Sunday, July 5, 2015

Tarot Reading for July 2015 
Blog #46: Chakras and Your Health
Legacy of the Divine Tarot

3 OF CUPS:  Have some fun this month by going out with friends or loved ones, or simply find ways to enjoy yourself.  Let go of the stress of daily living by remembering that we were meant to have pleasure in our lives.  Find something to celebrate, even if it is a birthday or a holiday like the 4th.  We don’t always need a reason or event to bring playfulness and happiness into our lives, so find even one little thin even one little thing to celebrate each day, and be grateful for all of your blessings.
7 OF COINS:  Use some time during the month to think about your future and where you want to be. If we don’t have an idea of what direction to take, we may never get there.  So set some goals—even small or short-term ones—and think of what you can do to reach them.  This is a good time to plant seeds to achieve your aspirations, remembering that it takes time for seeds to grow.  Patience is required; what is truly important does not happen overnight.  Set goals, write a few steps that will help you achieve them, and then act on them. A bright future can be yours if you start getting ready for it now.
DEATH:  Change continues to happen, and now is the time to let go of the past.  Major transformations are taking place in the world even though we may not be aware of them.  The same thing is happening on an individual basis, so decide now to make one change that will allow you to leave behind old ways of doing or thinking to make way for a bright new future.  Anything is possible, so grab whatever opportunities come your way, releasing whatever is no longer serving you.
THE EMPRESS:  The beautiful Divine Feminine energy will be prominent this month, so focus on your loving, nurturing, and supportive side.  Let go of resentments, fears, or anything else that is blocking you from recognizing the beauty, grace, and creativity that resides within you. Let this wonderful light shine through you, spreading love and kindness wherever you go.  What we give out returns to us, so expect a wonderful month of this loving energy coming back to you many times over and in unexpected ways.
TRENDS FOR THE MONTH:  A sense of joy and celebration is in the air, so find things that will bring happiness into your life.  Let go of your serious side and take time to play, remembering that you deserve some relaxation time to be with others whose company you enjoy.  Decide if you are happy with your life right now, and if not, then start setting even just one small goal to get headed in a direction that is right for you and will bring you more happiness and peace. This may require taking a risk, releasing fears of what the future holds, and making a change, but now is the time.  Be filled with the creative Divine Feminine energy, bringing kindness and unconditional love to others. Watch how this can reverberate back to you in many different ways, and expect wonderful things to happen.

Blog #46:  Chakras and Your Health

 Image retrieved from
The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word for “wheel”, because chakras are actual spinning wheels of energy within our bodies.  There are seven major chakras and more minor ones.

You can envision chakras as “invisible, rechargeable batteries. . .charged and recharged through contact with the stream of cosmic energy in the atmosphere” ( Just as our homes are connected to a central power source, so too are we connected to an energy source that is free.

Chakras also connect our spiritual and physical bodies, and control energy flow through meridians of energy running through our physical bodies (similar to the wiring in a house).

Chakras can get blocked due to stress as well as other emotional or physical problems. When energy can’t flow freely or the spinning of the chakras is hindered, we become out of balance, which may result in physical illness or disease.

Because it is so important to understand how each chakra works and its associated parts in the physical body, given below is a synopsis of what happens physically when a chakra is out of balance.

1st or Root Chakra (Color: Red—earthly grounding and physical survival)

Location: Base of spine near tailbone area

Description of balanced chakra: Feelings of being supported and grounded, with a safe connection to the physical world; ability to provide for life’s necessities

Health issues caused by imbalance: Emotional dysfunction (procrastination, defensiveness, paranoia), stress and anxiety (such as worries about money and food), joint pain (such as in knees), lower backache, elimination problems, obesity, anorexia, poor immune system function, sciatica, degenerative arthritis

How to determine if there is an imbalance:

Ø  What limiting beliefs about survival and money did you learn from your family?

Ø  Is it hard for you to connect with others? Do you feel "spaced out" often?

Ø  Are you frequently sick or have an illness?

Ø  Do you often procrastinate or feel defensive?

2nd or Sacral Chakra (Color: Orange--passion and creativity)

Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below navel

Description of balanced chakra: Ability to accept others and new experiences; sense of well-being, abundance, pleasure, sexuality, creativity, ability to express emotions and have fun

Health issues caused by imbalance: Emotional issues (jealousy, control and power plays, lack of flexibility), uterus or bladder and kidney problems; sexual difficulties; hip, pelvis, low back pain, sciata

How to determine if there is an imbalance:

Ø  Do you express your creativity?

Ø  Are you comfortable with your sexuality?

Ø  Can you receive nurturing from others?

Ø  Is it difficult for you to make money?

Ø  Do you stand up for yourself?

Ø  Do you frequently have a crisis to deal with?

Ø  Do you display compulsive or obsessive behavior?

3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra (Color: Yellow—personal power)

Location:  Three inches above navel—upper abdomen

Description of balanced chakra:  Self-confident, feeling worthy with positive self-esteem, self-empowerment, self-respect, feeling in control of one’s life

Health issues caused by imbalance:  Diabetes, hypoglycemia, gallstones, anxiety, low energy, muscle cramps, stomach and digestive problems, liver disorders, ulcers, high blood pressure

How to determine if there is an imbalance:

Ø  Do you feel like a victim?

Ø  Are you overly responsible due to feelings of low self-esteem?

Ø  Are you afraid of change?

Ø  Do you follow your heart and overcome blocks or fears?

Ø  Do you follow through on what you say?

Ø  Do you lack a direction in your life?

4th or Heart Chakra (Color:  Green—love and compassion)

Location:  Center of the chest just above the heart

Description of balanced chakra: Feelings of joy, gratitude, love and compassion; inner peace; forgiveness of self and others; trust; self-love

Health issues caused by imbalance:  High blood pressure, breathing difficulties (such as asthma), circulation problems, shortness of breath, chest pain, heart disorders, upper back and shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain, immune system  problems

How to determine if there is an imbalance:

Ø  Do you allow alone time for yourself?

Ø  Do you see your own faults and practice true forgiveness?

Ø  Are you willing to look at the emotional wounds carried in your heart?

Ø  Can you let go of the need to control everything?

Ø  Do you feel love, compassion, harmony, peace?

5th or Throat Chakra (Color:  Blue [or turquoise]—communication and self-expression)

Location:  Throat

Description of balanced chakra:  Free flowing of words, expression, and communication (oral and written); honest and truthful communication yet firm; a good listener; willing to let your voice be heard; exercising willpower

Health issues caused by imbalance: Ear infections; tiredness; thyroid, throat, ears, voice, and neck disorders; issues with cervical spine; hypothalamus and esophagus problems

How to determine if there is an imbalance:

Ø  Do you clearly express your thoughts and feelings so others can understand?

Ø  Do you especially have trouble communicating your needs to others?

Ø  Are you a good listener?

Ø  Are you dishonest with others in order to get your way?

Ø  Do you have a good sense of timing in your communications?

Ø  Are you willing to speak up and let your voice be heard?

6th or Third Eye Chakra (Color:  Indigo [red and blue]--enlightenment and divine inspiration)

Location:  In the middle of the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead

Description of balanced chakra:  Feel clear and focused; ability to determine between truth and illusion; open to receiving insights; allow intuition to be your guide; desire to seek and know the truth in all things; trusting inner vision; ability to think and make decisions

Health issues caused by imbalance:  Headaches, eye problems (such as blurred vision), sinus issues, eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, hormone function.  Emotional issues such as moodiness, volatility, delusional, unimaginative, much worry, depression, excessive day-dreaming; poor concentration; mental rigidity; “selective” memory

How to determine if there is an imbalance:

Ø  Do you trust your intuition?

Ø  Can you let your imagination soar and visualize?

Ø  Do you have insight as to what is happening in a situation?

Ø  Do you have difficulty concentrating?

7th or Crown Chakra (Color:  Violet—spirituality and divine guidance)

Location:  At the top of the head

Description of balanced chakra:  Ability to:  live in the present moment, have firm trust in own inner guidance, feel fully connected spiritually and experience bliss

Health issues caused by imbalance: Migraines, brain tumors, amnesia, disorders of the nervous and muscular systems, mental issues (psychological problems such as depression, inability to learn), skin disorders; sensitivity to light, sound, and/or environment

How to determine if there is an imbalance:

Ø  Do you feel inspired and open to new ideas?

Ø  Do you feel a connection to spirit or a higher power?

Ø  Do you often feel confused or depressed?

Ø  Do you meditate or spend alone time contemplating?

Ø  Do you feel gratitude for what you have?

A search on the internet will reveal various ways to bring your chakras into balance, such as through meditation, yoga, reiki, acupuncture, massage, or use of a pendulum or crystals.

NEXT POSTING: August 2, 2015