Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  6-29-14 through 7-12-14
Blog #20:  What Is Synchronicity?

3 OF COINS:  During this bi-weekly you will be really involved in your work, a hobby, or a special project where you enjoy what you are doing.  You feel like you are fulfilling your heart's desire and accomplishing something worthwhile. Each time you engage in this work you feel as if you are "in the zone", where time does not exist and you are in your own world.  Be grateful for these feelings, for they show that you are on your divine path.

THE HANGING MAN:  Now is the time to start looking at things differently. For too long you have been keeping yourself enclosed in a box of routine, doing the same things in the same way without really thinking about them or their value.  See your life through a different pair of eyes--are there any changes you should make or want to make? Now is the time to see things clearly from a new standpoint and let yourself move forward.

5 OF SWORDS:  You have been through some challenging, at times difficult, experiences and are feeling battle-weary.  Take heart and give yourself credit for your perseverance. You are still standing, and you are ready to tackle whatever awaits you.  You are feeling good about yourself and proud that you have achieved some success even though it was not easy.

BI-WEEKLY THEME:  During these next two weeks, enjoy some activity that truly gives you joy as you realize that this is something important to you and revitalizes you.  You are doing good work at something that you enjoy, and be grateful for this.  You will also be seeing things differently, realizing that the old way of doing things no longer works, and you are feeling restless. See this as a sign to make changes now, even small ones, so you can begin creating the life you truly want. Although things have been hard at times, give yourself credit for your successes by overcoming hurdles, which has made you stronger.

Blog #20:  What is Synchronicity?

Retrieved from:

When you hear the word synchronicity, what do you think of? A coincidence? Something that just happens to occur that causes you to think there is a message there? That there is a reason for everything that happens?

Simply stated, “synchronicities are patterns that repeat in time”.  (  It is true that there are no accidents, and some believe that synchronicity occurs so that we can pay attention to something that is going on in our lives.  Synchronicity happens often, but we must be aware to notice it.

Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, was the first to use the word synchronicity to

“describe what he called the ‘acausal connecting principle’ that links mind and matter.  He said this underlying connectedness manifests in itself through meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by cause and effect.” (

He believed there are three types of synchronicity:

(1)          Thoughts or feelings that coincide with an outside event

(2)          A dream, vision, or premonition of something that does indeed happen in the future (a precognition)

(3)          A dream or vision that coincides with an event occurring at a distance

As has been mentioned in previous blogs, quantum physics is showing that everything in the universe is connected.  For example, if two photons that have been connected are separated, a change in one results in a simultaneous change in the other, regardless of the distance involved. (The Quantum Entanglement theory).  So it is reasonable to think that the third type of synchronicity is real.

Another definition of synchronicity is

“the experience of two or more events as meaningfully related, where they are unlikely to be causally related. . . .The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of causality.  Instead, it maintains that just as events may be connected by a causal line, they may also be connected by meaning.” (

In other words, synchronicity is when two events that happen at the same time and are related in a meaningful way, but it does not mean that one caused the other.  They are connected by meaning, not cause.

What are some examples of synchronicity in our everyday lives?

Ø  You see a certain number, or sequence of the same numbers, occurring in different places throughout the day (on a digital clock, a street address, on a car’s license plate).

Ø  You are humming a tune to yourself and then when you turn on your radio, you hear that very song.

Ø  A person you have been thinking about calls you, or you see him/her unexpectedly somewhere.

Ø  You are in a bookstore or a library looking for a book about a certain topic, and unexpectedly a book falls from the bookshelf to the floor. It turns out to be related to the topic you were searching for.

Ø  You dream about something happening, or seeing someone, and that day your dream turns into reality.

To some, it seems like these things happen as if by magic.  Author Carolyn North (Synchronicity: The Anatomy of Coincidence) says that synchronicity “Gives us a sense of hope, a sense that something bigger is happening out there than what we can see, which is especially important in times like this when there are so many reasons for despair.” (

So, the next time you notice something that seems like just a coincidence initially, stop and think if there is a message in what has happened.  You may be amazed that the synchronicity that has occurred is like a sign shedding light on something you have been thinking about or a problem you are trying to solve.  If we keep our eyes open and become aware of all the magic that is around us, our lives can become more meaningful, and synchronicity plays a role in it.



Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading  6-15-14 through 6-28-14
Blog #19:  Why Is Sound So Important to Our Health?

KNIGHT OF WANDS:  Now is the time to get yourself moving so that you can get some things accomplished. The Wands energy is assisting you by making you feel motivated and self-assured, while the Knight energy is contributing to a sense of restlessness.  Take advantage of this energy during these next two weeks.
QUEEN OF WANDS:  You are determined to not let anything stand in your way, and you are feeling quite self-confident.  You know what you want and you are going after it. You are not going to put up with anything that is irrelevant, unnecessary, and creating a block to your movement forward.
DEATH:  A time of change and transformation is upon you, so rather than fear it, embrace it and allow the changes to happen. Some old part of your life is going by the wayside to make way for a new way of doing things, thinking, and feeling. Allow this part of your life to die, for it is time.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: A period where the Wands energy dominates and assists you in moving forward, especially if you have felt stagnant and in a rut. With increased self-confidence and self-assurance, you are in a good frame of mind to move full-steam ahead. Take advantage of this energy, for it bodes well for you. You will continue to experience change, but it is all for the good, so welcome it. This could be a transformational time if you allow it to be so.
Blog #19:  Why Is Sound So Important to Our Health?

                                                    Retrieved from:
In an earlier blog, we discussed one of the Universal Laws called the Law of Vibration (see Blog #3).  It states that everything has a vibration, from sub-atomic particles to the planets and suns in the whole universe.  Sound is also a vibration, including our thoughts.

We have also learned through Blog #17 that everything is energy, so the cells in our bodies are just vibrating energy.  Therefore, we can be strongly affected by vibrational energy, whether it is positive or negative.  This includes all the sounds that we are exposed to every day.

We each have our own vibration, and vibrate at our own rate.  Our vibration changes in intensity, depending on what our experiences are.  Vibration is so important because when our bodies deviate from their normal vibration, diseases and illnesses can occur.

Human-created noise pollution is harmful to our health and can result in a wide array of health problems.  Noise affects our productivity and concentration, triggers the stress response in our bodies (releasing high levels of stress hormones), affects hearing and sleep, and can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

Conversely, research and science are showing that sound and light can affect and activate the body’s own healing process.  Since every living thing has its own individual frequency (vibration), the body can be subjected to electrical currents that target specific diseases and other ailments.  Sound and vibration play a major role in our lives by affecting not only our physical bodies but also our mental, emotional, and spiritual ones.

The study of visible sound and vibration is called cymatics.  A researcher in this field, Hans Jenny (1904-1972), claimed that physical healing could be enhanced by vibrational tones.  His ideas have been confirmed scientifically, and now researchers and sound therapists use specific healing frequencies to align and balance the body, leading to better health.

As strange as it seems, there is really no “matter” in the universe.  Einstein’s theory of relativity states that mass (matter) is energy, and we now know that everything is pure energy.  Many new healing modalities are being recognized and explored because of this concept.   As one author states:

“The new physics reveals that everything is moving and has a frequency.  As technology has evolved to make the world of sound visible, more scientists are forced to change their viewpoint about the vibrational nature of human beings.  And many of them are beginning to realize that sound is the source of physical life.” (

Another author says that:

“Everything in the universe is vibrating at its own natural frequency.  We are vibrational beings and when we’re healthy, all of our cells, tissues and organs are vibrating in harmony or resonance.  Illness results when a part of the body begins to vibrate at a different frequency, out of tune with the rest.  Through the intentional use of sound and vibration, a more harmonious and optimal state of resonance can be achieved.” (

Some healing modalities related to sound that are coming to the forefront include:

Ø  Music at a specific vibrational frequency

Ø  Singing bowls

Ø  Gongs

Ø  Drumming

Ø  The human voice (singing)

Ø  Special sound and vibration equipment that has been developed to heal the body, such as the Rife frequency healing machine

So, if you never realized that sound is important for your health, you may want to explore some of these alternative healing methods that science is showing can be very effective by keeping your body at its normal and natural vibrational frequency.



Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading  6-01-14 through 6-14-14
Blog #18:  Do Plants Have Consciousness?
OF CUPS:  It is time to let go of negative thinking and focus on what is good in your life. This can be a month of success and joy if you allow it to be so. Whenever you recognize that your thoughts are negative or fear-filled, immediately stop them and replace them with something that is more uplifting. You will see a difference for the better in how you feel.
FAITH:  This can be a time of spiritual growth and rebirth if this is what you want. Have faith and trust in yourself, and believe that all that happens is for your best good. Trust divine inspiration and follow your heart.
THE WORLD:  The next two weeks will be optimistic and full of happiness and success.  You have been working hard, and now is the time to start seeing the benefits of your efforts. Set a positive intention each day, and then let things develop just the way they were meant to--for your highest and best good.
BI-WEEKLY THEME:  Release every negative thought that comes to you, and then in its place think of something positive and upbeat. Remember that thoughts are things, and you have the power to control them through your mindfulness.  Believe in yourself and go with the flow, allowing things to unfold the way they were meant to.  Enjoy the success and joy that is headed your way, for you deserve it. See your hard work and persistent efforts paying off.
Blog #18—Do Plants Have Consciousness?

What is consciousness?

Consciousness is defined as:  the condition of being conscious; the normal state of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you. (

A recent article in The New Yorker by Michael Pollan entitled “The Intelligent Plant” discusses new research revealing that plants do have abilities to sense and react to the world.  In other words, they are able to understand what is happening around them.  Even more amazingly, “they can sense, learn, remember, and even react in ways that would be familiar to humans.” (

As also noted in the article cited above, plants are able to process information they gather and then react to it.  For example, research has shown that plants react to the sound of a caterpillar eating leaves by secreting defensive chemicals.  In addition to the senses of hearing and taste, they can also sense gravity, the presence of water, and recognize when something is blocking their roots.  They can actually shift directions to avoid obstacles.

While this may not be considered “thinking” by some scientists, plants still have an unbelievable array of abilities that have been unknown to our modern biologists, until recently.

Can plants feel pain? The answer to this is still unclear, although plants do respond to anesthetics.

How plants are able to react is still unknown.  Although they don’t have nerve cells like we do, they can send electrical signals and produce neurotransmitters (just like the human brain uses to send signals, such as dopamine or serotonin).

Do plants have memory?  Biologist Monica Gagliano showed that plants have memory, i.e., they can learn from experience. She dropped a mimosa plant every five to six seconds without hurting it, and each time, its leaves collapsed in response to the disturbance.  After five or six drops, they stopped responding, as if they “knew” that the dropping was irrelevant.  As Pollan noted:  “This is a very important part of learning—to learn what you can safely ignore in your environment.” (  Although not all researchers would call this learning, plants can do amazing things.

Another researcher says:

“Plants definitely have several different forms of memory, just like people do.  They have short term memory, immune memory and even transgenerational memory! I know this is a hard concept to grasp for some people, but if memory entails forming the memory (encoding information) retaining the memory (storing information), and recalling the memory (retriving information), then plants definitely remember.” (

Are plants intelligent? There are many definitions of intelligence, which can  refer to abstract reasoning or judgment, or to problem-solving ability. While most scientists would agree that plants do not have abstract reasoning, they may be able to solve problems related to their survival.  The difference between us and plants may just be a difference of degree rather than kind.

Another scientist, Daniel Chamovitz, says too that, “A plant. . .can see, smell and feel.  It can mount a defense when under siege, and warn its neighbors of trouble on the way.  A plant can even be said to have a memory.”  ( He also discovered genes that are important for a plant to determine if it’s in the light or the dark.  Surprisingly, he found that these genes are also part of the human DNA.  He says, “This led me to realize that the genetic difference between plants and animals is not as significant as I had once naively believed.”

Plants are complex and live rich lives thanks to their senses.  For example, plants are rooted in one place so they cannot get up and move somewhere if the environment does not suit them.  Therefore, they had to develop very complex sensory tools that would allow them to survive in a changing environment.  They need to see where their food is, feel the weather, and smell danger.

How can plants smell?  As an example, consider fruit trees.  When fruit starts to ripen, it releases a hormone called ethylene, which is sensed by nearby fruits, causing the fruit of a whole grove of trees to ripen at about the same time.

What about hearing? Plants have not really needed to hear, due to their evolution. In animals, sound is a fast way to communicate back and forth, and to get moving in the face of danger. But because plants can’t move, there has been no need for them to hear sounds. However, some recent research does show that plants responds to certain vibrations (and all sound is vibration).

At a basic level, plants do communicate with one another, in the sense that they respond to cues from other plants and through signals passed from root to root.  (

One author points out that in Africa there is a species of tree that not only reacts to animals eating its leaves, but also sends signals to other trees of the same species whenever a giraffe starts eating its leaves.  It was observed that after a group of giraffes had eaten the leaves for 15 minutes, the leaves would turn sour on the trees within a radius of half a mile.

This same author says there have been many studies proving that gardeners with special connections to their plants tend to produce larger and healthier plants, citing the Findhorn experiment ( as a prime example. As unbelievable as it sounds, at Findhorn vegetables are grown larger than the usual size, in “very inhospitable ground, using the power of love and encouragement.  Talk to anyone who loves gardening, who spends time daily with plants, and you might be surprised to hear what intelligent and well-educated people have to say about the consciousness of plants.” (

This author goes on to say that many indigenous people from all over the world have a special connection with nature and plants. Their traditions encourage respect and communication with nature.  He notes that “There is a consciousness in every living thing.  Plants, animals and humans.  Each consciousness may be different from the other, but we are all plugged into the same mystery of life. The plants are indeed our brothers and sisters, and we have much to learn from one another.” (
