Sunday, November 3, 2013

BLOG #3:  Universal Laws 1 & 2

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Universal Law 1:  The Law of Oneness

The Law of Oneness states that we are all one; we are all connected.  This means that our every thought, word, and action affects others.  The ramifications of this Law are tremendous, and if everyone truly understood its truth, there would be no hate, no violence, no negativity directed towards others—there would be only unconditional love.

How does this Law work?

We are all energy, and we all originated form Source, or All That Is.  Because of this fact, we cannot ever disconnect from Source, whether or not we realize that we are all connected.  This means we do not have to meditate or “tune in” to this connectedness; it just is.  We are brought up with the belief that we are separate beings, operating within our own little world.  We are not taught that whatever we do or say has an impact on others.  We are led to believe that we live only within our own “cocoon” of separateness and thus it is ok to hurt or harm others because we are doing this to the other person, not ourselves.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is important to understand the difference between disconnecting from negative energy versus transmuting it to positive energy.  Energy cannot be crated or destroyed; it just is.  And since we are all the same Oneness energy, we cannot disconnect from any form of energy, because it would be as if we are disengaging from ourselves.  Therefore, it is better to say that we are changing or transmuting the negative energy to positive.

We as humans may not fully understand this concept of Oneness because we are dealing with many years of conditioning to believe this is not so.  It is a brand-new concept for many of us and goes totally against a core belief, which is that we are separate and apart from not just other people but our whole external world.  These layers of belief are so ingrained in us that we look for evidence of separateness rather than connectedness, and it becomes easy to justify it to ourselves.

So what do we do to accept and ultimately believe this very important Law?  We can meditate and ask our guides or Higher Self to help us reach this place of Oneness, which will be a place of feeling that it is nothing, but at the same time it is a place of everything.  It may seem like a paradox.  It is not a feeling of understanding all the mysteries of the Universe, or a feeling of all-knowingness, or a feeling of complete bliss and euphoria.  It is simply accepting this truth and living our lives in accordance with it.

Another way to look at this is that the concept of Oneness is the same as the idea that all is mind, all is consciousness, because all is composed of the same material at the subatomic level, i.e., energy.  Some sources refer to the Law of Oneness as the Law of Mentalism, or the Law of Mind, which states that the Universe itself is mind or consciousness (i.e., energy).

Universal Law 2: The Law of Energy or Vibration

We have already learned that everything is energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed.  Now we will focus on the constant movement of energy.  All things—all energy—moves and vibrates in a circular motion.  Every single thing, including thoughts, has its own unique vibration operating at a certain frequency.  Frequency is the number of movements or waves per unit of time. For example, the difference between matter and energy is simply the rate of vibration.  Solids vibrate at a slow frequency, while energy vibrates faster.  We cannot see energy because it vibrates so fast that it is invisible to our five senses.  In a similar manner, we cannot see infrared light because its frequency is so high it is beyond our perception.

Why is the Law of Energy or Vibration important to us?

We have the ability to create/think positive or negative thoughts.  Positive thoughts and optimism have a higher vibration/faster frequency than negatives ones and pessimism.  We are constantly sending out energy to those around us; thus, we are affecting them even if we do not know we are doing this. Also, as we will learn in more detail with the Law of Attraction, the energy we send out is returned to us and can affect us positively or negatively, according to what we give out.

We can choose to change our energy to a higher vibration.  It is all about monitoring our thoughts and getting out of a negative space once we realize we are being pessimistic.  If you control your thoughts and their vibration, you can control what happens to you in this three-dimensional physical world.

Science has shown that every physical thing vibrates, going all the way down to the subatomic level.  What science does not tell us is that non-physical things, such as thoughts, feelings, and desires, also have their own unique vibration.  And this is what is so important for us to know.  By understanding that our thoughts are things that not only move constantly but also have the power to attract other thoughts vibrating at the same frequency, we are able to direct our thoughts at all times to ensure they are vibrating at a high frequency, i.e., that they are positive.

Another truth not commonly known is that higher vibrations transmute (change) lower vibrations.  This is because of the power inherent in vibration.  So this means that once you recognize a negative, lower vibrational thought, you can think a more positive thought that will actually “consume” and change the negative one.

In the next blog we will learn more about the Law of Action and the Law of Correspondence.


Angelheart, Anne E. (2011).  Twelve Universal Laws.  Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press.

Milanovich, Dr. Norma & McCune, Dr. Shirley.  (1996). The Light Shall Set You Free. 

Albuquerque, NM: Athena Publishing.




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