Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  12-28-14 through 1-10-15
 Blog #33:  Some Unique Qualities of Elephants
ACE OF COINS:  The New Year starts out with wonderful opportunities for growth and prosperity in the areas of job/career, finances, health, home, and sense of security/stability. Look for chances to expand in these parts of your life, and if you take advantage of them, you will be well-rewarded.
KNIGHT OF COINS:  You have the motivation and strength to move forward in the physical world, in all the areas mentioned above.  Use the power and forward movement of the Knight energy to help you, and you won't be disappointed. It is as if you have a new lease on life at the start of the year, so let this propel you ahead.
QUEEN OF COINS:  The powerful Queen energy will also be with you during the next two weeks. Use your intuition to sort out what would be the best avenues for you to pursue as you start this time of abundance.  Anything is possible, and with the help of this beautiful energy you will be greatly pleased by the progress you are making.
BI-WEEKLY THEME:  Coins are predominant, so use this time wisely to keep your eyes open for new opportunities that may not have been there before.  The excitement and chances for a new start are what these two weeks are all about, so be optimistic and hopeful, for things get off to a great start in this new year. 
Blog #33—Some Unique Qualities of Elephants

Elephants are among the most intelligent creatures on Earth, and they are also quite similar to humans in several ways.  For example, they have emotions like we do.  Research has shown them to display jealousy, rage, envy, and a high level of competitiveness.  They have been shown to grieve when one of their herd dies, and they will even go to the spot where the death occurred and mourn.  Baby elephants are taken care of by their mothers or other females until they reach adulthood at about age 20, and their lifespan closely parallels that of humans (average of 70 years). 

However, there is much we can learn from elephants.  Their family groups are very cohesive, and group members protect one another.  They show us that by supporting their fellow elephants, they are able to better thrive in their environment.    As mentioned above, the females of the herd (not just the mother) join in the raising and nurturing of the young. It is truly a community endeavor, as when the females teach the babies how to use their trunks.  Experienced mothers also show new mothers how to nurture their offspring.

Elephants communicate telepathically with the other elephants within and outside their herd.  They have poor eyesight, which is made up for by a keen sense of sophisticated hearing, smell, touch, and taste.  They are also noted for their good memories, which are better than ours.  Despite their large size, they are able to walk in a quiet, graceful, and rhythmic way.

Studies have even been done on several personality styles exhibited by elephants.  As one author notes:

“Each individual in a group has a very different personality type,” said Professor Phyllis Lee, a behavioral psychologist at the University of Stirling and chair of the scientific advisory committee for the Amboseli Trust for Elephants. “These personalities have a key role in how successful the family is and how they cope with threats and adversity like starvation or drought.“ (

The strongest personalities were demonstrated by leaders of the herds, which is established not by dominance but by their ability to show intelligence and solve problems.  This is unusual in animals, says Professor Lee. 

Some spiritual qualities embodied in elephants include: gentleness, commitment, communication in relationships, protecting others, telepathic communication, strength, patience, and compassion.   The organization of the herd is matriarchal, since the males often leave the herds to form their own bachelor herds or to seek out mates from other herds.

The Hindu god of luck is Ganesh, the elephant-headed god who is the master of wisdom and learning.  He also helps remove obstacles that prevent obtaining abundance.  One author notes:  “He is unquestionably the most lovable and mischievous of the deities with his grandfatherly presence, his protuberant belly, and the twinkle in his eyes.”

We can learn much from elephants, as researchers are finding out as they delve into the behavior of these magnificent creatures.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  12-14-14 through 12-27-14
 Blog #32:  What Are Mandalas?

QUEEN OF CUPS:  A time for feeling supportive, nurturing, and kind to others.  Let the Queen energy permeate your whole being as you bring unconditional love, peace, and joy to all those you meet.  Allow your aura to expand outward to others, and show them the blessings of consideration and kindness.
6 OF COINS:  This is the season for giving, but it is also important to remember that there should always be an exchange of energy. This means that the balance of giving and receiving should be present, so allow others to give to you, not just in terms of material things, but also regarding time and effort. Take care of yourself by resting and by providing physical and emotional nourishment to yourself to maintain strong health and well-being.
8 OF COINS: As the New Year approaches, take a few moments to think about the upcoming year and what you would like to accomplish. Get a few ideas of what you can do to plan for your future, rather than just allowing things to happen willy-nilly. Contemplate where you want to go, and come up with even just one or two goals that are possible for you to achieve.  You may be amazed at the results.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: Show kindness, love, and support to all those around you.  Have a smile on your face and a kind word for everyone, for you have the power to transform the attitudes of others simply by doing this. Stay in balance by keeping your giving and receiving in equilibrium, and be sure to give yourself breaks from hectic activities. Remember to start thinking of some attainable goals you would like to work on in the New Year. You have the ability to accomplish whatever you set your mind to.
Blog #32:  What Are Mandalas?

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Mandalas have been around since ancient times and have been created by many peoples, such as Tibetan Buddhists, Tibetan monks, the ancient Aztecs and Navajos of the Americas, and the Taoists in Asia. 

Wikipedia defines mandala as: “In common use, mandala has become a generic term for any diagram, chart or geometric pattern that represents the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically; a microcosm of the universe.” (

The word itself is a Sanskrit word meaning “circle”, which represents wholeness.  One author describes it as “a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and without our bodies and minds.” (

Another interesting origin of the word is given by an author who says that it comes from the root Sanskrit word “manda”, which means “essence and “la”, meaning container.  So it is a “container of essence”, which could be seen as an image that holds the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing. (

Buddhist monks continue to make beautiful and intricate sand mandalas, which take days to create.  After holding a ceremony, they sweep it into a jar and put the sand into a body of water as a blessing.  The creation and destruction of the mandala symbolizes the cycle of life.

Although there may be many squares or triangles in a complex mandala, the circular and concentric structure is always present. The elements are balanced, demonstrating unity and harmony.  Many different kinds of mandalas can be found on the internet, so you can check out the wide variety by going to Images on Google.

What are mandalas used for?

Some people like to meditate by gazing at a mandala.  You can do this whether you create your own mandala or obtain one from the internet or other source.

One author says that the design of the mandala should be visually appealing so that the mind is fully engaged and gets away from the chatter that goes on if we don’t concentrate on something else.  The meditation can be used to gain the kind of knowledge within us, which could allow access to your higher consciousness or clarity on issues that have been bothering you.

Mandalas used in meditation

If you want to try a mandala meditation, here are some steps to follow:

1.  Select a mandala that is attractive to you, or that appeals to you in some way.

2.  Find out the meaning of the mandala that you have chosen, or set your own meaning/intention before focusing on it.

3.  Set your intention.  Here is an example of setting your intention using a Native American labyrinth mandala:

". . .we know this meaning of mandala relates to beginnings, our eternal nature, and how this is relative to our life journey. So, before meditating on the mandala we set the intention to more clearly understand our life journey, or be shown guidance in a particular area (where) we are having trouble on the path.” (

4.  Focus on the mandala, looking at the beauty of the designs.  If your mind wanders or starts chattering, just bring it back to the mandala.  Fall into it, letting it absorb all of your attention.

Creating your own mandala

If you prefer, you can create your own mandala to express your individuality or even to work through issues or challenges you may be having.  The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung associated the mandala with the Self, or the center of the total personality. He saw it as growth toward wholeness depicting one’s uniqueness and a reflection of the Self. For these reasons, he would have his patients create their own mandalas and then assist them in deciphering what their mandalas said about themselves. 

If you are interested in creating your own mandalas and would like to understand more about this process, a great reference is Susanne F. Fincher’s book Creating Mandalas (1991).

Painting, drawing, or coloring our own mandalas allows us to use our creative right-brain, and this can lead to amazing healing and insights into ourselves and our lives.  There are tools available to help you with this process.  (See 

For even more creative opportunities that could give amazing results, just start with a blank circle and start drawing/coloring/painting whatever comes to mind. Have fun with it!  Your mandala can symbolize your journey through life, tell a story of where you have been, or what you should do to grow and develop.  (

If you want a different meditation experience and believe that using a mandala may be the key to opening new doors for you, it may be worthwhile to explore mandalas more.


Fincher, Susanne F. (1991) Creating Mandalas. Boston, Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  11-30-14 through 12-13-14
 Blog #31:  The Amazing Dolphins

4 OF COINS:  Be frugal with your finances and resources for the next two weeks. Spend for what you need, not for what you want.  This will bring a feeling of security and stability, and it will allow you to have the freedom to enjoy other aspects of life other than just what money can buy.  The message is to focus more on the spiritual rather than the material.

4 OF SWORDS:  Do not allow the hectic nature of this time of year to wear you down.  It is important for you to take care of yourself by getting enough sleep and rest, by eating foods that nurture your body rather than deplete it, and by getting at least a little exercise.  We cannot take care of others, and we cannot experience joy and happiness, unless we take care of ourselves.

KNIGHT OF SWORDS:  A time for communicating clearly with others so that you get your points across easily. Use the Swords energy to cut through all the excess words that only distort your message.  The Knight energy will help you move forward in this area, by expressing your truth in a straightforward manner.

BI-MONTHLY THEME:  Spend wisely during the upcoming weeks, being grateful for what you have.  It is good to share with others by giving gifts, but there are other presents that can be given that are not of the material world.  A small gift given with love and kindness will go a long way.  Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Be kind to yourself first, and this will allow you to spread unconditional love to all those you meet.  Be aware of the importance of communicating positive, clear messages that focus on your truth and are uplifting in some way.
Blog #31:  The Amazing Dolphins

There seems to be a natural attraction between dolphins and humans that has been going on for a long time, as far back as ancient Greece.  Other civilizations with myths and folklore related to dolphins include India, ancient Sumeria, the Dogon tribe from West Africa, and many Native American cultures.

Some dolphin physical traits

Perhaps this is why there are spiritual qualities associated with dolphins—not just through the stories and myths in which dolphins figure prominently, but also because of their unique physical attributes.  Here are just a few of the wonderful characteristics of dolphins:

Ø  Dolphins are marine mammals who in their natural environment often impart to humans a sense of calmness, peace, and acceptance.  Marine biologists have found that “there is something about the vibrational energy of a dolphin and its sonar that has an effect on our biomolecular structure. . Dolphins can break up negative energy.  Even just listening to them can help boost your relaxation response and endorphin levels.” (

Ø  Community and social interaction are very important to dolphins.  If one is injured or hurt, others will come to its aid by circling around him and protecting him.  During the birth process, pod (group) members will protect the mother and baby calf by shielding them from predators.  They will even help those who are sick or injured by lifting them up to the surface so they can breathe.
Ø  Dolphins are good at communicating with one another. They speak by moving their bodies in certain ways and by emitting sounds such as clicks and whistles.  Each dolphin has its own unique characteristic signal or whistle.

Ø  Dolphins are very playful and curious, and they live in total harmony with their environment and one another. Their countenance seems quite happy to us, because of their “built-in smile”.  They live in large groups (called pods) of up to 100.

ØDolphins have large brains and are very intelligent, and have even been observed teaching their young how to use tools, such as covering their snouts with sponges for protection while looking for food. (

Ø  Their blowhole is used for both breathing and sound production. They breathe about every 30 seconds but can stay underwater for up to eight minutes.  They must stay conscious at all times, so they don’t sleep like we do.  They rest by letting half of their brain go to sleep while the other half stays alert and takes care of breathing.

Ø  Although they do not have a sense of smell, they do have a highly developed sense of hearing, capable of hearing a wide range of frequencies.  Underwater, they use echolocation or biosonar to find food by emitting bursts of high frequency sounds that bounce off objects and return to them as echoes.

Some dolphin spiritual messages

Because of their unique characteristics, dolphins are considered to be very spiritual animals that bring us many messages.  Here are just a few:

Ø  Peace and harmony:  Dolphins live peacefully with each other and other species, including humans.  They like to swim and play around boats and people swimming. 

Ø  Protection:  There have been cases of dolphins saving people from drowning and chasing sharks away from people in the ocean.  There is even an incident in which a pod of dolphins herded back out to sea a group of whales who had beached themselves in New Zealand. (

Ø  Sense of humor and playfulness:  Dolphins with their “smiles” and playfulness remind us to not take ourselves so seriously.

Ø  Resurrection:  The ancient Greeks believed that dolphins carried the souls of the dead to the afterlife, so people who have an affinity for dolphins may be in the midst of their own rebirth or awakening.

Ø  The power of breath and emotional release:   As author Ina Woolcott states:

“When we learn to breathe deeply we can learn to feel deeply, in turn letting go of stifled feelings.  One way of doing this is to copy the dolphin’s pattern of breathing, a superb tension reliever!  Dolphin breathes deeply, holds his breath underwater, then breathes out forcefully.” (

Ø  Nurturing and healing: The previous examples of how dolphins have been known to protect each other, members of other species, and humans all demonstrate that these gentle animals are truly supportive and caring animals.

Ø  Communication:  Just as each dolphin creates its own unique sound or signature click, so too can we learn from them the importance of speaking our own truth, expressing our own individuality.

In conclusion, If you have a strong affection for dolphins, it could be that the dolphin is one of your animal totems or guides. But even if they are not connected to us in this way, we can still learn so much from these wonderful, amazing marine mammals.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  11-16-14 through 11-29-14
 Blog #30:  What Are the Benefits of Coconut Oil?
PAGE OF COINS:  You have the ability to get what you want, and being more child-like will help. Live in the present, don't take things so seriously, and have the confidence that if you set your mind to achieving something, you can be successful.
ACE OF SWORDS:  This is a time to nurture new ideas and thoughts, and stimulate your mind so that you get yourself out of the box of stale thinking.  This could be a new beginning for you, especially if you are looking for something different to do. Brainstorm, and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results.
ACE OF WANDS: If you have been procrastinating about starting a new project or venture, now would be a good time to move things forward.  The Wands energy is helping you during the next two weeks to ignite a fire of motivation, so get started now to see positive results.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: A feeling of self-confidence will be evident, so use this to best advantage as you start thinking of new ways of doing things.  New thoughts will be coming to you, as well as a renewed desire to make progress on things you may have allowed to fall by the wayside. With the double Ace energies working for you, the next two weeks will be a prime time to start making a positive difference in your life.

Blog #30--What Are the Benefits of Coconut Oil?

Retrieved from

The many benefits of coconut oil are being publicized more than ever before, even though there are not many research studies that have proven the positive effects.  Nevertheless, there must be some good reasons for the rise in its popularity.  So what are they?

Coconut oil is used quite a bit in tropical countries, but in western countries, its benefits have not been very well-known.  Although it was quite popular in the past in the west, in the 1970’s it was denigrated for its high saturated fat content, as publicized by the corn oil and soy oil industries.

Although it is true that coconut oil contains much saturated fat, surprisingly it is beneficial for the heart, because it contains about 50% lauric acid.  This is a fatty acid contained in coconut oil that is a type of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), and it is what makes coconut oil so different from other types of oils.  It is also what gives coconut oil its health-producing benefits. 

“Fatty acids consist of long chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached.  In this system you have short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA), and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA).  Coconut oil is composed predominately of medium-chain fatty acids, also known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).  The vast majority of fats and oils in our diets. . .are composed of long-chain fatty acids. Some 98 to 100% of all the fatty acids you consume are LCFA.” ( 

That is, the size of the fatty acid is very important, because our bodies metabolize fatty acids differently depending on their sizes.  As noted above, the saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are of the medium-chain variety, whereas the saturated and unsaturated fats found in meat, milk, eggs, and plants (i.e., almost all vegetable oils) are long-chain fatty acids.  It is the medium-sized chains that are so beneficial, such as lowering the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.  And it is the long-sized chains that are not good for our bodies.  Also, “there are only a very few good dietary sources of MCFA.  By far the best sources are from coconut and palm kernel oils.” (

Ø  Hair care—helps with healthy hair growth and makes it shiny.

Ø  Heart health—reduces incidence of injury and damage to arteries so helps prevent hardening of the arteries.

Ø  Skin care—effective moisturizer for all skin types; also helps delay the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

Ø  Weight loss—the medium-chain fatty acids are easy to digest and helps the thyroid and endocrine systems function better; also increases body’s metabolic rate.  Dr. Oz notes that:

“One 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose, and contributes to more heart problems.” (

Ø  Immunity—contains various lipids and acids with antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

Ø  Digestion—prevents various stomach and digestion-related problems by dealing with different bacteria, fungi, and parasites that cause indigestion.

Ø  Alzheimer’s disease—Not much research is yet available showing that coconut oil helps reverse early-onset Alzheimers, although there is one study begun in 2013 that is gathering data about this.  Also, there is anecdotal evidence that coconut oil does improve and even reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s.  As one author points out,

“Not everyone who tries coconut oil with dementia or Alzheimer’s sees the same results as reported in these testimonials.  Coconut oil does seem to be more effective in those who do not have advanced stages of Alzheimer’s and are still in the earlier stages, although we have seen a few  testimonials for late-stage Alzheimer’s as well.”  (

Ø  Improved cholesterol levels—the lauric acid mentioned earlier increases the good HDL cholesterol and can also help restore normal thyroid function, which helps with good cholesterol levels (

Ø  Improved oral health—a technique called oil-pulling has helped people have whiter teeth, improve gum health, and reduce bacteria (

A final note:  If you want to try coconut oil for some of the benefits listed above, make sure you use virgin coconut oil, which is available in grocery stores and health food stores.  Although there are not many research studies confirming all these benefits, the best thing to do is to try using coconut oil yourself, talk to others who have used it, and read on the internet some of the testimonials of people who have said it has helped them. Use discernment, and decide for yourself.


Sunday, November 2, 2014


Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  11-2-14 through 11-15-14
Blog #29:  Are GMOs Harmful?
5 OF COINS: When we feel sorry for ourselves or refuse to ask for help, we are allowing a negative state of mind to continue. The best thing to do is to be aware of what you are thinking and then change these thoughts to more positive ones. You can replace the worry with a positive affirmation, or simply think of something enjoyable you would like to do.
8 OF CUPS: Change is happening all the time, and change within ourselves is no exception. Recognize the changes you are feeling--such as realizing that what you believed in the past is no longer serving you--and accept them.  Be grateful for your growth, and remember that when we change our inner selves, changes occur in our outer world as well.
THE CHARIOT: This is a time for moving forward on your path, because you are making progress. If you encounter forces pulling you in opposite directions, you will have the strength to deal with them.  Go with the flow, and ask for divine inspiration.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: Do not allow a negative state of mind to continue.  Rather, monitor your thoughts, and when you recognize any negativity, immediately replace it with something uplifting and inspirational. Recognize the transformations occurring within you.  Give yourself credit for moving forward, and appreciate the progress you are making.  Just let things unfold the way they are intended, rather than trying to control the outcome.

Blog #29—Are GMOs Harmful?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have been in the news a lot lately because they are so controversial.   Why? Because they are hidden in many foods, despite a lack of research showing their long-term effects on our bodies. 

GMOs were introduced in 1996, and in just three years the percentage of Americans with three or more chronic illnesses (food allergies, autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems) increased from 7% to 13%.  Because of the scarcity of research, there is not conclusive proof that these ailments are due to GMOs, but more and more people are deciding not to ingest them.

What is a GMO?  “GMOs are created when a gene from one species is transferred to another, creating something that would not be found in nature.” (  These plants have been physically altered in laboratories to improve desired traits, such as resistance to pesticides/herbicides, or better nutritional content.

GMOs were created so more pesticides and herbicides could be used on crops without killing them. The crops are resistant to diseases, but the problem is that as more pesticides are used, the crops become more and more resistant, so more chemicals have to be used. Because of this, genetically modified foods have a higher contamination of toxic herbicides (

Many domestic crops (90% of soybeans, for example) have DNA that has been tampered with in a lab.  Other foods that may contain GMOs include rice, sugar beets, papaya, bananas, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, squash, and honey.  One of the main culprits, corn, is found in at least 60-70% of processed foods.  For example:

“Many food products such as many breakfast cereals, infant formula, salad dressing, bread, cereal, hamburgers, mayonnaise, veggie burgers, meat substitutes, soy cheese, tomato sauce, crackers, cookies, chocolate, candy, fried food, protein powder, baking powder, alcohol, vanilla, powdered sugar, peanut butter, ice cream, frozen yogurt, tofu, tamari, soy sauce, enriched flour and pasta have high levels of GMO corn. GMO corns have been related to infertility, tumors, and increase in food allergies.” (

It is not surprising that many people have never even heard of GMOs.  One survey found that only 52% of Americans knew that GMO foods are available in grocery stores; only 26% thought they had eaten GMO food.  The prevalence of GMOs in our food supply and the lack of knowledge about them is astounding, especially considering these numbers.  (

The U.S. government’s position is that GMOs are safe, they are better at resisting disease, and they produce more food.  Therefore, according to this reasoning, it is not even necessary to label food products so consumers know which ones contain GMOs. In fact, several states have tried to require labeling, but have been not been successful.  Some companies, such as Ben & Jerry’s, support labeling and do not use GMO ingredients.

The question, then, is: Why can’t foods be labeled? What is the harm in letting us know what we are eating? The European Union has banned GMOs altogether, as has Australia, Japan, the UK, and other countries that are concerned about the lack of long-term studies on the safety of GMOs.

One author states that:

"Most of the health and environmental risks of GMOs are ignored by governments' superficial regulations and safety assessments. The reason for this tragedy is largely political. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for example, doesn't require a single safety study, does not mandate labeling of GMOs, and allows companies to put their GM foods onto the market without even notifying the agency.” (

So what can we do to protect ourselves?  For now, the best we can do is to be aware of which foods contain GMOs and avoid them.  To download a list of non-GMO products go to

When shopping, you can also look for these symbols:                       

