2 OF COINS: This month you will be making some kind
of a decision that will require you to balance the pros and cons of different
options as well as use your intuition.
Any time it is necessary to decide something—whether it is important or
just a day-to-day situation-- we should remember to use both our left and right
brains so that we come to a choice that in our hearts we feel is right for us
at the time. And then once you have
decided, the best thing to do is to just go with the flow and stop worrying
about the outcome. Don’t take it too seriously and be flexible, because it is
better to just see what happens, without expecting a particular result.
THE WORLD: In the past few months, or year, perhaps you
have had a lot of ups and downs, challenges, problems, or disappointments, but
also successes and rewards. The message
from this card is to let us know that a lot of the hardships you have endured
are paying off, and now is the time to reap the benefits of what you have learned
from the difficult times. This is a time
to be exuberant and excited, for the bounty of your hard-earned lessons is now
within your grasp. So be prepared to
have fun, enjoy yourself, and see a happy time entering your life where good
things are coming to you.
9 OF COINS: Going along with the energy of the World card
is the 9 of Coins. You will be feeling
satisfied and fulfilled with your life right now. The beautiful energy of success is with you,
so enjoy all that it has to offer. You have worked hard, done the work, faced
the challenges, and now is the time to relax a bit and enjoy what you have
created. You have shown discipline and
self-control, relying on yourself to make things happen. Give yourself a pat on the back for all that
you have accomplished, and revel in the joy that you deserve.
QUEEN OF WANDS: The Queen of Wands reminds you that you are
very self–confident and assured during this month, so keep moving forward,
letting nothing get in your way. You are
action-oriented and energetic, not willing to just rest on your laurels. Yes, you can enjoy your successes, but this
does not mean that you can just sit back and wait for things to happen. Keep
the momentum moving forward, and feel the warm glow of confidence and optimism that
exudes from you. You know what you want,
and you will go after it with gusto and passion. You are on a roll, and now is the time to
keep moving ahead.
MONTH: Wow, what a wonderful month
August is appearing to be! You will have
decisions to make, but you will figure them out with ease. You are at the end of a wonderful cycle of
learning, discovery, challenges, and successes.
Now is the time to have fun and give thanks for all that you have accomplished. Looking back on what has transpired over the
past few months, you may be amazed to see how far you have come. It may have been a hard road at times, but
you have persevered and are now in a really good space. Enjoy the self-confidence and determination
that have gotten you this far, and continue to shine like the star that you
are. You deserve all the good things coming this month, because you have earned