Sunday, November 1, 2015

Tarot Reading for November 2015 
 Blog #50: How to Enhance Your Telepathy
Legacy of the Divine Tarot


THE WORLD:  This month holds promise for you to succeed at what you have been working on for the past several months or longer.  Your efforts are paying off in some way, so look forward to seeing goals met, a sense of satisfaction pervading your whole being, and an overall good feeling that all is well. Focus on the positive things occurring, and let them be the guide for you to concentrate more on what is going right in your life now.  Be grateful for the end of a journey that can be the start of even better things to come.

5 OF SWORDS:  Past difficulties or challenges may have been discouraging, but the good news is that you are still standing on your own two feet.  You have persevered and are now able to look forward to a more promising future. Give yourself credit for how far you have come, recognizing that the price you may have paid to get this far has been worth it.  Let go of what has happened in the past and how hard it was; live in the present, focusing on the future and what it can hold for you.

9 OF SWORDS: Fear and anxieties may plague you, but do not allow them to hold any power over you. It is ok to really feel the fear, and then release it. For example, when you are concerned or upset about something, give yourself a limited amount of time to feel bad, anxious, or sad.  When you are done, tell yourself that you have no more time to devote to an activity that is not serving any useful purpose, but making things worse.  Then distract yourself by doing something else, such as planning for an event or trip you are looking forward to, reading a good book, watching an enjoyable movie or TV show, or taking a walk.  You may be amazed by how better you feel.

THE HERMIT: Take some time this month to do some inner work--look for greater understanding about a spiritual topic that interests you, think about what is really important in your life right now, and ask yourself if you are doing all that you can to find the answers you seek.  This can be a “personal quest” month where you spend some time in reflection and self-renewal, concentrating more on the inner world. Meditate in whatever way you like—it doesn’t have to be sitting for a long time in a quiet place if that is not your style. Take a walk out in nature and let your mind wander. Attend a spiritual class, listen to a guided meditation, or ponder a question in your own way. Seeking guidance from within is important this month, so rely more on yourself.

TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  This month has some opposing forces at play, but you can stay in a positive frame of mind.  Be involved in activities that bring a sense of satisfaction, such as sharing with others, showing gratitude for all that you have achieved, enjoying every moment, and realizing your ability to make your visions become reality. You have come a long way and learned some important lessons.  It may have been a hard road, but you have tackled successfully some of the burdens that showed up. The residue from what you have experienced may be reflected in anxiety, worry, fear, loneliness, or disappointment. You can make a conscious effort to not wallow in this negativity by doing something that brings calmness, peace, and contentment. One way to do this is to take time for yourself, in whatever form that you prefer. A time of reflection is at hand as this year comes to a close.

Blog #50:  How to Enhance Your Telepathy

Telepathy is a gift that we all are born with, but many of us rarely use it consciously.  We do use it at times, such as when we are thinking of a person and know before the phone rings who will be calling us.  So is there a way that we can develop this ability so that it will be helpful in our everyday lives?  Yes, there is.

Some people are afraid of telepathy because they think that it is actually reading another’s mind.  But that is not what it is at all.  It is communicating with another person through thought, without use of the five senses.  According to one author, the word “telepathy” comes from “tele”, meaning distance, and “pathy”, which means feeling.

Another author notes that there are many documented cases of telepathy, and some are with well-known people, such as Mark Twain.

Some scientists who have called for more research into telepathy (implying that they believe it exists) include Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung.

Telepathy requires two willing participants—a sender and a receiver—and a true desire to want to attempt the connection.

If you decide that it might be fun to try your hand at telepathy, there are some exercises that you can practice with a partner; be sure this person believes that telepathy is real.  Also, it would be preferable if he/she is someone you already know and have a connection with.

Some important things to keep in mind before starting an exercise are:

Ø  Believing in telepathic ability and being open to the possibility that you can demonstrate it.

Ø  Not listening to nay-sayers or doubters who do not believe it is real.

Ø  Acknowledging that patience is necessary to develop your skill—like any other skill, it takes time to practice and develop it.

Ø  Recognizing that good health is necessary—if you or your partner is not feeling well, then your energy will be diverted to what is happening with your body, and the results may not be as effective as you would like them to be.

Ø  Recognizing that physical relaxation is important for effective results.

Ø  Having a clear mind, free of distracting thoughts.

Ø  Understanding the importance of visualization—for example, it will be easier if you can see your partner in your mind’s eye as standing right before you.  You can also visualize a silver tube connecting the minds of you and your partner.  See it being full of energy, knowing in your heart that it will help you do a good job.

Ø  Keeping your practice short—not more than 15 minutes max.

One simple exercise to start with is given below.
           (1)        Sit at a table with a partner.  Have seven different colored pencils laid out between
(2)       Decide who will be the sender and who will be the receiver.
(3)       The sender chooses a color in his/her mind and then sends this color to the receiver, in any way that is most effective for him/her.  For example, the silver tube described earlier could be used, or the sender can visualize the color seeping into the receiver’s mind.
(4)        After sending, the sender says “start”.  The receiver then looks into the sender’s mind to see what color is being sent.  Again, he/she can do this in whatever way is most effective for him/her.
(5)        The receiver calls out a color.  If the color is correct, the sender says “yes”, and chooses another color.  He/she says “start” and sends again.
(6)        If the receiver did not get the correct color, he/she tries again until the correct color is identified.
(7)        Do this for 5-10 minutes, take a break, and then switch roles—the sender becomes the receiver, and the receiver is now the sender.
You may find that one person is better at sending, while another may be a better receiver.
After you and your partner master this exercise, you can make it more difficult by trying
it with someone else, using more colors, trying numbers or objects in the room instead of
colors, doing it with a door between you, or even over the phone.
There are many ways you can play with it to keep it fun and interesting, plus the more
practice you have, the better you will be at it.
You may also want to try the exercise with children, and may be surprised at how good
they are at it.
The main thing is to have fun, and at the same time develop a skill that can be quite useful
for those you have a connection with.