Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  4-19-15 through 5-2-15
Blog #41: Why You Should Beware of "Raw" Almonds
Legacy of the Divine Tarot
6 OF COINS: It will be important to recognize the value of give and take during the next two weeks.  Do not let yourself get out of balance by giving too much of your time and effort to others.  Make sure that there is an even exchange of energy so that you do not feel depleted and worn out.  Balance in our lives is so important, and many of us fail to remember this in our desire to help those around us. Stay true to yourself, give special time to yourself at least once a day--even for a few minutes--and see how much better you feel.
JUSTICE:  Once again we see balance entering the picture.  The Justice card is telling us to be fair to ourselves by making sure that there is equilibrium in all aspects of our lives.  It is important to work hard, but it is equally important to take time to socialize, play, have fun, and recharge your emotional and spiritual bodies.  Do something to stimulate your mind, too, for that is one thing that keeps us interested and engaged in our lives
QUEEN OF CUPS: Spread love and light wherever you go, letting others feel good just being around you.  Keep a positive frame of mind, provide support to those going through troubling times, and offer encouraging words to those who are complaining and are in a negative space.  At the same time, show nurturing and love to yourself, for that is what will keep you in balance.
BI-WEEKLY THEME:  The overriding theme for this time period is staying in balance and taking time for yourself. Those who are caring and giving often find themselves doing so much for others that they end up being exhausted at the end of the day. Recognize the importance of carving out a little bit of time for yourself each day, to do whatever you choose and whatever makes you feel relaxed and calm. Our #1 priority should be to ourselves, and this is not being selfish. It is just seeing our own value and acknowledging that that we love ourselves.
Blog #41:  Why You Should Beware of “Raw” Almonds

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If you like almonds, chances are you have been eating ones that are labeled “raw”, because presumably they are more nutritious than ones that are roasted. Truly raw almonds have more calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, manganese, and vitamin E than ones that are cooked.

If you have believed this, as many of us have, then it is time to be enlightened about what is really going on with almonds grown in California—the ones that we think are truly raw and good for us.

Here are some facts to be aware of:

Ø  In 2007 a “pasteurization” rule was put into effect because of some outbreaks of salmonella in 2001 and 2004 that were linked to processing plants.  No one died, but 33 people became sick.  So, the California Almond Board and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) decided that one of five methods must be used to pasteurize all almonds grown in the U.S. (most of which come from California):

(1)          Oil roasting

(2)          Dry roasting

(3)          Blanching

(4)          Steam processing

(5)          Use of propylene oxide (PPO)

Ø  The first three methods cook the nuts, so almonds pasteurized in these ways cannot be considered raw.

Ø  The fourth method, steam processing, results in a marked reduction of the nutrient content and partly cooks the nuts.

Ø  The fifth method involves use of PPO, which is a very volatile liquid chemical used to make plastics.  It was formerly used as a racing fuel, but was prohibited from use by the National Hot Rod and American Motorcycle Racing Associations for being too dangerous.  Countries such as Mexico, Canada, and the entire European Union have banned use of PPO because of its known cancer-causing properties in humans.

Ø  This leaves us with only two ways to get raw nuts—to steam them, which basically cooks them, or to make them potentially toxic by using PPO.

Ø  Because it is more expensive to treat almonds using steam, over 68% of almonds grown in the U.S. are treated with PPO. These are non-organic.

Ø  The USDA did not allow the normal, open public hearing and comment process to be followed when issuing the almond rule.  Only 115 select almond growers and handlers were invited to comment, and only 18 public comments were received from the entire country.

Ø  The truth is that pasteurized, “raw” almonds are not safe and they are not raw.  Raw foods are living organisms that have enzymes and a high nutrient content with the ability to sprout.  Pasteurized almonds are dead.  They have practically no enzyme activity, poor nutrient content, and are unable to sprout.

Ø  PPO is the pasteurization method used for non-organic almonds. So if you don’t want dangerous chemicals in your body, it is important to get organic almonds if you get ones grown in the U.S., with the understanding that they are not raw even if labeled as such.

Ø  A better option is to get raw almonds grown in Italy or another foreign country, because they are not subject to the pasteurization rule. That way, you will know that you are getting almonds that are truly raw (and therefore truly nutritious) and organic.

Ø  True raw, organic almonds can be purchased in some health food stores or can be ordered online.


Since almonds are labeled as raw even if they are pasteurized (which means they are cooked), and since no labeling is required to let us know if PPO was used in the pasteurization process (similar to the non-labeling of GMOs—genetically modified organisms), the best thing to do is to accept the fact that those labeled as “raw” are not really living organisms, but are dead.  And because of this, they are not as nutritious as they are purported to be.

If you don’t want to order true raw almonds online or go looking for them in a health food store, the best option is to simply get ones that are labeled organic.  At least you will know that they have not been treated with a dangerous chemical.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  4-5-15 through 4-18-15
 Blog #40:  Quinoa--The Amazing Superfood 
DEATH:  The upcoming two weeks will be a time of transformation for you in some way. Many people are experiencing lots of changes and realizing that the old way of doing things, as well as old beliefs and values, are no longer working.  It is time to let the old die to make way for the new. See this time as an important step for you that will usher in new beginnings and a new perspective. Step out of previous routines and habits to make way for the positive changes coming your way.

KNIGHT OF CUPS: Your relationships are also changing and allowing you to move forward. People in your life who have been negative or "psychic vampires" sucking up all of your energy are going to leave, whether they do so on their own or you make a conscious decision that it is no longer to your benefit to be around them. Although it may be difficult and worrisome to you, do yourself a favor and let them go. You will feel a sense of calm and release once you do this, and you will be free to move forward on your path without the burdens that they placed on you.

3 OF CUPS: Celebrate the changes and rejoice in them! Spend time enjoying your self and having fun.  Take breaks from work or other tasks to go out with friends and those whom you enjoy being around. This will bring balance into your life by introducing more joy and playfulness.  You deserve a break every now and then, so don't deny yourself this very important part of your life.

BI-WEEKLY THEME: A time of change and transition is upon you.  Rather than fearing it, welcome all the positive energy that it will bring to you. Now that the beautiful season of spring is here, let go of your previous ways of doing things to make way for new life, just as Mother Nature does at this time of year. Change is also going to be evident in your relationships. If you know that you need to release some people from your life whose energy depletes you rather than nourishes you, then do so. You may be amazed at the feeling of relief once taking this important step. And take time to enjoy the company of those with whom you feel comfortable and supported. Celebrate all of your successes by unwinding, having a good time, and relaxing.

Blog #40: Quinoa—The Amazing Superfood
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Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is considered one of the ancient grains (along with amaranth, barley, and farro), but actually it is a member of the same food group that contains spinach, Swiss chard, and beets.  Its cultivation dates back to 3000 BC, when it was a common staple in the Andes mountains regions of South America.  Even back then there were 250 varieties, which allowed it to grow in different regions under various growing conditions, which accounted for its popularity.  Today, the three main types are white, red, and black.

Here are some of the reasons why quinoa is becoming more popular today, and all of them are related to its many health benefits.

1.            Quinoa is very high in protein.  It is one of the most protein-rich cereal-type foods we can eat (8 grams in one cup cooked).  Many other plant foods lack essential amino acids such as lysine, but quinoa is loaded with them.  It has more and better protein than most grains.

2.            Quinoa is very high in fiber. One source found 17-27 grams of fiber per cup of uncooked quinoa, but if it is cooked, this number is reduced to 5 grams—still noteworthy when compared to other foods.

3.            Quinoa is extremely nutritious.  Besides having high amounts of protein and fiber, it also contains the following minerals: manganese, magnesium (which most people don’t get enough of), phosphorus, folate, copper, iron, zinc, and potassium.  Plus, it has over 10% of the recommended daily allowance for vitamins B1, B2, and B6.  There are also small amounts of calcium, B3 (niacin), and vitamin E.

4.            Quinoa contains many trace nutrients called flavonoids; the two in quinoa are quercetin and kaempferol.  These are plant antioxidants that have been shown in animal studies to have anti-flammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-depressant effects.

5.            Quinoa is non-GMO (not genetically modified), gluten-free, and usually grown organically. It is especially appealing to people who want to minimize or avoid gluten, and because of its high nutritional value, it can be a wonderful replacement for typical gluten-free ingredients such as refined tapioca, potato, corn, and rice flour (which have limited nutrition).

6.            Quinoa may improve metabolic health.  One human study and one animal study both showed that quinoa lowered blood sugar and triglyceride levels.

7.            Quinoa contains many antioxidants, which are substances that neutralize free radicals and may help fight aging and many diseases.  One study that examined antioxidants in 10 foods found quinoa to have the highest antioxidant content of all of them.

8.            Quinoa may contribute to weight loss.  It is high in fiber and protein, and has a low glycemic index, all of which have been linked to weight loss and health benefits.  The protein can increase metabolism and reduce appetite; the fiber should help increase feelings of fullness, thus causing a lower intake of calories.

9.            Quinoa has a higher content of healthy fat than other grains such as wheat.  About 28% of the fatty acids in quinoa are in the form of oleic acid, a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat that is good for us. And about 5% are in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is an omega-3 fatty acid that decreases the risk of inflammation-related diseases.

So, if you are looking for a food that is highly nutritious, easy to cook, and tasty, you can find many recipes online that incorporate quinoa in a number of creative ways.  It is very versatile, so you are sure to discover some recipes that are just right for you.
