Friday, March 31, 2017

Tarot Reading for April 2017
Blog #67: What Is Gut Health and Why Is It Important?
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

10 OF CUPS:  After the past tumultuous months, April will be a time of enjoying the company of family, friends, and loved ones.  It is a month of new beginnings and the start of spring, so see this as a symbol of more growth and love.  Feel refreshed and rejuvenated by being around like-minded people, those you really care about, and those who offer support and nurturing.  Let yourself be engulfed in the radiance of unconditional love with your pets too, for they are amazing in what they can offer us. 
TEMPERANCE:  Balance will be important this month, so make sure that you feel like you are getting enough rest, are enjoying yourself and having fun, and are staying on track with your work or projects.  It will also be good to be patient as you go about your day, making sure that you realize that reaching a significant goal or accomplishing those big things you plan to do are not done in one day.  Live in the present, but pay attention to what you want your end results to be.  Energy flows where attention goes, so do focus on the goals you are working on and continue to do so. 
3 OF CUPS:  April includes some holidays, so have fun and celebrate all the good things that you are experiencing in your life.  Be grateful for the gifts you are receiving. And try spreading joy and happiness when you are surrounded by others.  It is a wonderful feeling to know that you are exuding positive energy, which is contagious, and more people will be drawn to you.   There is always something to celebrate—it does not have to be a big deal or a big thing.  It can be the simple things, the small miracles that you recognize around you—a beautiful sunset, the blooming of flowers, the singing of birds. 
QUEEN OF CUPS:  The Queen of Cups reminds us of the importance of being kind, considerate, supportive, and generous towards others.  Because of the challenges and turmoil that have been going on, it would be wonderful for you to support and encourage those who may be experiencing difficulties or anxieties.  If you stay in a loving and caring space, the difference you could make in the lives of others can be significant.  Also trust your feelings and intuition more, because this month it may be especially important for you to be heart-centered and loving.  The kindness you show to even just one person who maybe has not received such blessings recently can have huge ramifications for him/her, so don’t discount how much you can encourage and support others.
TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  April will bring signs of new growth, perhaps new ways of thinking, and even new opportunities to express and enjoy yourself.  Feel the comfort of being around those you love, and bask in these warm feelings.  Remember to stay balanced by giving attention to all areas of your life, rather than working too hard, for example.  Well-rounded experiences will bring more serenity and joy.  Try not to be impatient, wanting results immediately when the reality is that it may take time for things to come to fruition that you have been working on.  Instant gratification is not necessarily rewarding, for it does not always lead to long-lasting results.  This month is also a time to “let your hair down” and just have some fun.  Try doing something new and different, spending more time with loved ones you may have neglected in the past, and taking time for yourself that will help restore your equilibrium.  And finally, help others as much as you can by spreading good vibrations, helping when you can, and listening to your heart more than your head. Amazing things can happen when you stay heart-centered.
Blog #67:  What Is Gut Health and Why Is It Important?

Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut.”  We are finding out more and more how true this is.

Intestinal health is important because overall health is based on what we eat--what is digested in the body.  Amazingly, an unhealthy gut can lead to a number of diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, but also others such as rheumatoid arthritis, autism spectrum disorder, depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

That’s why it makes sense for us to analyze our diet and look at the foods we are putting into our bodies. It could be that by changing our diet we can change our gut health, and health in general.

In our gut live trillions of micro-organisms; in fact, there are ten times more bacteria in our gut than there are cells in the entire body.  Scientists call these bacteria “flora”, and they help with normal gastrointestinal function, provide protection from infection, regulate metabolism, and make up more than 75% of our immune system.  No wonder we should be looking at what we eat to make ourselves healthier!

What are some things that can hurt the gut flora from doing its job properly?  Here are just a few:

Ø  Antibiotics and other medications like birth control

Ø  Diets that have a lot of refined carbohydrates, sugar, and processed foods

Ø  Toxins that are included in wheat and industrial seed oils

Ø  Chronic stress

Ø  Chronic infections

An important point about antibiotics is that they cause a significant and rapid loss of diversity in the gut flora as well as a shift in its composition.  The diversity is not recovered without some type of intervention.

The gut actually uses bacteria to produce energy from food.  This helpful bacteria is called probiotics.  If you have problems such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and cramping, autoimmune disease (such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes), or neuromuscular diseases, perhaps it is time to take a look at exactly what you are eating.

Here are some things you can do to promote your gut health:

Ø  Take a quality probiotic.

Ø  Avoid overuse of antibiotics. 

Ø  Include fermented foods in your diet (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha)

Ø  Eat less refined sugar.

Ø  Lower your stress level.  (The brain-gut connection shows that stress can be linked to digestive health, because stress causes the brain to send messages to your gut through chemicals. These chemicals affect the functioning of the digestive process.)
