Sunday, December 15, 2013

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Universal Law 7:  The Law of Attraction
This is perhaps the most widely-known Law and for that reason it may be the most misunderstood in how to apply it properly.  It states that like attracts like, so the energy/vibration we put out to the world brings back to us what is reflected in our energy.  It shows how we create pretty much all that happens to us, which means that we alone are responsible for our lives and what we experience.

It does not matter if we believe in the Law of Attraction or not; it exists simply because it is, just as is the case with all the other Laws.  This Law operates by taking into account not just our thoughts (i.e., If I believe something, then I can manifest it), but also our feelings, words, and actions, which all have their own individual frequencies. So, it is the combination of these that causes us to manifest our reality. 

A main reason why some do not believe the Law of Attraction works is because they do not realize that the Law also works with unconscious thoughts as well as conscious ones.  That is why it is so important to monitor your thoughts, especially when working to attract a specific thing or event into your life.
If we want the Law to work for us, we need to remember the following:
      (1)    Know what you want (not what you don’t want).
      (2)    Ask the Universe, God, Source (whatever you call divine power) for what you want.
      (3)    Keep your thoughts focused on what you want.  (Energy goes where attention flows, so
              we get what we think about.)
       (4)  Act as if you already have manifested what you are asking for by feeling the emotion
              you would experience when you actually have it.
       (5)  Do not worry about how you are going to receive what you've asked for.  Just be open
              to receiving it and believe that you deserve it.  You may be pleasantly surprised at how
              it comes to you.
So why do we not always get what we want when we have used the Law of Attraction?
There are various reasons for why this happens.  If you unconsciously believe that you are not worthy of what you have asked for, then you are bringing a sense of lack into your life rather than abundance.  You need to get in touch with any thoughts or feelings that are preventing the Law from working, and then work to change them.  Also, your actions need to mirror your thoughts.  If you say to yourself, “I am financially successful” and then turn right around and deny yourself a pleasure such as going out with friends because you don’t think you have enough money, you are putting a roadblock right in front of yourself.

Another reason for the Law of Attraction not working is due to fear. For example, if we say that we want to attract financial abundance, but deep down inside we are afraid that we would be unable to handle such abundance or that it would cause major changes in our lives, then we are putting up another block to getting what we want.

A third reason for the Law not working is if we do not follow all the steps given above.  The one that many people seem to forget or don’t realize its importance is feeling how you would feel when you have what you are asking for.  Really feel the joy, happiness, fulfillment, relief, self-confidence, or any other positive emotion that you would feel in such a situation.  Don’t just say, “I feel happy” but really get into the emotion at a visceral level.  You can even tell yourself out loud,  “I am so happy and grateful that _________ has happened (or that I have received _________).
A good way to find out if you are consciously creating your reality is to ask yourself how your life is going at present. Are you constantly experiencing difficulties or challenges?  Are there many negative people in your life?  If so, then there is a good possibility that you are unconsciously attracting these into your life through thoughts you may not even be aware of. Monitor how you are thinking and change any negative thinking.

Ascended Master El Morya says about the Law of Attraction:  “This is the law that serves to frustrate many souls on the spiritual path, for it mirrors to them that what is hidden within.” (Milanovich & McCune, p. 206).  In other words, it exposes our thoughts, whether conscious or unconscious. Our thoughts and feelings dictate our vibration, or frequency, level.  We send out our energy signals that draw to us things and events that are vibrating at that same frequency.  (This was discussed in an earlier blog on The Law of Vibration.)

Universal Law 8:  The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
As we have learned from previous blogs, everything is energy.  “Transmutation” means to change from one form into another, and that is exactly what is constantly happening with energy.

This Law states that energy is in a constant state of motion—it never stops vibrating. Therefore, this means that energy is always going back and forth between the physical and non-physical worlds.  Think about this for a minute, because it has huge implications for the truths contained in the Laws we have previously discussed.  Since energy is continually flowing into our consciousness, we have the power to change it into anything we want on the physical plane.  This is why monitoring our thoughts is so important.  If we want this Law to work to our advantage, then we need to have only positive thoughts at a high vibration so they can be reflected and manifested in our material world.
Another important concept to mention here is that at present there is a huge amount of energy pouring onto the Earth through solar flares and other energy sources.  Because of this, we are able to manifest much more quickly than ever before.  Any negative thoughts we have must be recognized and immediately changed to a higher vibration before they have time to become part of our reality.

Why is it important for us to understand this Law?
This Law has extremely important consequences for us today, because it speaks about a truth we are all experiencing more forcefully:  Change is all there is.  Therefore, we must not resist the changes coming into our lives because if we do, we are going against this Law, and this will be reflected in another way, such as a more drastic change or a different one that becomes more of a challenge for us.

Remember that change is normal.  Have you ever heard the expression “The only constant is change”? It may seem contradictory at first, but this Law makes it crystal clear that change is inevitable, and it does not good to fight against it or act like change does not exist or will just go away.
To resist change is to resist growth, learning, and our own personal development.  Think back to the times when you had to go through changes.  Did you come out of it learning an important lesson? If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that in the long run it was indeed worth it, although at the time it may have been anything but beneficial.

Energy in the non-physical world follows this Law too.  Energy takes one form (e.g., our thoughts) and transforms it into another form (e.g., our reality in the physical world).  Everything we can perceive with our five senses and everything that we cannot perceive is constantly changing. We change the formless energy of thoughts into whatever we are focusing our attention on at the moment.  Basically, we are forming and shaping the energy with our minds through our thoughts.
Scientists in a lab looking through a microscope see this Law physically on a regular basis.  If you were to put any physical material item under a high-powered microscope, you will see the molecules moving and taking different shapes and forms.

Nature is another good teacher of this Law, because everything in nature is in the process of either growing or dying.  This is a valuable analogy for us.  If we refuse to accept change and prefer to stand still, then that will result in some part of us not growing, which is a form of dying.
By understanding this Law, it is easier for us to understand how and why the Law of Attraction works.  If we choose thoughts of abundance, this energy will move into the physical plane and manifest as prosperity.  Also remember the importance of emotions as the spark that triggers the Law of Attraction.  We shape energy not just by our thoughts but by feeling what we want to manifest.

In the next blog, to be posted on 12/29/13, we will focus on Laws 9 and 10—The Law of Relativity and The Law of Polarity.

Angelheart, Anne E. (2011).  Twelve Universal Laws.  Bloomington, IN: Balboa Press.
Milanovich, Dr. Norma & McCune, Dr. Shirley.  (1996). The Light Shall Set You Free. 
Albuquerque, NM: Athena Publishing.

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