Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading:  11-17-13 through 12-1-13

TEMPERANCE:  Stay in a positive frame of mind by setting an intention that the next two weeks will be balanced and that things will happen for your highest and best good. Be patient as you allow the good to flow to you.

THE SUN:  Enjoy success and abundance as you feel joyful and grateful for all that you have.  Let the brightness and light of the sun fill you with positive energy during this time so you can experience growth and a sense of well-being.

QUEEN OF SWORDS: Feel the power and confidence of the Queen as you seek and find exactly what you are looking for. You have an ability to get to the heart of an issue and discover the truth.

BI-WEEKLY TREND: Stay in balance, seek the truth, and focus on what you want while allowing success and rewards to come your way.  Look forward to good things happening, and remember that you can accomplish whatever you choose. We create our own reality.

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