Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading: 3-23-14 through 4-6-14
Blog #13: Intention vs. Expectation
DEATH: Just as the winter cycle is ending to make way for the newness of spring, the next two weeks will be a time when a part of your old life is dying so that a new cycle can emerge for you. It is a time of transformation, a time when you let go so that new growth can occur.
THE HERMIT: This is a time to either meditate or simply spend time alone, such as taking walks outdoors, so that you can connect with your inner self. It is a time of self-reflection and self-discovery.
10 OF CUPS: Rewarding and enjoyable times with family and friends are coming your way. You will feel content and will be grateful for the emotionally rewarding times that you experience.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: The next two weeks will be a time to allow changes that come your way to transform you. It will be a transformative time, so just let things be and accept the changes. You will learn important things that you need to know if you spend time in reflection and contemplation. Trust your intuition and inner voice as you take time for yourself. Enjoy the wonderful, rewarding times headed your way as you interact with family and friends. It is a time where you feel comfortable, secure, and happy with loved ones.
BLOG #13: Intention vs.
"Infinite Possibilities"
Retrieved from
I am sure you have heard about the importance of intention
and how intending something will help you manifest it. But have you ever stopped to wonder about
the difference between setting an intention and having an expectation
that something that you want will happen?
This article attempts to help you discover the difference
between these two actions so that you will know when you are setting an
intention and when you are just expecting something to occur.Expectation is a belief that something will happen; the main idea is that we expect a certain result or outcome. However, results may depend on factors that are out of our control, and therein lies the problem. We cannot expect to have full control over every single thing. If we are attached to a particular outcome while making an effort to achieve it, we may cause ourselves a certain amount of anxiety and fear of not reaching the outcome that we want.
An alternative is to live with intention. We can have the intention to achieve and
carry out the required efforts to succeed without being worried that the
specific result we have in mind may not be achieved. We do
not focus on one specific outcome; we just put it out to the Universe and allow
spirit to bring us the result that is in our highest good.
A dictionary definition of intention is “to give
consideration, turn to or focus one’s attention, to have a plan, to think,
conjecture or propose” ( This author goes on to say:
“So, if we set our intention toward
a goal, aim or purpose, while being detached from the outcome, we can pay full
attention to our efforts, to the process or the journey, which can lead to the
results/outcome. When we intend
something, and are open to the actual(and possibly different) outcome, there is
an opportunity to learn, stay curious and be with a new, perhaps better,
outcome. It will free ourselves from the
fear of “losing”; it will allow us to focus on the present and enjoy the
process.” (
Deepak Chopra states this concept beautifully:
“An intention is simply a thought
impulse which gives structure and direction to creative energy. It arises from
a neutral state of awareness.
Expectation is a hope that something will happen. It comes from an ego state that is identified
or attached to the outcome. Using
intention allows you to remain detached from the outcome and therefore the
process of manifestation helps our spiritual growth.” (
and expectation)
Another author states a similar idea: “When we set expectations around specific
outcomes we limit what is possible. When
we set an intention from a deeper place of knowing, we are in touch with an
authentic state of being and open to what organically evolves. From this state of being something outside of
our imagination can be created.” ( creates an attachment between us and what we want or expect. The attachment then becomes a hindrance or block to achieving what is best for us, so it drives home the point that we must just “let go”!
So, the next time you want to bring something into your life, ask yourself these questions:
What are my expectations?
What are my fears
if my expectations are not met?
What expectations do I need to let go of?
What is my intention?
Am I ready to just let go and allow the
universe/spirit to bring me whatever is best for me at this time, in whatever
way that is right for me?
Then, set an intention, such as: “I intend today to be a wonderful day where
everything that happens is for my highest and best good.”