers are finding out as they delve into the behavior of these
magnificent creatures.