Sunday, May 1, 2016

Tarot Reading for May 2016

Blog #56: What to Do If the Law of Attraction Doesn't Always Work for You
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

JUSTICE:  This month it would be good to practice being fair to yourself.  Spend time with self-care—giving yourself whatever your body and intuition are telling you is needed.  Perhaps it is a nap, taking a little time by yourself to gather your thoughts or just being alone in silence, doing something fun that you haven’t done in a while, or thinking of yourself before giving and giving to others.  Remove the blinders that convince you these sorts of things are selfish, for they are not. By putting yourself first when the need arises, you are bringing greater harmony and balance into your life. And this is something that is especially important in a world that seems topsy-turvy at times.

THE LOVERS:  A partnership may be prominent this month, whether it relates to romance, personal relationships, or business.  For any kind of relationship to prosper and grow, careful listening and communicating are necessary, as is a willingness to compromise when an impasse appears imminent.  The self-care noted above is also significant here, because a good relationship does not require you to give and give without receiving anything in return.  Solve problems mutually by being willing to listen to the other person’s viewpoint without judgement. Stay in a place of calmness and peace when disagreements arise, allowing your partner or friend to have his/her say before jumping in with your opinion.  Take a few deep breaths before speaking if you feel any anger creeping in, for it is not about “being right” but being honest, tactful, kind, and supportive.

THE EMPEROR: Feel the powerful energy and strength of the Emperor this month, easily dealing with whatever blocks or challenges you encounter. Demonstrate your power to yourself by doing something daring—something you would not ordinarily consider doing. Do one thing to get out of a rut that will bring a little more sparkle into your life. You have control over your life—only you, no one else—and the Emperor helps you remember this. The Emperor is not afraid of change nor his own authority; he is the epitome of courage, independence, and individualism. He is respected and admired. The power you have within you (and your positive thoughts) do make a difference in your outer reality. 

5 OF CUPS:  If during the month you experience some rough times or challenges, the best thing you can do for yourself is to not stay too long with feelings of doubt, fear, frustration, regret, or sadness.  It is ok to experience these feelings for a while, but don’t wallow in them feeling sorry for yourself.  After you are ready to move on from your “pity party”, you can being to think of all the things that are going right in your life and all that you are grateful for.  Gratitude goes a long way towards putting us in a better space, because it requires us to focus on appreciation rather than sadness.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family if you feel like it; sometimes outside support is better than going it alone.  Our lives always include ups and downs, but how we respond to the downturns is what strengthens us and gives us the inner power to keep going.

TRENDS FOR THE MONTH: Overall, this month should be one that empowers and strengthens you.  Take care of yourself, remembering that receiving is just as important as giving, especially if you want a balanced and truly loving relationship with others. Communication with partners will be important, so share with partners or close friends how you truly feel about issues. It is all about being open and sincere. Feelings of strength and power will see you through rough times, as long as you don’t spend too much time harboring negative feelings of lack, sadness, or loneliness.  You have what it takes for May to be a wonderful month, so make it happen!

Blog #56:  What to Do If the Law of Attraction Doesn't Always Work for You

 Retrieved from
The Law of Attraction, simply stated, says that what we put out will come back to us. It gained popularity with the book and movie “The Secret” as related to attracting abundance into our lives.

However, everyone is not always successful in using this law to bring into their lives what they want, such as a new job, more money, a relationship, good health, etc.  Why is that?

Not considered when some people are not successful when using the Law of Attraction is the importance of at least three things:  (1) Their feelings and how this impacts the results they get;  (2) the importance of simply allowing to happen what you have put out to the universe and hope to attract into your life; and (3) aligning themselves with qualities that raise their vibration.

One key, as an author states, is to change your mindset from wanting—which implies lack—to the belief and feelings that you already have what you desire.  “Feeling abundant allows you to receive abundance.” (

When we move into the “as if” feeling, we change our whole mental and emotional state that opens us up to receiving.  This is far different from us worrying or complaining, which is simply resistance to what we want. In essence, we are creating a frequency—a vibration—that is more in tune with and matches the frequency of what we want to bring into our lives.

Another author states that allowing involves trust, patience, and faith that what we want will show up in our lives as it is meant to. There is no need to manipulate, dominate, or control other people or situations.  Yes, action is important, but this must be balanced with the ability to let things simply evolve and happen according to what is right for us.  We cannot see the big picture, because our perspective is limited; the universe/spirit sees a much broader viewpoint and therefore knows what is truly right for us.

To practice allowing means:

Ø  Accepting things as they are.

Ø  Trusting that things will work out the way they are meant to.

Ø  Believing that the feelings, experiences, successes, and outcomes you want are on the way.

Ø  Letting yourself receive these gifts with ease and gratitude.

Ø  Understanding that everything is ok exactly as it is.

Wayne Dyer refers to the law of attraction as the Power of Intent.  He says: “The law of attraction is this: You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.” (  Rather than demanding what we want, we put out the request to the universe and then let it bring to us what we are asking for according to what is in our best interest.  We don’t know what this is, but the universe does.

He also talks about raising our consciousness by practicing four virtues: (1) reverence for all life (unconditional love and respect for ourselves and other beings; (2) natural sincerity (honesty, simplicity, faithfulness); (3) gentleness (kindness, consideration for others, sensitivity to spiritual truth; and (4) supportiveness (service to others without expecting a reward).  If we do this, we enter a higher vibration which makes it easier to bring into our lives what we desire.  That is, we are operating at a frequency that is more in tune with attracting good things into our lives.

Another aspect of allowing comes from Anita Moorjani (who wrote “Dying to Be Me” about her near death experience). She says:

"To me, allowing does not mean just sitting and waiting and doing nothing.  We still take action, but the action comes from following our heart, and from allowing things to unfold. It comes from a different place. . . .Allowing means listening to my intuition. The way I do this is by asking myself, ‘Am I doing this out of love or fear? Am I doing this because I want to do this?’ " (

The key is to ask yourself are you doing things because you love yourself, it’s fun and bring joy? Or is it because you are afraid of not doing it?

So, if you have been having trouble attracting what you want, ask yourself if you are:

(1) allowing to unfold what is meant to happen for you (rather than being tied to expectations about exactly how you want things to happen);      

2) aligning yourself with qualities that raise your vibration;

(3) having the right reason for asking what you want; and

(4) acting “as if” and truly believing that you already have what you desire.
