Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bi-Weekly Tarot Reading  6-15-14 through 6-28-14
Blog #19:  Why Is Sound So Important to Our Health?

KNIGHT OF WANDS:  Now is the time to get yourself moving so that you can get some things accomplished. The Wands energy is assisting you by making you feel motivated and self-assured, while the Knight energy is contributing to a sense of restlessness.  Take advantage of this energy during these next two weeks.
QUEEN OF WANDS:  You are determined to not let anything stand in your way, and you are feeling quite self-confident.  You know what you want and you are going after it. You are not going to put up with anything that is irrelevant, unnecessary, and creating a block to your movement forward.
DEATH:  A time of change and transformation is upon you, so rather than fear it, embrace it and allow the changes to happen. Some old part of your life is going by the wayside to make way for a new way of doing things, thinking, and feeling. Allow this part of your life to die, for it is time.
BI-WEEKLY THEME: A period where the Wands energy dominates and assists you in moving forward, especially if you have felt stagnant and in a rut. With increased self-confidence and self-assurance, you are in a good frame of mind to move full-steam ahead. Take advantage of this energy, for it bodes well for you. You will continue to experience change, but it is all for the good, so welcome it. This could be a transformational time if you allow it to be so.
Blog #19:  Why Is Sound So Important to Our Health?

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In an earlier blog, we discussed one of the Universal Laws called the Law of Vibration (see Blog #3).  It states that everything has a vibration, from sub-atomic particles to the planets and suns in the whole universe.  Sound is also a vibration, including our thoughts.

We have also learned through Blog #17 that everything is energy, so the cells in our bodies are just vibrating energy.  Therefore, we can be strongly affected by vibrational energy, whether it is positive or negative.  This includes all the sounds that we are exposed to every day.

We each have our own vibration, and vibrate at our own rate.  Our vibration changes in intensity, depending on what our experiences are.  Vibration is so important because when our bodies deviate from their normal vibration, diseases and illnesses can occur.

Human-created noise pollution is harmful to our health and can result in a wide array of health problems.  Noise affects our productivity and concentration, triggers the stress response in our bodies (releasing high levels of stress hormones), affects hearing and sleep, and can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

Conversely, research and science are showing that sound and light can affect and activate the body’s own healing process.  Since every living thing has its own individual frequency (vibration), the body can be subjected to electrical currents that target specific diseases and other ailments.  Sound and vibration play a major role in our lives by affecting not only our physical bodies but also our mental, emotional, and spiritual ones.

The study of visible sound and vibration is called cymatics.  A researcher in this field, Hans Jenny (1904-1972), claimed that physical healing could be enhanced by vibrational tones.  His ideas have been confirmed scientifically, and now researchers and sound therapists use specific healing frequencies to align and balance the body, leading to better health.

As strange as it seems, there is really no “matter” in the universe.  Einstein’s theory of relativity states that mass (matter) is energy, and we now know that everything is pure energy.  Many new healing modalities are being recognized and explored because of this concept.   As one author states:

“The new physics reveals that everything is moving and has a frequency.  As technology has evolved to make the world of sound visible, more scientists are forced to change their viewpoint about the vibrational nature of human beings.  And many of them are beginning to realize that sound is the source of physical life.” (

Another author says that:

“Everything in the universe is vibrating at its own natural frequency.  We are vibrational beings and when we’re healthy, all of our cells, tissues and organs are vibrating in harmony or resonance.  Illness results when a part of the body begins to vibrate at a different frequency, out of tune with the rest.  Through the intentional use of sound and vibration, a more harmonious and optimal state of resonance can be achieved.” (

Some healing modalities related to sound that are coming to the forefront include:

Ø  Music at a specific vibrational frequency

Ø  Singing bowls

Ø  Gongs

Ø  Drumming

Ø  The human voice (singing)

Ø  Special sound and vibration equipment that has been developed to heal the body, such as the Rife frequency healing machine

So, if you never realized that sound is important for your health, you may want to explore some of these alternative healing methods that science is showing can be very effective by keeping your body at its normal and natural vibrational frequency.



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