Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  4-20-14 through 5-3-14
Blog #15:  The Effects of Food Preservatives/Chemicals on Our Spiritual Bodies
THE LOVERS:  The next two weeks will highlight partnerships in which cooperation and compromise are important.  Seek discernment in the choices you make regarding your interactions with others, whether they be in your personal or business life. 
THE TOWER:  A significant life event will occur in some way, so be open to whatever comes your way.  Change is in the air, and if something unexpected happens, just "roll with the punches" and allow it to run its course. There is a reason why this event has occurred, and eventually you will see the good in it.
4 OF CUPS:  You may be feeling a bit of discontent, as if something is just not right.  Do not allow this feeling to cause you to miss opportunities that may be available to you.  Keep your eyes open, and focus on what you want to accomplish.
BI-WEEKLY THEME:  Pay attention to your working relationships and dealings with others, especially partners or those with whom you associate closely.  Make sure that the choices you make related to these partnerships are in your best interests.  A significant change is on the way, and although it may just come "out of the blue", accept it and move on. See what lessons you can learn from it. Be aware of all possibilities that are coming your way over the next two weeks, and let any feelings of unrest or discontent fall by the wayside. Now is the time to take action and get things done.
Blog #15—The Effects of Food Preservatives/Chemicals on Our Spiritual Bodies

Retrieved from:

We have heard how bad food preservatives and other chemicals can be for our bodies physically.  These substances, such as emulsifiers, fillers, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and chemicals that allow foods to last longer than they normally would, also affect our spiritual bodies (as well as our mental and emotional ones).  These substances are damaging because they are not naturally-occurring in our bodies and may result in extremely damaging effects, even in small amounts.

Another thing to be aware of is that foods that are over-processed can have the life boiled, pressured, drained or compressed out of them.  We need to give our bodies foods that are whole, natural, and organic so that our bodies and spirits can receive nourishing life from what we eat.
How exactly does food affect our spirit?  Janice Polansky explains it this way:

“Your body’s desire for food has its roots in your soul’s need for spiritual substance.  Your attitudes and beliefs about yourself and what you eat determine the choices you make in what you eat.  As we grow spiritually, we often see our body as a temple in which our spirit dwells, and we realize our connection with all living things.  We want to be healthier in our thoughts and actions and live in harmonious ways that align us with the spiritual truths and natural laws  and ecology of our body, our planet, and the universe.” (,%20Body%20&%20Spirit.htm)
Eating healthy, natural food helps us better align with nature and thus leads to healing of our bodies and spirits.  We begin to be more aware of our own inner sensitivity to foods that do not help us feel good.  We pay more attention to how we feel after eating certain unnatural foods laden with preservatives and other chemicals.  We make conscious choices that lead to better physical and spiritual health.

For example, a vegetarian diet is all-natural and has wonderful effects.  This concept is explained beautifully as follows:

“Vegetables bring the light and energy they absorb and store through photosynthesis into your body.  Grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds bring into your body the light, energy, and life force that can create a new living plant. … The energy of natural food changes the vibration of your nervous system so that it forces the lower vibration, negative thoughts out of your system. . . . You transform your body into a temple in which your spirit can live with integrity, in harmony with your mind and body.”  (,%20Body%20&%20Spirit.htm)

Way back in 1973, Dr. Benjamin Feingold linked food additives to learning and behavior difficulties in children. Chemicals are truly poisonous to our bodies because they affect the body’s chemical systems, thus leading to food sensitivities.
We all have physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.  Good health is a matter of integrating all of these bodies and recognizing that they are all connected.  We are beginning to understand how emotions affect our physical bodies (for example, negative feelings can lead to negative effects in our bodies).  We are also realizing that mental stress and anxiety can have a damaging effect on our health as well. 
However, as one author has noted:

“Few today write about how we are spirits living a human experience.  As spirits we need to nourish our spirit selves as well as our physical, emotional, and mental/intellectual selves, to be able to maintain a high vibration and excellent health.  A high vibration reflects excellent vibrant health and a low vibration reflects poor health.”  (
Even food preparation is important.  Food that is prepared lovingly adds more nourishing energy that helps food digest easily.  Food we prepare for ourselves and others should be prepared slowly and peacefully, as if we were fixing a meal for an honored guest.  This attitude and intention when preparing the food is like an energetic healthy boost to what is offered.

Foods to avoid:

Ø  Foods containing refined sugar and sweeteners (high fructose and regular corn syrup)

Ø  Packaged foods containing fillers, preservatives, and other chemicals (i.e., the ingredients include things you don’t recognize or can’t even pronounce)

Ø  Diet foods, which often include highly processed, chemically-derived sugar substitutes, and even have added sugars if they are called “reduced fat”

Ø  Fried foods, which contain saturated and trans fats (that have been linked to disease and other health problems)

Ø  Fast foods, which are probably the worst of the lot; they are mass-produced, processed, and filled with preservatives, artificial flavorings, colorings, and other additives.

A note about carrageenan:
Carrageenan is a food additive that comes from a red seaweed, but it has no nutritional value.  In fact, it is an insidious, dangerous substance that can be found lurking in yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, deli meats, soy milk, other milk substitute products, and other processed foods.  Beware! Just because a product is deemed “organic” does not mean that it has no carrageenan, so be sure to read all labels carefully.
Why is carrageenan bad?  As one author says,

“The unique chemical structure of carrageenan triggers an innate immune response in the body, which recognizes it as a dangerous invader.  This immune response leads to inflammation.  For individuals who consume carrageenan on a regular or daily basis, the inflammation will be prolonged and constant, which is a serious health concern since prolonged inflammation is a precursor to more serious disease.  In fact, the medical community  has long recognized that inflammation is associated with more than 100 human diseases.” (


For more information on carrageenan, see:






Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  4-6-14 through 4-19-14
Blog #14:  The Power and Science of Belief
THE EMPEROR:  The next two weeks will be a powerful time where you will feel more organized and use the logical, analytical side of your brain to get results.  Use this time wisely so that you can manifest exactly what you want and progress along your path.
JUDGEMENT:  A time for renewal and evaluation.  Look at where you are and where you want to go.  Decide if it is time to move in a new direction and if so, use your Emperor energy to make this happen.  Nothing can stand in your way if you believe this is so.  You have the ability to do magnificent things.
6 OF CUPS: The past is impacting you in some way.  It is good for us to remember positive memories as long as we do not stay focused in the past. Remember that one of the best ways we can allow ourselves to be happy is to live in the present. It is also good for us to be more playful like a child, not taking things so seriously.
BI-WEEKLY THEME:  Use the power of the Emperor energy to forge ahead, believing in yourself, and expressing self-confidence that you can achieve whatever you want. (See the blog below for enlightening information on the power of beliefs.)  Spend part of the next two weeks looking at your life critically and deciding if you like where you are.  If you wish to move forward or in a different direction, now is the perfect time to begin this part of your journey.  Although you may be looking back into the past, perhaps wishing things could be the way they used to be, remember that the past is gone and it cannot be changed. But you can use the present to set goals for the future and create the reality you desire.
Blog #14:  The Power and Science of Belief

 Retrieved from

A belief is the way we choose to think about and perceive the world.  Having control over our beliefs is one of the most powerful things we can do to make our lives joyful and abundant.
Because this is true, we must understand where our beliefs come from.  Many of them were passed down to us while we were young from our parents, teachers, society, friends, and others who have played a significant role in our lives.  If we take time to think about what beliefs are holding us back, then we write them down and figure out where they came from, we will realize that we can change these beliefs into more positive ones.  The first step is to write what we want to change them to. 

However, few of us look at our beliefs critically; we accept what we have been taught as “the truth”.

So when we believe something, it becomes our truth.  Our beliefs determine the choices we make, and the actions resulting from these choices shape the world around us and therefore our lives.  Our beliefs act like a filter because when facts are presented to us, we either accept them (if they conform to our beliefs) or we ignore them (if they do not agree with our beliefs).

Here is a good summary:

“In a nutshell, the power of belief is key to creating your ideal reality.  You must believe that you already are or have that which you intend in the present moment.  The secret to belief is to take your intentions for granted to the point of indifference, not because you do not care if they materialize or not, but because you know they already have.  (italics added)  When you get into the mindset of being grateful for those things which have already been given to you, including your intentions, you will have learnt the secret to turbo charging the manifestation of your choices from the mental to the physical realm.” ( 2)

Is there a scientific basis for the above statements?  Yes, there is.  It is grounded in quantum physics, which studies, explores, and explains how everything in the physical world comes into existence. It explores the nature of reality beginning at the subatomic (unseen) level.  Quantum physics has shown that everything in our physical world is all energy.  It is a detailed study of the building blocks of the entire universe—the seen and unseen.

The purest form of energy is referred to by physicists as “wave forms of probability that exist within an infinite field of probabilities”. ( Every past, present, and future exists as a wave form.

We all learned in school that everything in the physical world is made of molecules and atoms. Atoms are made of photons, electrons, and neutrons.  Scientists have more recently discovered that these particles can be broken down into even smaller particles called leptons, quarks, and bosons.

There are two kinds of physics:  Newtonian physics, which states that atoms are the fundamental building blocks of nature, and they are solid.  Then Einstein came along and declared that atoms could be broken down further, and that the subatomic particles are pure energy.  He proved that all things broken down into their most basic form is made up of the same “stuff”. This one energy makes up everything that exists in our world and the entire universe.  He believed that this energy was in the form of particles; that is, they appeared to be solid. However, another physicist, Thomas Young, believed that energy exists as a wave form and is not particles at all.

To make things even more confusing, another physicist, Neils Bohr, said that energy could be either waves or particles. Another way of saying this is:

“Anything and everything which exists in the entire cosmos…is merely a vibrating frequency of energy which joins together with energies of the same harmonious frequency to form what we ‘perceive’ to be reality and as a result determines what we experience in the physical world.” ((

As more technically sophisticated equipment was developed, the research showed that this energy (these subatomic particles) did consist of waves which behaved and turned into particles under certain conditions.  

What are these conditions? The energy cannot exist as waves and particles at the same time.  As was eventually shown, energy is waves and when attention is placed on it, all other probabilities collapse (wave forms) and a “particle” (matter) is formed.  The thoughts and perceptions of the scientists doing the experiments determined which it was—waves or particles.

Another way to say this is that the observation (attention) of the scientist doing the experiment converted wave forms of “probability” into “particles” of matter.

“The conclusion then was that this energy, these subatomic particles acted and responded in exact proportion to the ‘thoughts’ and ‘beliefs’ that the scientist who was studying them had at that moment. . . The obvious conclusion…is that YOUR thoughts are also creative….this energy, these initial ‘wave forms’ transmute into subatomic particles which are directly affected and TAKE FORM based on the thoughts and beliefs of the person thinking them.” (

Quantum physics has shown that our thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions of any and every event, condition, or situation in our lives determine how our life experience will manifest (be created) in the physical world.

Put another way,

“Your thoughts, (which are also energy) which are determined by your beliefs, which in turn form your perceptions, are broadcast outward into the infinite field of “wave” energy much like a radio frequency, transformed from waves (spiritual realm) to particles (matter) and join together with additional energies which vibrate at a harmonious frequency and collectively join to shape what you come to see and experience in physical form in the physical world.  YOUR physical world.” (

This is the scientific basis for the Law of Attraction.  If you can think of and believe in the materialization of your biggest hopes, dreams, and desires, they already exist as a wave in the quantum field as a probability of existence, only waiting for you to make them real.
