Sunday, May 18, 2014

 Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  5-18-14 through 6-01-14
Blog #17:  Why Energy Healing Works

9 OF SWORDS: You may be feeling a bit of anxiety and stress, which are caused by fear. To get yourself out of a space of negativity, start thinking of something positive rather than expecting the worst. Sometimes we become our own worst enemies by dwelling on what is wrong, what may or may not happen, and dreading rather than looking forward to what is to come. You have the power to change any fear-based thoughts into positive ones that are rooted in love.

THE WORLD: The next two weeks will lead to joy, contentment, and a sense of fulfillment in some area of your life, so release all that is holding you back and enjoy what the immediate future holds. You have worked hard to get to this point, even if you think you have not done much. Every little step forward that you take is a step in the right direction, so celebrate each success, no matter how large or small.

THE LOVERS: Partnerships and working with others will play a role in the upcoming weeks. Use discernment when making choices, which means to observe without judgment.  Decide on the best course of action for you as objectively as possible and move on.  Support from others will enter the picture, so be cooperative and grateful for any help received.

BI-WEEKLY THEME: Although you may be feeling a bit anxious at the start of the week, you have the ability to change any fear-based thoughts by paying attention to what you are thinking and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Once you do this, you can look forward to a beautiful time where you give yourself a pat on the back for exactly where you are now and what you have accomplished. Look for partnerships to come to the forefront as you realize the value of support from others and are discerning in the choices you make.

Blog #17:  Why Energy Healing Works

Retrieved from

You may have heard of energy healing, or energetic healing, or energy medicine.  One author describes it as “. . .any umbrella term for any therapy that manipulates the energy circuits in our physical or subtle bodies to regain balance and facilitate our body’s innate healing mechanisms.” ( healing.shtml)

The energy field surrounding the body is referred to as the aura or biofield.  Other energetic systems in the body are nadis, chakras, and meridians.  Nadis are energy channels in the subtle body that connect to the chakras, which are energy centers.  Meridians are a network of channels running throughout the entire body through which life energy (chi, qi, or prana) flows. It is believed that illness or dis-ease is caused by disturbances or blockages in these energy fields.

Some different types of therapies to get the energy fields in balance include:
Ø  Reiki
Ø  Reflexology
Ø  Acupuncture
Ø  Acupressure
Ø  Tai chi and QiGong
Ø  Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Ø  Crystal  healing
Ø  Color therapy
Ø  Light and sound therapy
Ø  Aromatherapy and use of essential oils

The author referenced above goes on to say that there are many things that cause our energy fields to get disrupted, such as the following internal factors:
Ø  Trauma
Ø  Phobias
Ø  Anxiety and stress
Ø  Childhood programming
Ø  Limiting beliefs
Ø  Remaining in situations that are not in harmony with our needs

External factors include:

Ø  Environmental toxins and pollutants
Ø  Poor nutrition and diets that include too many unnatural ingredients
Ø  Lack of exercise
Ø  Poor posture

The basis for energy healing
Energy healing is rooted in the fact that everything is energy.  David Cameron says this: (as cited in

“It (energy) is the building block of all matter.  The same energy that composes your flesh is the same one that composes the bricks of your house and the trees outside.  It is all the same. It is constantly at flow, changing form all the time. This is a very simple explanation of a rather complex thing.”
Thus, we can conclude that our bodies are nothing but energy.  They are filled with cells containing energy called mitochondria (“cellular power plants”). These cells are made of molecules, which are made of atoms, which are made of sub-atomic particles.  These sub-atomic particles are pure energy,  as proven by quantum physics. (See Blog #14—"The Power and Science of Belief" for more information on this.) Not only that, but everything affects everything else because all of energy is connected to all other energy (the “Quantum Entanglement Theory”).  There is a sea of energy or an energy field all around us.

Think of it this way, as one author puts it:

“All material things are made of atoms. . .which are 99.99999 percent energy and .00001 percent matter. Think about it—every physical thing in our life is not solid matter but rather fields of energy or frequency patterns of information.  Matter is more ‘no-thing’ (energy) than ‘some-thing’ (particles). Our physical bodies and the body of the physical Universe are as proportionately empty as is all of space.” (

So isn’t it about time we start focusing our attention on the 99.99999 percent of what makes up our physical world?  Actually, our ancestors from the earliest times knew far better than we do about how important energy is. Energy healing was used in ancient times and only recently is starting to come into the forefront in our society, thanks to the discoveries of quantum physics. No longer are the body and mind seen as separate; rather, a more holistic approach is being used as it is realized that the body and mind are connected.

How energy healing works
Everything is made of energy, which is invisible (like air) but yet is the basic building block of our whole reality.  This means that our thoughts and emotions are energy.  The difference in the vibrational frequencies of energy is what gives us the illusion of substance and separation.  For example, when water changes from a gas (steam) to a liquid to a solid (ice), its vibration is just going from a faster rate to a slower one.

These authors explain how energy healing works:

“The energy systems of the body (aura, chakras, nadis and meridians) are connected energetically to our physical organs, glands and bodily systems.  When the energy supplied to these bodily systems is disrupted, the body organs and systems are less able to defend against disease and injury.” ( healing.shtml)

 “Healers attract positive energy from the unified energy field and through their own energy field, transmit that energy to the patient, thus changing the patient’s own energy field. They also clear the blocked energies that prevent free flow of energy in the body, allowing the body to heal itself.”  (Chris Grosso in

Energy healing works simply because we are energy.  In our technology-related and scientific-based society we are led to believe that anything invisible does not exist.  However, as more scientific knowledge is gained, we are beginning to see that our physical world is but a small, small part of our true reality.  Once we understand this, grasp the full impact of this concept and believe it to be true, energy healing can be an extremely effective treatment for imbalances in the mind and the body.



Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  5-4-14 through 5-17-14
Blog #16:  What Is Earthing?

KING OF WANDS: The next two weeks are a period of motivation where you feel energized and ready to get some big things accomplished.  Create a vision of what you want to achieve, focus on your goals, and activate plans on how to reach them. There is a special energy in the air this month, so use the Wands influence to take advantage of a productive time.

7 OF CUPS:  You may be feeling overwhelmed with all you have to do and the decisions to be made. Take it one step at a time and look carefully into each situation. There is no need to rush, but do not procrastinate either. Now is the time to contemplate your next actions and do your homework before moving forward.

THE HERMIT:  A time of reflection, contemplation, and meditation.  We truly have the answers within us if only we will listen to our intuition and inner self.  Spend time alone or take a walk outside to be closer to the Earth, which will lead to a period of self-discovery.

BI-WEEKLY THEME:  A time for showing the self-confidence of the King energy as you bring into your reality what you want to achieve. Let the fire of the Wands ignite a spark of high intensity action as you see your goals coming to fruition. Take each decision in stride, and think carefully about what you want to do before going forward with plans. Use this time as a time for listening to your inner guidance and for connecting more with the Earth.

Blog #16:  What Is Earthing?

You know how good it feels to walk barefoot on the beach, where you feel as if you get a burst of energy with every step you take in the soft sand?  Or have you ever simply walked barefoot in grass and felt more relaxed?  Have you ever wondered why you don’t feel this way normally, when wearing shoes that have rubber or plastic soles?
The reason has to do with something called earthing (or grounding), originally developed by Clint Ober, as described in his book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?.  Earthing is simply grounding your body to the Earth by walking barefoot (or in shoes that have a leather sole).  Although skin is a good conductor of energy, the best part of the body for connecting is the middle of the ball of your foot.

How does earthing work?
During metabolism, the body generates free radicals (“reactive oxygen species”) which are important partly because they attack and destroy unwanted organisms in our bodies, such as bacteria and viruses.  However, too many free radicals are not good, because they are involved in inflammation when they attack healthy cells.

Inflammation is caused by a lack of electrons in our tissues.  Free radicals in our bodies are important molecules that quickly destroy bacteria that get through the skin.  If any cells are damaged, the free radicals break them apart so there is room for healthy cells to enter and repair the tissues.  This is the inflammatory response.
When we are grounded, there is a transfer of free electrons (which are very strong antioxidants) from the Earth into our bodies.  This is very beneficial, because research has shown that chronic inflammation is the cause of many diseases, and antioxidants decrease the levels of inflammation. 

Dr. Mercola has described this process as follows:

“…grounding research has now discovered that if you place your feet on the ground after an injury (or on a grounded sheet, or place grounding patches on the balls of your feet), electrons will migrate into your body and spread throughout tissues.  Any free radicals that leak into the healthy tissue will immediately be electrically neutralized.  This occurs because the electrons are negative, while the free radicals are positive, so they cancel each other out.” (

The theory is that positive electrons (free radicals) can build up in our bodies, so direct contact with the ground balances this out, because it is a negative grounding charge that neutralizes and reduces free radicals.
Our bodies are made of energy, which is why earthing is so important in our society now.  Many of us have a large amount of positive electrons built up in our bodies due to electromagnetic waves in our environment as well as Wi-Fi and mobile/cell phone waves.

It is also believed that aging happens because of the accumulated damage caused by free radicals.  We do not want to get rid of all free radicals, but it is important to have a good balance of antioxidant electrons in our bodies to make sure that any damage from free radicals is not excessive.

Another fairly recent discovery is that earthing thins the blood, which is very important as related to cardiovascular disease (the #1 killer in the world).  Just about every aspect of this disease has been correlated with high blood viscosity (meaning that the blood is too thick).  When we ground to the Earth, our red blood cells have more surface charge, forcing them apart from each other. This causes the blood to get thinner and flow more easily.  It also causes blood pressure to drop.

What are some good places for earthing?
The best location is on a beach and close to or in the water, since sea water is a great conductor. Our bodies are mostly water, so that creates a great connection.   If a beach is not handy, the next best thing is a grassy area, especially in the morning when it is covered with dew.  Unsealed concrete also works. However, asphalt, wood, and insulators like plastic or the rubber soles on shoes do not allow electrons to pass through, so are not suitable for earthing.

Although 20-30 minutes per day of earthing is considered ideal, even just 10 minutes a day is good.
What are some of the benefits of earthing?

The research being conducted shows that earthing can be beneficial for:

Ø  Reducing inflammation

Ø  Reducing chronic pain

Ø  Improving sleep

Ø  Improving energy level

Ø  Reducing stress hormones

Ø  Improving blood pressure and blood flow

Ø  Relieving muscle tension and headaches

Ø  Speeding up healing

Ø  Shortening recovery time from injuries or athletic activities

Ø  Reducing or eliminating snoring

Although there are some skeptics who are waiting for more research to convince them of the value of earthing (see, the research done thus far points to earthing as a viable solution to our disconnection with Earth, which is causing much distress in our world today.

There are many websites that give more information on earthing, as well as products that are helpful (such as shoes with leather soles, grounding bed sheets, and grounding mats).  Leather was the main material used for shoes, sandals, and moccasins going back 14,000 years, and it truly helps us connect with the natural energy that flows from the Earth.
