Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading: 6-29-14 through 7-12-14
Blog #20: What Is Synchronicity?
3 OF COINS: During this bi-weekly you will be really involved in your work, a hobby, or a special project where you enjoy what you are doing. You feel like you are fulfilling your heart's desire and accomplishing something worthwhile. Each time you engage in this work you feel as if you are "in the zone", where time does not exist and you are in your own world. Be grateful for these feelings, for they show that you are on your divine path.
THE HANGING MAN: Now is the time to start looking at things differently. For too long you have been keeping yourself enclosed in a box of routine, doing the same things in the same way without really thinking about them or their value. See your life through a different pair of eyes--are there any changes you should make or want to make? Now is the time to see things clearly from a new standpoint and let yourself move forward.
5 OF SWORDS: You have been through some challenging, at times difficult, experiences and are feeling battle-weary. Take heart and give yourself credit for your perseverance. You are still standing, and you are ready to tackle whatever awaits you. You are feeling good about yourself and proud that you have achieved some success even though it was not easy.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: During these next two weeks, enjoy some activity that truly gives you joy as you realize that this is something important to you and revitalizes you. You are doing good work at something that you enjoy, and be grateful for this. You will also be seeing things differently, realizing that the old way of doing things no longer works, and you are feeling restless. See this as a sign to make changes now, even small ones, so you can begin creating the life you truly want. Although things have been hard at times, give yourself credit for your successes by overcoming hurdles, which has made you stronger.
Blog #20: What is Synchronicity?
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When you hear the word synchronicity, what do you think of?
A coincidence? Something that just happens to occur that causes you to think
there is a message there? That there is a reason for everything that happens?
Simply stated, “synchronicities are patterns that repeat in
time”. ( It is true that there are no accidents, and
some believe that synchronicity occurs so that we can pay attention to
something that is going on in our lives.
Synchronicity happens often, but we must be aware to notice it.
Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, was the first to use the
word synchronicity to
“describe what he called the ‘acausal
connecting principle’ that links mind and matter. He said this underlying connectedness
manifests in itself through meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by
cause and effect.” (
He believed there are three types of synchronicity:
(1) Thoughts
or feelings that coincide with an outside event
(2) A dream, vision, or premonition of
something that does indeed happen in the future (a precognition)
(3) A dream or
vision that coincides with an event occurring at a distance
As has been mentioned in previous blogs, quantum physics is
showing that everything in the universe is connected. For example, if two photons that have been
connected are separated, a change in one results in a simultaneous change in
the other, regardless of the distance involved. (The Quantum Entanglement
theory). So it is reasonable to think
that the third type of synchronicity is real.
Another definition of synchronicity is
“the experience of two or
more events as meaningfully related, where they are unlikely to be causally
related. . . .The concept does not question, or compete with, the notion of
causality. Instead, it maintains that
just as events may be connected by a causal line, they may also be connected by
meaning.” (
In other words,
synchronicity is when two events that happen at the same time and are related
in a meaningful way, but it does not mean that one caused the other. They are connected by meaning, not cause.
What are some
examples of synchronicity in our everyday lives?
Ø You
see a certain number, or sequence of the same numbers, occurring in different
places throughout the day (on a digital clock, a street address, on a car’s
license plate).
Ø You
are humming a tune to yourself and then when you turn on your radio, you hear
that very song.
person you have been thinking about calls you, or you see him/her unexpectedly
Ø You
are in a bookstore or a library looking for a book about a certain topic, and
unexpectedly a book falls from the bookshelf to the floor. It turns out to be related to the topic
you were searching for.
Ø You
dream about something happening, or seeing someone, and that day your dream
turns into reality.
To some, it seems like these things happen as if by
magic. Author Carolyn North (Synchronicity: The Anatomy of Coincidence)
says that synchronicity “Gives us a sense of hope, a sense that something
bigger is happening out there than what we can see, which is especially
important in times like this when there are so many reasons for despair.” (
So, the next time you notice something that seems like just
a coincidence initially, stop and think if there is a message in what has
happened. You may be amazed that the
synchronicity that has occurred is like a sign shedding light on something you
have been thinking about or a problem you are trying to solve. If we keep our eyes open and become aware of
all the magic that is around us, our lives can become more meaningful, and
synchronicity plays a role in it.