"Some Ways to Live in the Present Moment"
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
2 OF CUPS: May is a beautiful month when many
flowers are in bloom and spring is in full swing. The uplifting that you feel
this month can carry over into your special relationships. This can include not only romantic
partnerships but also business associates.
Feelings of support, commitment, camaraderie, and fulfillment can all be
expressed with confidence. Revel in all
that is good for those you feel close to, and enjoy at this time the special
bond that you have with them.
4 OF COINS: Because there may be uncertainty tied to the
economic status as well as the overall situation of the country and the world,
it will be important for you to manage your finances and other resources
wisely. Do not be carried away with
buying things that you don’t really need; instead, commit to saving what you
can and being frugal when warranted. It
is also a time for not being overly generous with the amount of information you
disclose to others, especially that which is of a personal nature. There is no need to confide in even close
friends about every single detail of your life, so use discernment when talking
and sharing with others.
ACE OF WANDS: The energy of this month can spur you on to
opening a new chapter in your life, whether it is a new project, a new job, a
different hobby, or just some kind of change that you have been wanting to make. Feel the fire of motivation within you as you
push forward into unknown realms that before may have been too scary. The Ace of Wands energy will help you move
past previous barriers that held you back.
Now is the time to step out of your comfort zone and light your fire of
new beginnings. Anything is possible, so
stop procrastinating about something you have been thinking and dreaming of
doing. This is the month to get started!
7 OF WANDS: Closely tied to the Ace of Wands is this
card, which carries the energy of taking a risk and stepping forth with power,
courage, and confidence. It is true that
it is not always good to go headlong into a new situation without thinking
things through, so use your intuition to decide if the time is right for you to
take a chance. If not, then that is
ok. Continue to plan, perhaps laying the
foundation for what is to follow. You
will know when the time is right to step out, so use this time well to plan
what you will do when you feel prepared.
MONTH: There are some unique energies circulating this month, so trust in
yourself and your own inner guidance. A
positive note has to do with close relationships. You will find more joy and contentment when
dealing with romantic and/or business partners.
Perhaps you will experience a new level of closeness or a new desire to
do whatever it takes to feel more comfortable.
Because of economic uncertainty, be careful with your money and other
resources. Be cautious, conserve what
can be saved for a later date, and remember that discernment when divulging
information to others is important. The
Wands energy will help you start on something new, especially in an area where
you have been wanting to do something different but were holding back. Just be sure that you have figured out the
best way to proceed, looking at the big picture to ensure you are ready to
launch into a new area. Change can be
difficult and involve risks, but you will know when you are ready.
"Some Ways to Live in the Present Moment"
We are told that we would be happier if we could live in the
present, not worrying about the past or the future. For many, though, this is easier said than
done. Most of us by habit do not focus
on what we are doing in the moment; instead, we are thinking of what has
already happened or being anxious or fearful about what is to come.
As one author notes:
“An easy way to break this habit of being a victim of time is to identify time for what it is. Time is a human concept. The watch on your wrist and the clock on the wall mean nothing to Mother Nature. To her, life is one evolving moment – a perpetual cycle of interdependent impermanence. Time is a metric we use as a reference point for organizing our lives and documenting history. It doesn’t actually exist. Really, it doesn’t. Ask a scientist.” ( of the present moment)
And Buddha said: “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”
So how do we do this?
Here are a few tips that may be helpful:
> Stop worrying about the future. Become more aware of what you are thinking
and when your mind jumps ahead, just bring your thoughts back to what you are
doing right now. Anyway, the majority of things we worry about never even
> Do one thing at a time. This will keep you focused on what you are
doing at the moment.
> Do less. Instead of rushing around from one task to
another, give yourself a breather in between things you need to do. Let go of what is not important rather than
keeping yourself constantly occupied with “busyness”.
> Eat slowly and savor your food. This will let you not only enjoy your food
more, but you will eat less and better digest what you are eating.
> Live slowly and savor your life. Pay attention to what is going on around
you. Awaken your senses, especially when
outdoors, and enjoy the result.
> Make cleaning and cooking become a
meditation. Rather than being a
drudgery, you can make any chore be completed more easily by being mindful of
what you are doing. Put your full focus
on what you are doing, concentrate, and do it slowly and completely.
> Practice mindfulness. This is the key—practice awareness in all
actions that you do. Keep your mind
focused on whatever you are doing right now.
For after all, your mind is the only thing that is keeping you from
living in the present.
Sources of the present moment.