Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  3-23-14 through 4-6-14
Blog #13:  Intention vs. Expectation

DEATH:  Just as the winter cycle is ending to make way for the newness of spring, the next two weeks will be a time when a part of your old life is dying so that a new cycle can emerge for you. It is a time of transformation, a time when you let go so that new growth can occur.

THE HERMIT: This is a time to either meditate or simply spend time alone, such as taking walks outdoors, so that you can connect with your inner self. It is a time of self-reflection and self-discovery.

10 OF CUPS:  Rewarding and enjoyable times with family and friends are coming your way. You will feel content and will be grateful for the emotionally rewarding times that you experience.

BI-WEEKLY THEME:  The next two weeks will be a time to allow changes that come your way to transform you. It will be a transformative time, so just let things be and accept the changes. You will learn important things that you need to know if you spend time in reflection and contemplation.  Trust your intuition and inner voice as you take time for yourself. Enjoy the wonderful, rewarding times headed your way as you interact with family and friends.  It is a time where you feel comfortable, secure, and happy with loved ones.

BLOG #13:  Intention vs. Expectation
"Infinite Possibilities"
Retrieved from

I am sure you have heard about the importance of intention and how intending something will help you manifest it.   But have you ever stopped to wonder about the difference between setting an intention and having an expectation that something that you want will happen?
This article attempts to help you discover the difference between these two actions so that you will know when you are setting an intention and when you are just expecting something to occur.

Expectation is a belief that something will happen; the main idea is that we expect a certain result or outcome.  However, results may depend on factors that are out of our control, and therein lies the problem.  We cannot expect to have full control over every single thing.  If we are attached to a particular outcome while making an effort to achieve it, we may cause ourselves a certain amount of anxiety and fear of not reaching the outcome that we want.

An alternative is to live with intention.  We can have the intention to achieve and carry out the required efforts to succeed without being worried that the specific result we have in mind may not be achieved.  We do not focus on one specific outcome; we just put it out to the Universe and allow spirit to bring us the result that is in our highest good.
A dictionary definition of intention is “to give consideration, turn to or focus one’s attention, to have a plan, to think, conjecture or propose” (  This author goes on to say: 

“So, if we set our intention toward a goal, aim or purpose, while being detached from the outcome, we can pay full attention to our efforts, to the process or the journey, which can lead to the results/outcome.  When we intend something, and are open to the actual(and possibly different) outcome, there is an opportunity to learn, stay curious and be with a new, perhaps better, outcome.  It will free ourselves from the fear of “losing”; it will allow us to focus on the present and enjoy the process.” (
Deepak Chopra states this concept beautifully:

“An intention is simply a thought impulse which gives structure and direction to creative energy. It arises from a neutral state of awareness.  Expectation is a hope that something will happen.  It comes from an ego state that is identified or attached to the outcome.  Using intention allows you to remain detached from the outcome and therefore the process of manifestation helps our spiritual  growth.” ( and expectation)
Another author states a similar idea:  “When we set expectations around specific outcomes we limit what is possible.  When we set an intention from a deeper place of knowing, we are in touch with an authentic state of being and open to what organically evolves.  From this state of being something outside of our imagination can be created.” (

Expectation creates an attachment between us and what we want or expect.  The attachment then becomes a hindrance or block to achieving what is best for us, so it drives home the point that we must just “let go”!

So, the next time you want to bring something into your life, ask yourself these questions:

Ø  What are my expectations?

Ø  What are my fears if my expectations are not met?

Ø  What expectations do I need to let go of?

Ø  What is my intention?

Ø  Am I ready to just let go and allow the universe/spirit to bring me whatever is best for me at this time, in whatever way that is right for me?
Then, set an intention, such as:  “I intend today to be a wonderful day where everything that happens is for my highest and best good.”



Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  3-9-14 through 3-22-14
Blog #12:  The Powerful, Amazing Ho'oponopono Prayer

6 OF WANDS:  This is a wonderful time when good news is coming.  You have worked hard and deserve success and recognition, so take time to thank yourself for your efforts.  Be grateful for all that you have, and this will help the flow of abundance continue.

8 OF WANDS:  Things are moving ahead beautifully.  Expect good things to come; delays are over.  Set an intention that progress is being made and that you will see results.  The fire energy of the Wands is burning away whatever is not serving you to make way for your goals to manifest.

10 OF COINS: A period of abundance and financial security is headed your way. Enjoy what you have in your life and show gratitude for all that is bringing you satisfaction and fulfillment.

BI-WEEKLY THEME: A magical time when your hard work is paying off, and rewards are headed your way. Any stagnation you have experienced is melting away as the fire energy moves things forward at a rapid pace.  The end result is a time of abundance and fulfillment, so be sure to be thankful for the richness of your life during the next two weeks.

BLOG #12:  The Powerful, Amazing Ho’oponopono Prayer

retrieved from

Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice that was a type of family therapy characterized by reconciliation and forgiveness.  It has been defined as a way for relationships to be set right. It is a healing process that corrects, restores, and maintains good family relationships among family members and their gods or God by getting to the root causes of problems.  It is a clearing and forgiving process that can free is from past regrets, problems with people, and negativity within ourselves.

An important part of ho’oponopono is to ask: What is it in me that is causing this event to take place, this person to behave this way, this sickness to manifest, etc.? Blaming others practically guarantees that the problem will happen again. Every problem can be seen as a blessing and an opportunity to constantly “clean” our energy to make way for divine energy to guide and inspire us.

All that happens in our lives is not our fault, but it is our responsibility, which means we must accept it, own it, and love it.

This all makes sense if we remember that we create our own reality. This means that whatever we experience, whatever we see, feel, and perceive with our senses is coming from within us.  We have no one to blame but ourselves if negative things happen to us.  So what is the solution to this? What can we do about it, especially if we believe that we are responsible only for what we ourselves do, not what anyone else does?

As mentioned in a website article on Joe Vitale’s book Zero Limits, “The basics of ho’oponopono is that we take 100% responsibility for whatever comes into our experience, whether it is something we ourselves are doing or it is a problem with a loved one, if someone confides in us about a problem, or even if we hear something on the news. Anything that evokes negative emotion which includes doubt, fear, guilt, etc.” (

Although Ho’oponopono is very deep with many levels, a short version is to picture the person, event, problem, or situation you are out of alignment with and repeat this very simple prayer:

 “I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

When you say “I love you”, the energy is transmuted from stuck to flowing. It reconnects you to the Divine/God/Source.

By saying “I’m sorry” and “Please forgive me”, you are telling the Divine that you want forgiveness inside yourself for whatever brought the negativity to you.  You are not asking God/the Divine to forgive you; you are asking the Divine to help you forgive yourself.

When you say “Thank you”, you are expressing gratitude and showing faith that the issue will be resolved for the highest good of all concerned.

Say these four sentences as often as possible, especially when you are feeling negatively towards anything or anyone.  If you hear or see anything that evokes negative feelings, say the prayer.

An amazing example of the power of this prayer

The power of this prayer came to the forefront through a therapist in Hawaii named Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.   Unbelievable as it sounds, he cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients at the Hawaii State Hospital without even seeing them.  It was such a dangerous place that there was high employee turnover, and psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The patients were so violent they were often shackled, none could leave, and they were denied visits with family.  During the four years that he was there, he studied the inmates’ charts and looked within himself to see how he was part of creating that person’s illness.  As he improved himself, the patients improved.

Dr. Len never saw the patients.  He agreed to have an office on-site and review their files. While he read the files, he would work on himself.  As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.  Eventually, patients were being allowed to walk freely without shackles, those who were heavily medicated were getting off of their medications, and those who never had a chance of being released were being freed. In addition, the staff absenteeism and turnover disappeared.

So what was Dr. Len doing within himself that caused these people to change?

He said that he was merely healing the part of himself that brought them into his life.  He explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life—simply because it is in your life—is your responsibility.  In a truly literal sense, the entire world is our own creation.

This is very hard to understand. Being responsible for what we say or do is one thing. But being responsible for what everyone in our lives says or does is quite different. Yet the truth is this:  If we take complete responsibility for our lives, then everything we see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is our responsibility because it is in our lives.

So, anything that we don’t like—the government, the economy, the big corporations, politicians—is our responsibility to heal. The problem isn’t with them, it is with us—and to change these things, we have to change ourselves.  This is tough to accept, because blame is far easier than total responsibility. But healing for Dr. Len and in ho’oponopono means loving yourself.  If we want to improve our lives, we have to heal our lives. It we want to cure anyone, we do it by healing ourselves.

How did Dr. Len heal himself? What was he doing when he read those patients’ files? He just kept saying over and over again, “I’m sorry” and “I love you.”

It turns out that loving ourselves is the greatest way to improve ourselves, and as we improve ourselves, we improve our world.  So the next time something negative happens to you, try this: Keep saying to yourself silently or aloud, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” You are simply asking the spirit of love to heal within you what was creating the outer circumstance that was negative.

Whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there’s only one place to look:  inside you.  And when you look, do it with love.  Dr. Len’s message is that we are all responsible for everything we see in our world. By taking full personal responsibility and healing the wounded places without ourselves, we can heal ourselves and the world.

The four-stage process for ho’oponopono work is as follows:  Whenever a place for healing presents itself in your life, open to the place where the hurt is within you, and with as much feeling as you can, say:

Ø  I love you.

Ø  I’m sorry.

Ø  Please forgive me.

Ø  Thank you.
